The few people who were lucky enough to examine it up close were like, “WTF?” because it couldn’t be just plain weed. Not coming like that.
Peter, AKA Johnnie, and actually Gerardo, had people driving down 3 hours in the dark of night from Flagstaff just to grab one of the 3-5 bars being sold shortly after it arrived in Phoenix. Many were disappointed due to its absolute rarity and the general impossibility of getting even a 1/8 of an ounce, ever. Folks laughed when they heard about it. They just couldn’t relate without the experience.
chocolate color to a rich tar coloration
Candybar came so black and compacted in one ounce "bars" that it looked like hash and had very little if any apparent leaf or vegetable matter.
It was tightly sealed in aluminum foil with an outer wrapping of Saran Wrap.
One toke from a New York needle pin joint of Candybar was enough to send people falling down staircases, to start spinning so hard that they vomited, and to even lose their balance like my best friend who immediately passed out, fell forward into a brick wall, smashed his eyeglasses, and hit the cement - all before we could move from the same instantaneous freeze and time-stoppage induced by the one, hard-to-pull-from-the-pin joint hit that we each inhaled.
people driving down 3 hours in the dark of night from Flagstaff just to grab one of the 3-5 bars being sold shortly after it arrived in Phoenix
absolute rarity and the general impossibility of getting even a 1/8 of an ounce
Yeah, sitting for 4 hours without barely moving. Now that's some zone. What territory.
I remember several occasions when hipsters asked Johnnie what type of hash he was preparing. He used a razor blade to slice chunks or slices from the candy.
He had tales of heavy intoxication from wherever he roamed.
Yup that would be ounces of heroin...
Weed doesn't make you nauseous, fall down, etc whether it was a gram of pure kief or not, especially from one hit, and it definitely always looks like weed regardless of color...Opium/black tar is just like you described...No weed, period, in any point of history is having the effects/looks you describe which are 100% opium descriptions...down to the tinfoil wrapping...and increments of an ounce.
Heh...He was cashin in on a bunch of people had no idea what was up. your story is about opium/tar not weed and the ridiculous story looks even more ridiculous to the people who want this shit illegal.
No amount of kief much less the various hashes are going to do the type of things you state repeatedly to people, or look like tar (unless it was someones first experience, and I've only seen laughter fits). This wasn't just new people as you yourself were gettin hammered time and again, as you state, off just one pin needle worth, one toke or two,of what was supposed to be THC? Sorry, don't buy it and when people say things like this about THC it makes all the people who have no clue about weed think the scary government stories they've heard seem true.
I am quite sure the effects were really as strong as you state...opium is and always will be still traded in the states by Arabs to Americans and black tar will always be imported from Mexico by the truckload cuz it makes more money than raw. In 1979 100$ was a lot and heroin was cheap as was opium and much more widely available. Pounds of weed can still be had for 150$-200$ near the border...100$ an ounce in 79 for what was clearly not indoor hydro is A LOT of money and clearly this was at wholesale number given the identity of who you were buying from...
I am not accusing you of lying whatsoever as I am sure it is all true, but I can't help but question given the description. Especially since weed is completely anti-nausea unless eating too much...Never have been able to get any negative effects aside from dry mouth smokin...That's my dissent other people can decide I am not here to beat a dead horse and said my
Madjag your story is about opium/tar not weed and the ridiculous story looks even more ridiculous to the people who want this shit illegal.
No amount of kief much less the various hashes are going to do the type of things you state repeatedly to people, or look like tar (unless it was someones first experience, and I've only seen laughter fits). This wasn't just new people as you yourself were gettin hammered time and again, as you state, off just one pin needle worth, one toke or two,of what was supposed to be THC? Sorry, don't buy it and when people say things like this about THC it makes all the people who have no clue about weed think the scary government stories they've heard seem true.
I am quite sure the effects were really as strong as you state...opium is and always will be still traded in the states by Arabs to Americans and black tar will always be imported from Mexico by the truckload cuz it makes more money than raw. In 1979 100$ was a lot and heroin was cheap as was opium and much more widely available. Pounds of weed can still be had for 150$-200$ near the border...100$ an ounce in 79 for what was clearly not indoor hydro is A LOT of money and clearly this was at wholesale number given the identity of who you were buying from...
I am not accusing you of lying whatsoever as I am sure it is all true, but I can't help but question given the description. Especially since weed is completely anti-nausea unless eating too much...Never have been able to get any negative effects aside from dry mouth smokin...That's my dissent other people can decide I am not here to beat a dead horse and said my
Opium Soaked Herb
An element was added to certain shipments of Thai herb in the 70's: "early water." A by-product of the heroin trade, early water was the leftover water used to create the heroin from the raw opium. It contained all of the constituents of opium except most of the heroin.
The curing Thai herb was soaked in the water and redried to absorb the opiate alkaloids. The result was a high that was sought out by some, but more than most bargained for. A good wash was an enjoyable thing, but some were over-laced, which caused a dilemma for those who would start spinning after a few hits on a joint.