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The Trump Bomber

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ICMag Donor
Have you looked in a hospital lately? It's not full of teenagers.

Skewed facts.


Well-known member
there is always a chart showing why universal health coverage is going to bankrupt the country, it's the false flag of the anti universals
thing is, people are covered on the whole
the cost is already present
what is essentially being proposed is to rationalize what in fact already exists(though imperfectly)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
In 2017, Medicare benefit payments totaled $702 billion.

Your numbers are in lala land.

I don't think so. Medicare pays for all over 65, the handicapped and the disabled. This is by far the most medically expensive segment of US citizens. If the program was done in an intelligent way, modeled after countries that have experience and success, costs would come way down. Lawyers and insurance companies consume a large part of the current medical dollar, So guess why the propaganda is so deep against change.

50-60% gets free college and a real retirement too.

Gee, you don't think so... That means SO much.

Those aren't my numbers, those are the numbers that were used by Bernie. And as packer pointed out, and I said in my post, they are the most conservative numbers of any study done thus far.


ICMag Donor
Gee, you don't think so... That means SO much.

Those aren't my numbers, those are the numbers that were used by Bernie. And as packer pointed out, and I said in my post, they are the most conservative numbers of any study done thus far.


"Conservative" is the key word.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - I have a friend who is from over the pond, and she had some quite severe medical issues in the last few years - and since she was on a down-swing financially - some local Christian charity - on the East coast - picked up her tab completely - since she had no medical insurance - it was an e-coli bug she had picked up in SEAsia - and also some real nasty, life threatening malaise deep within her lady-bits - so she was bleeding profusely - and had to go into an ICU for a spell - All cripplingly expensive - and way beyond what she could ever afford - but she was seen to, and has recovered fairly well.

She would certainly have been on a date with the grim reaper - without this compassionate assistance.


ICMag Donor
Allot of people are not so fortunate.
Public hospitals may not deny treatment. Then come the bill collectors. They will grab you by the ankles and shake.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Our healthcare system is forcing dependence on Christians!!

Game. Set. Match.

Touche religious right.... touche.....


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Let me give you a personal example of how government involvement in healthcare impacts costs.

I take Norco for chronic pain. The government has decided that opiates are BAAAD in spite of the fact that, according to CDC statistics, 5x as many deaths are attributable to alcohol than legally-acquired opiates. My doctor is now compelled to test me for drugs at every visit to insure that they are actually being taken and not sold, and I have to have a $50 visit in order to renew the Rx. They charged $1564 for a 16-panel drug screen (which sells for $9.74 at WalMart) in order to refill an $18 prescription.


ICMag Donor
We are talking about major reform not extending the monkey business. The US is the only first world country that does not have national health care. As messed up as things are, and as much as we act like a third world country with rampant thievery, that does not mean that we are too stupid to be able to get it done.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Having a little trouble staying on topic, MM?

Water, in excess, is bad. Opiates will work where nothing else will.

The point is that due to government involvement, over $1600/month, or almost 90x the original cost, has been added to the cost of a refill from where it was 3 months ago. Brilliant...

We are talking about major reform not extending the monkey business.

Yeah, good luck with that...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It is a part of making America great again.

Medical care in the US is for profit.

Treat don't cure.... it's ok you need to make a buck.

But let's whine about regulation of addicts and not the reason you're even paying out of pocket in the first place.



Active member
We are talking about major reform not extending the monkey business. The US is the only first world country that does not have national health care. As messed up as things are, and as much as we act like a third world country with rampant thievery, that does not mean that we are too stupid to be able to get it done.

To be cold and factual, around 35-40 million people don't have insurance, so let's destroy the economy for 325 million. To give 40 million health insurance. That seems pretty shitty to me.

So, you think that the monkey business will subside when you put the federal government in charge? Not likely.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
It is a part of making America great again.

Medical care in the US is for profit.

Treat don't cure.... it's ok you need to make a buck.

But let's whine about regulation of addicts and not the reason you're even paying out of pocket in the first place.


You missed again.

$18/month for a script is easily handled out-of-pocket.

A little $20,000/year adder for the government to feel self-righteous? Not so much...


well as things seem to stand right now you have a very high cost for healthcare in the US compared to other places. sure it would be a lot to put everyone on one non profit system, but think of what is being spent now on the hundreds of different insurance companies programs who end up not covering half the stuff people need and make huge profits for shareholders. you can't tell me having 1 system won't be many times cheaper. but the real secret to making health insurance cheap is to make it mandatory for all, from the moment you are born you should be on your parents insurance. that way enough revenue is gathered to insure everyone actually gets the care they need regardless of expense. as you get older yur premiums go up but in a regulated way. in the end you still are paying for every ones healthcare, just the un insured make everything more expensive for the insured. you don't leave people in their car after an accident just cause they are not insured, health care is provided. so why not just make it universal for your citizens and anyone wanting to immigrate.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Actually, what is embarrassing is seeing people on a pot site thinking that more government involvement in healthcare would be an improvement, and basing that premise on a level of competency improvement from them that we all know will never happen.


when i watch my Dad, get all the complicated care he needs with no drama, no bills, just concentrating on getting better, then i see my bro going in, i realize that sooner or later we will all need some health care or other most likely. this modern life style isnt conducive to not needing a doctor here and there. and in the end if you are lucky and never end up needing it, you can look at it as your bit for the system, most likely people you know and maybe god forbid family etc, i just don't see the arguments against a well run non profit central system. specially if run transparently as i said with people getting direct oversight and maybe even electing the top positions every few years. dosn't have to be government run, but it needs to be universal.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
when i watch my Dad, get all the complicated care he needs with no drama, no bills, just concentrating on getting better, then i see my bro going in, i realize that sooner or later we will all need some health care or other most likely. this modern life style isnt conducive to not needing a doctor here and there. and in the end if you are lucky and never end up needing it, you can look at it as your bit for the system, most likely people you know and maybe god forbid family etc, i just don't see the arguments against a well run non profit central system. specially if run transparently as i said with people getting direct oversight and maybe even electing the top positions every few years. dosn't have to be government run, but it needs to be universal.

The caveat is "well run", which is mutually exclusive with "government". It would be wonderful if that system were available, but it will never be done with government-employed drones and government regulations. Go to any DMV office for a preview...
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