Hi John I no longer de carb as it was hit and miss, but long cured is always good, I haven't tried the Malawi grown properly but from the smoke reports they all mention narcotic which is not my scene, I like manic trippy the more out of control the better.
I have two separate Gt's going at the moment 2013 and 2015 productions, the last GT I grew was unimpressive after harvest so I gave most of it away, but after a long cure, well lets just say I will not give any away this time.
I am just starting to get a handle on curing these sativas, also 14 weeks actual flowering is needed for me but thats not true of clones.
I cloned a Zamaldelica and it finished in 10 weeks, I am sampling it slowly and its very strong ingested, like acid.
But the Gt wins for me all round spaced out and confident with it no nerves.
Its not as strong as the best from Malawi, grown in Malawi, but its good enough that I need look no further. I only grow the other strains from Ace out of curiosity.
I know just how much to take to get to a given level, if you want to be lost in wonderland like a baby seeing everything for the first time GT ingested will get you there and further.
I haven't reached the peak yet, but I have got so high I didn't want it to get any stronger and that has never happend since I left Malawi many years ago.
So for me its the tool I need to get the way I like.
When I first came to Australia I couldn't believe how weak the local grass was, now we have hydro grown but its just strong not good, just stoned arse dumb effects, I like to feel intelligent and feel super charged and able to function at least in my mind.
I am rambling but thats the GT talking, if I dont have it for breakfast my day sucks big time ha ha.
Regards Tangwena
High Tangwena
MadMac gave me the advice to follow your threads, as I asked him about the just discovered ACE strains.
As I said to ThaiBliss: it`s a very special feeling finding people who seem to have exactly the same kind of taste and prefer more the trippy halluzinatic clear side of life than the narcotic "stoned arse dumb " one!!
And here I can find everything - even, what I´m not looking for
More important for me: everyone has a different taste but it helps a lot to read the threads of people like you to find out, what fitts for me- and what may be not ( your Malawie example and even more: your curing GT experience!!)
Wholy shit...what o forum
Happy as a kid when I discovered sex and rock`n roll!!!!!!!
Cheers mate