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The Trump Bomber

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St. Phatty

Active member
Honestly I wouldnt want my worms to eat him either. Can you imagine smoking some weed and all of a sudden your an idiot narcissist with bad hair.


Expel him from office

Strip away his Praetorian guard

Let the Crabs eat him.

That would keep him out of the Cannabis food chain for a few years.


It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.
Awwww...so cute

Midnight Tokar

It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.
Thanks Obama!!!!


Well-known member
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.

Meh.. What the dipshit doing that is good for my planet? I dont need an economy. I need clean air, water and food.


Well-known member
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.

Their temper tantrum (they lost and didn't get their way) is amplified by the hatred that consumes them. They can't understand how it happened. It is similar to when a society or cultures loses their totems and beliefs are exposed as false. They break down and become alcohol or drug addicted and fail to thrive. Obama failed and Clinton lost. The ghost shirt (obamacare) didn't protect them from a bullet and the white buffalo (Hillary) died. They are lost.


Well-known member
Obama passed it in 74 days.
Harvard Medical says it saves 25,000 lives a year.

The dissembler gave up the pretense he can deliver
anything even similar, let alone better.

Ghost shirt makes a fine description for many insurance plans.
Thanks, you can bet I shall make liberal use of it..
Have fun with the blanket inoculation fantasies.


Active member
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.

Low unemployment doesn't mean shit if everyone has to hold 2-3 low wage jobs to survive. A 'strong economy' doesn't mean shit if all of the profits are going to the top 0.001%.

St. Phatty

Active member
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade

Actually, the economy has shrunk under Trump - as it did under Obama.

Using higher prices to achieve pretend economic growth does fool a lot of people.

When prices rise more than GNP/GDP, less stuff is being bought.

What's obvious for a person on a salary (if prices rise 10% and your salary rises 4%, you are not further ahead), gets lost in the MSM.


Well-known member
I agree St Phatty. Obama also changed the way they calculated the unemployment rate and Trump still uses the same equation. They don't count people who have been unemployed for over a certain time and also don't include people who are not looking for a job or gave up looking for a job.

Even if Trump isn't making a difference (not saying that is true) it wasn't better under Obama and his predecessors so something different has to be tried. If the tarrifs work and what ever other ideas Trump might have then we could see an actual improvement in people getting decent jobs if they want one. I person should not have to go to college just to find a job. A good factory job, warehouse job or retail job should be easy to find. We need to start making and selling our widgets again.


Active member
i dont really see anything out of the ordinary there. lots of democrats voted for trump, lots of republicans hate trump. the idea that his van would get wrecked because he supports trump doesnt land with me to be honest.

look at all the propagandists and useful idiots posting there;

- Does not change the fact that the Democrats are the party of hate and violence. Every day.

- From some one on the outside looking in......I would definitely vote Red in the Mid-terms!

- Violence is the left wing form of expression, not right wing.

- All forms of terrorism and violence are left wing. Right wing values are non-violent. Right wing values have no need to use force because they're superior values in every way. Right wing values wait for left wing values to destroy themselves then right wing values get on with their lives.

- Left wing values lie and say thy're right wing values when they're not. Left wing values hate right wing values and want to destroy right wing values. Left wing values want to tarnish the image of right wing values. Timothy McVeigh was left wing. Right wing values are non-violent.

- Violence and terrorism are left wing forms of expression, not right wing.

- All in time just before the mid-terms. This has democrats written all over it. Bet you they find and charge some southerner with one chromosome to setup as a 'republican'.

- "Suspected" equals guilty to liberals if they can try to blame a conservative. This all smacks of a setup by liberals & the dnc propaganda wing the "Fake News Media". Nothing will be settled before the election, we are still trying to get facts on Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shootings that targeted country fans.

- This is just a Democrat hate campaign to try and do the Republicans harm . But it will not work . Long live Sir D Trump

- The loony liberals are bombing themselves to give the Republicans bad press . BUT WE CAN SEE THROUGH THAT. LONG LIVE Sir D Trump

- The Democrat socialists are no longer content to spread "Fake News"...now they are mailing themselves "Fake Bombs". Notice how Clapper told his neighbors to watch for suspicious packages while collecting is mail for them BEFORE he left on vacation? Oh ho, the DNC (probably Debbie) mailed all party members a list of names to receive the bogus bombs so they could ALL not be home at the time of delivery. Boy, are they desperate.

Your batshit crazy. Extremists are in EVERY camp. Giving them a voice makes them think they're sane and they come out to rabble rouse. Like you are with your statements on extremist ideology that have no basis in reality.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
They go to college to not find jobs nowadays.

Absolutely agree with the notion we could rebuild industry.

We just have to stop making concessions about quality for cost.

The problem with CEOs and shareholders is they want bigger dividends.

Cheap Chinese labor is attractively lucrative.

I love the idea of bringing it back.... but the problem lies in tightass decision makers having already made their decision.

St. Phatty

Active member
Your batshit crazy. Extremists are in EVERY camp.

I'm fond of Bat Shit, that's true. Especially when High P bat guano is on sale !!! :woohoo:

As shown in the movie John Q, everyone is a potential extremist.

In the movie, his son needs medical treatment, and he has to commandeer a hospital at gun-point to get it.

So the MSM would probably portray him as an "extremist", because they REALLY don't want to admit that he might have a legitimate grudge.

In real life, the only extremists & white supremacists I've met are Jewish people who really bought into the "chosen people" BS, and who really think it's OK to massacre 2 million people living in a concentration camp.


Well-known member
It’s funny listening to a phone booth full of haters complaining about the President who happens to have one of the strongest economies in a decade, lowest unemployment rate pretty much ever and has put Europe on notice we are the first priority to us and we’re not paying for nato alone. I hope hillary runs in 2020.



Active member
I'm fond of Bat Shit, that's true. Especially when High P bat guano is on sale !!! :woohoo:

As shown in the movie John Q, everyone is a potential extremist.

In the movie, his son needs medical treatment, and he has to commandeer a hospital at gun-point to get it.

So the MSM would probably portray him as an "extremist", because they REALLY don't want to admit that he might have a legitimate grudge.

In real life, the only extremists & white supremacists I've met are Jewish people who really bought into the "chosen people" BS, and who really think it's OK to massacre 2 million people living in a concentration camp.

Wish I didn't say anything. Now some more anti Semitic Bull has been spewed using my words as a platform. Screw you. We're ALL just people. I'm out of this one. Waste. Of. Time.
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