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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Howdy OFs. Nice day for it!

I’ve strained a couple of mason jars of iso washed dope I’m the freezer today. Kitchen may be a little sticky but if you don’t tell the wife, then I won’t either!

View attachment 19052536

I forgot to decarb it. I’ll double boiler it in the crockpot and hope for the best. 🤘🏼

Anyone make oil these days?
I still do ethanol extractions. I stopped doing BHO when they made it illegal without a permitted lab and we closed our SPR lab.


Well-known member
Mama Bear and her cubs frolicking around my cannabis plants…

This was the 2nd visitation today. The first one was the young bear I posted a video of a few days ago. My dog got out of the house when my wife decided to bang some pots and pans to chase the thing off. Zig chased it up a tree. Glad the bear didn’t want to wrassle him..


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Howdy OFs. Nice day for it!

I’ve strained a couple of mason jars of iso washed dope in the freezer today. Kitchen may be a little sticky but if you don’t tell the wife, then I won’t either!

View attachment 19052536

I forgot to decarb it. I’ll double boiler it in the crockpot and hope for the best. 🤘🏼

Anyone make oil these days?
How do you forget to decarb??? Stoner......ha ha....


Well-known member
Might be because we love and want to help him….???
I'm of the mind you can change anytime in your life if you have to the urge to and know what it is your trying to change. Maybe DB will be open to a change of lifestyle, maybe not. He seems a decent fellow, I wish him well.

Good day to you Pute, I'm glad you a have a fall fishing trip in the works. It helps ease the daily routine many of us older people get into. Change is good. Especially if it involves something that is enjoyable:)🧜🏻‍♀️
I can feel the weather change happening. It was cool this morning, not cool enough for the furnace but I think I will change the furnace filter and be ready.


Well-known member
How do you forget to decarb??? Stoner......ha ha....
I maybe forgot on purpose because it stinks the house up and I'm already in trouble for slinging my outdoor auto in the freezer and making all the frozen vegetables and my chicken nuggets taste of dope.

It seems to be drying out ok in that freezer though. I think the frost free does that bit.
Also the fridge has a pong to it too.

So, tomorrow I'll stink the house up with ISO fumes too!


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yummybud was going to ask a girl out on a date someday. He needed a few years to work up to it. I think it's said he graduated from college and wanted to go to law school. He said he had a Porsche. He was entertaining. I think he was fake.
I think he was pulling the forum members chain to get attention.


Well-known member
Good day OF, 2 loads of laundry and bed making day.

I watched TV last night from 2am to 4:30am, think I will be dragging my butt today.
Howdy OldMan.

We had the arse end of a storm hit us last night, 50+mph winds, and my puppy did not like it, so he woke me at 2am and I'd had 3 hours sleep. Then I was awake in the dark staring at the ceiling while he sat upright, staring at me until he wanted a poop at 5am, so it's 5.47pm now and I'm in need of a nap.

Will you be able to take a nap?


Howdy OldMan.

We had the arse end of a storm hit us last night, 50+mph winds, and my puppy did not like it, so he woke me at 2am and I'd had 3 hours sleep. Then I was awake in the dark staring at the ceiling while he sat upright, staring at me until he wanted a poop at 5am, so it's 5.47pm now and I'm in need of a nap.

Will you be able to take a nap?



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I'm of the mind you can change anytime in your life if you have to the urge to and know what it is your trying to change. Maybe DB will be open to a change of lifestyle, maybe not. He seems a decent fellow, I wish him well.

Good day to you Pute, I'm glad you a have a fall fishing trip in the works. It helps ease the daily routine many of us older people get into. Change is good. Especially if it involves something that is enjoyable:)🧜🏻‍♀️
I can feel the weather change happening. It was cool this morning, not cool enough for the furnace but I think I will change the furnace filter and be ready.
Morning OldMan. Yup, always look forward to a 3 day fishing trip. Been on dozens of these over the years. Green River in Utah, San Juan in New Mexico and the Big Horn in Montana are a few of my favorites. But, nothing compared to a back pack trip to a high mountain lake in the mountains is my favorite. To old for that now....gotta have a bed, beer and no 60 lb pack on my back.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Back to the chore at hand.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yup. I have two mango trees. By coincidence, today we have just unfrozen the last mango cake from our garage freezer. Still have frozen mangoes packed from last year in separate bags in there.

Mango trees take every other year off. So this year, my big roundy mango kind of tree had zerio mangoes, while my big long thicky mango kind of tree had a total of six on just one lone branch. The squirrels ate them all while they were crunchy green. No loss.

I just got back in from {ominous drumroll} being out in the road with my chainsaw. I knew I could not trust me to be sensible as to when to quit before I started imitating a carrot.

So I put a timer in my pocket set for 5 min.

When it went off, it felt as if I had just started. But somehow, I still caught my old disease of Dragon Ass.

My Scottish Flame came back from food shopping, and caught me melting up the driveway. Jeez.

She said, "You look like you are already tired tomorrow." So I helped her unload the car just in time for the power to go out.

So we both took a nap. Until the power came on 12 minutes later.

Oh... In summary: I may be tired, but that fargin Floriduh holly is bushed.
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