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the potential in south america


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
In the end all of these terms are just arbitrary labels added by humans to make things more comfortable :D


New member
South America Sativas

South America Sativas

do any south american growers know why the region hasnt really seemed to be a big destination for quality genetics..when in fact the region has some of the best sativas in the world

Some crazy Dutchmen went to Colombia to look for local seed species. I know they collected original seeds Red Dot, Santa Marta Gold for exchange for new genetics. The reason most of the region continues to grow traditional plants is due to the difficulties importing seeds.

The only country where recreational and growing cannabis is legal is Uruguay......progress is being made in others.

:thank you:


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Premium user
Some crazy Dutchmen went to Colombia to look for local seed species. I know they collected original seeds Red Dot, Santa Marta Gold for exchange for new genetics. The reason most of the region continues to grow traditional plants is due to the difficulties importing seeds.

The only country where recreational and growing cannabis is legal is Uruguay......progress is being made in others.

:thank you:

Not exactly its legal to grow in Chile and it is decrim'd in Peru for personal amounts also. There is a huge cannabis expo in santiago chile annually in november as well. Seeds do get imported just not as often as in the states.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Right now in Colombia it is legal for anyone to grow up to 20 plants. It is legal to carry twenty grams of weed, 5 grams of concentrates (cannabis) 1 gram of cocaine one gram of heroin. And the government will be issuing licenses for commercial grows, production and medical research with the new law signed in to effect last year.
Thing's are moving along quite nicely here.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I cant speak for everywhere but now days in Bogota you cant find anything but hybrids.
However I strongly suspect out in the country there are still land races being grown. What you have to understand about Colombia and the culture here. The reason Colombia produces cannabis is strictly for profit. In Colombian society even now cannabis smokers are really looked down upon and as a result cannabis cultivators here dont smoke. They dont get high and dont select for that good effect. They are growing only for quick profit with little interest in the effect other than it is potent. Colombian landrace takes a long time to finish and no matter how good we think it is, it is not profitable. Simple as that.

red rider


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Aryan adulterated almost EVERYWHERE on the planet with his garbage seeds

It went on well before GHS.
Nevil has stated that the Seed Bank was shipping a ton of genetics to Colombia in the late 80's.
Listen to red rider, he knows of what he speaks.

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