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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
Its an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Republicans. Its also an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Democrats. Its time we kicked both parties to the curb.


Active member
How many innocent civilians died in Iraq because of Bush-Cheney's lies, 2003 to 2008 ?

How many American young people were sent there as soldiers, and died for a lie ?

Obviously, the same question can be asked about Obama. But, the statement you are dismissing as hackery was about Republicans.

So, the intelligence agencies had nothing to do with the intelligence ? I guess Bush was traipsing across the middle East collecting and analyzing intelligence data.

Democrats are really good at claiming It was exclusively Bush's fault , yet most Democrats voted for the Iraq war.

I didn't vote for Bush.


Well-known member
Your the poster boy for the Democrats. For that I thank you.

Lol. How? I piss off all sorts of democrats just by telling them I will only vote for good candidates not partys. In fact they say if I dont vote democrat I am actually voting for Trump which make me a piece of shit according to them.

You have heard it from me before. The whole shit show needs torn down before it will truly improve. The wrong people are in power and owned by the wrong coorperations. At least for a treehugger like me.


Active member
The intelligence agencies are basically a shadowy and unaccountable branch of the government. They definitely were a major factor in fabricating the justification for going to war in Iraq. They also lied to us about Afghanistan. We supported one set of bad guys against another set of bad guys and a lot of decent people got crushed in between both sides. The origin of their motives is a mix of political leaders and business "elite". People like Henry Kissinger still wield immense power in the world of "intelligence".


Active member
Its an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Republicans. Its also an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Democrats. Its time we kicked both parties to the curb.

If their was an independent candidate, with 3 brain cells I gladly would vote for said candidate. Realistically my vote doesn't count I live in a state full of brainless spineless idiots. (Crapifornia) 5th largest economy in the world. 48th in Education, dead last in quality of life, 50th in poverty ( this is the legacy of California)


Well-known member
Its an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Republicans. Its also an absolute fact that millions of people have died because of Democrats. Its time we kicked both parties to the curb.

You would think by now this would be obvious to e everyone.

I say we make Woody Harrelson, Willy Nelson, Joel Salatin and Dennis McKenna run the country. I bet we start making friends with the world and fixing earth with a quickness.


Invertebrata Inebriata
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]He said millions will die because of Republicans.[/FONT]

Oh, and that's the same thing as trump encouraging politicians to body slam journalists.


ICMag Donor


Active member
Lol. How? I piss off all sorts of democrats just by telling them I will only vote for good candidates not partys. In fact they say if I dont vote democrat I am actually voting for Trump which make me a piece of shit according to them.

You have heard it from me before. The whole shit show needs torn down before it will truly improve. The wrong people are in power and owned by the wrong coorperations. At least for a treehugger like me.

I quoted the wrong person, sorry. White Beard is the poster boy.


Active member
What is sad is every Trump supporter I have met lives in the same little paranoid world of lies. Maybe the rest of us should just get them all a bunch of xanax and helmets.

I could say the same for most people on the left. I won't generalize though. Their are fine people on both sides. haven't met but a few people who will actually admit to voting for Hillary.


Active member
Oh, and that's the same thing as trump encouraging politicians to body slam journalists.

Funny that you gloss over the fact that no one was injured by the fake bombs, but Steve Scalise almost died, just a bit different. When a Bernie supporter loses his marbles, a man almost died.

I am using the comparison to attempt to open your eyes. It's not Trumps fault, or Bernies fault. Get out of you confirmation bias bubble and take a hard look at what you are saying. Try to be objective, no one takes you serious when you can't step back and see the media is manipulating you. The media has constantly made outrageous claims that are routinely debunked.

I don't agree with Trump talking about body slamming anymore. Except TOM BRADY. LOL

You wonder why the press is demonized, this is why. It took CNN 35 seconds to blame Trump. Victims were bleeding out as CNN started blaming Trump. The same people who don't believe Isreal has a right to exist, now act as if they are the savior of the Jews.


Active member
This is just an observable fact. And the context was about health care. 45,000 americans die each year because they dont have health insurance.

Correction, 45 000 people die because they made poor choices, and didn't get health insurance ( quite possibly due to the skyrocketing costs under Obamacare)

If you make poor choices, it's your fault. I know personal responsibility isn't very popular.

It's not the government's job to fix your mistakes. If their are no consequence people never learn. That's how you wind up with a presidential candidate like Hillary Clinton. If you raised children this way, they would run around like uncivilized savages.


Well-known member
Packer dude. Why do you always react to your opportunity to say something smart in defense of your opinion with either sarcasm or insults?
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