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The Trump Bomber

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ICMag Donor
I went to a Wendys in South Florida with a buddy and ordered a plain chicken sandwich.
We were the only ones in the restaurant and there was no one in the drive through.
I saw the girl making the sandwich and she was squirting mayo sauce all over it.
I said hey hey, I wanted it plain.
She looked at me and said "It's no use".
I told her again - the sandwich plain.
She looked at me again and said " It's no use'.
I looked at my buddy and said "Is no use."
My buddy is in stitches..
She takes the sandwich in back and comes back and makes my plain sandwich.
I figured it out and looked at my buddy. Is no use = It's not yours in bad english.
My buddy, a former army ranger, was in tears.
From then on when we ran into these type of situations - Is No Use.

This is one of those situations. Is No Use.

true story

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
God forbid we dip into our "defense" budget.

It's much more important to kill people abroad than to save lives here.

I suppose I can find better values in almost any other civilized country.


Active member
God forbid we dip into our "defense" budget.

It's much more important to kill people abroad than to save lives here.

I suppose I can find better values in almost any other civilized country.

Our military budget is 860 billion this year. About 25% of the projected annual cost of Medicare for all. I am fine with cutting the military, but it's a drop in the bucket.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't think the answer is that simple.

There's all types of red tape and bureaucratic bullshit that could be shaved down...

Pharmaceutical companys could also be reeled in.

There's tons of funds that are frittered away doing nothing but landing in pockets of nonessential agents.

You would find trimming the cost could save you on the total.


Active member
I don't think the answer is that simple.

There's all types of red tape and bureaucratic bullshit that could be shaved down...

Pharmaceutical companys could also be reeled in.

There's tons of funds that are frittered away doing nothing but landing in pockets of nonessential agents.

You would find trimming the cost could save you on the total.

The government is totally known for cutting red tape and bureaucracy. Lol. Nonessential agents hum that would be? Government employees?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The government is totally known for cutting red tape and bureaucracy. Lol. Nonessential agents hum that would be? Government employees?

This, from a group of people that you would really expect to have acquired a very pragmatic view of the US government based upon 80-some-odd years of it's enlightened cannabis policy and enforcement. Maybe if we all wish REAL hard...

"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind"

Obviously smoking better shit than I am...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You act as if the government doesn't get anything right but defend the hell out of the current administration.

Obstinate and hypocritical.... lovely.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
You act as if the government doesn't get anything right but defend the hell out of the current administration.

Obstinate and hypocritical.... lovely.

The current administration is the only one in my lifetime that is actually making an effort to shrink the government AND make it more efficient, yet you continue to long for the days of yore.

Obstinate and hypocritical, indeed.


Active member
You act as if the government doesn't get anything right but defend the hell out of the current administration.

Obstinate and hypocritical.... lovely.

Government is a necessary evil. That's why the government that governs least, governs best. The current administration is the first administration in decades that has done ANYTHING to decrease the size of government.

I find it interesting that you want the same administration you call Nazi, And White Supremacist, to be in charge of something as important as healthcare.

I suppose you also want Trump Administration to take your guns and censor your speech, hate speech and the like.

White Beard

Active member
The total Federal budget is $3.8 trillion dollars per year. The study used by Bernie to support his medicare-for-all notion (the lowest cost projection that has been made) estimates the cost over 10 years to be $32.6 trillion, or $3.26 trillion/year.

Doubling the entire existing tax structure doesn't cover the tab.
Too bad the GOP just gave all those rich people all that ‘extra’ money.....

I’m sure your truth-defending friends pointed out to you that if we keep on exactly as we’re set NOW, that the-year figure hits 49 trillion, so you tell me, sport - what’s it gonna be? *YOU* got the extra 16+ trillion? How’s that ‘run the government like a business’ bullshit working out for us?


Active member
The bible also says obey man's law as you would God law. Also, conservatives give much greater amounts of charity.

In reality, I have no problem with legal immigration. I would be open to a greater immigration if we didn't have a welfare state. Assimilation is required as part of immigration. You come to America to become an American.

In one passage, Matthew 12, Jesus makes it very clear that God places mercy above law:

1At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. 2When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.”
3He answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. 5Or haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent? 6I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. 7If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ a you would not have condemned the innocent. 8For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”


Active member
The total Federal budget is $3.8 trillion dollars per year. The study used by Bernie to support his medicare-for-all notion (the lowest cost projection that has been made) estimates the cost over 10 years to be $32.6 trillion, or $3.26 trillion/year.

Doubling the entire existing tax structure doesn't cover the tab.


What you're missing entirely in this argument is that private insurance contributions and direct expenditures already far exceed that number. If instead of every employer that provides health care for workers was to pay in to a single-payer fund, the money would easily be available and with collective bargaining and oversight the prices would be lower. So the government would have to collect more money(sort of. taxes don't work like most people think they do), but overall it would be saving the taxpayers a lot of money. This is especially true if all the employers that do not provide health insurance have to start paying in too. The per-capita payments for companies would be lower but the available services per capita would be much better.


Active member
It's not embarrassing to put 300 plus million into grinding poverty?

That's not how government spending, taxes, or the economy work at all. It absolutely does not need to impoverish everyone to provide the most vulnerable people in society a chance to survive and be healthy. Not only will providing those people with health care not bankrupt the government, but it will in fact boost the overall economy for 2 very simple reasons; First reason being that it will spend in to the health care providers and manufacturers; Second reason being that it will enlarge the portion of the population that is healthy enough to work and be productive. When the government "spends" money into the health care system, that money doesn't just vanish. It goes to the people that provide the health care and the related business(everything from MRI makers to vending machine companies), and those people in turn spend the money they earn on services and goods in the community. This functions as economic stimulus. It actually greens the dollar quite a bit. Think of how money normally enters the economy(via banking) and you can quickly see how much better it is to spend it directly into the economy.


I find it odd that all this is happening right before the midterm elections next week. A weird bomber guy and a jew killer.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah......kinda odd watts - and the lateral thinker within me thinks of Lee Harvey Oswald and what maybe he was put up to waaaay back in 1963...

Then again - it could well be as it seems to most everybody.

I find it odd that all this is happening right before the midterm elections next week. A weird bomber guy and a jew killer.


Active member
Too bad the GOP just gave all those rich people all that ‘extra’ money.....

I’m sure your truth-defending friends pointed out to you that if we keep on exactly as we’re set NOW, that the-year figure hits 49 trillion, so you tell me, sport - what’s it gonna be? *YOU* got the extra 16+ trillion? How’s that ‘run the government like a business’ bullshit working out for us?

You mean the money they earned. It's not the government's money. It is NOT a gift.


Still Learning
I can only speculate - and don't support any side in this - since I am not a USA citizen - and don't even vote in the monarchistic autocracy of a country that I live in....

Its more about playing devils advocate in this - because sometimes things are not always as they seem.....

Sure, it looks like he is a nutjob - but there might just be more to it than we will ever know - or not.

As for 'severity of attack'......did anyone even get hurt?
I never saw any reporting of what type of explosive was in those pipe bombs that never went off. Could have been old 'Hillary' posters.


Active member
The current administration is the only one in my lifetime that is actually making an effort to shrink the government AND make it more efficient, yet you continue to long for the days of yore.

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

The numbers are in, and Trump's tax cut didn't reduce the deficit – despite his many promises

'Shrink the government' and 'make it more efficient' indeed.
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