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Well-known member
Maybe look into Magnesium supplements.
I have suffered nocturnal leg cramps since the 80's and more recently
discovered that Mag deficiency is most generally the cause.
It is predicted that 'most' people suffer Mag deficiencies :(

Folks generally think that being sufficiently hydrated means drinking lots of water.
Not necessarily true these days as what we need is our electrolytes replaced.
Water nowadays does not contain the minerals as in the days of yore.

This is just my findings as I so needed relief from those horrible cramps.
I also am falling asleep faster, sleeping deeper and wake more refreshed
since getting enough Magnesium.

I do hope this may lead to finding relief as night cramps are the pits :(
Yes I think big takes CalMag everyday just like his plants. I try my best not to take anymore pills than necessary. The only supplements I take now is a Vit D and B complex. Maybe I’ll look into it tho thanx imiubu 😊
glad your BB is a bit better this morning 🥰


Cabana’s bitch
Yes I think big takes CalMag everyday just like his plants. I try my best not to take anymore pills than necessary. The only supplements I take now is a Vit D and B complex. Maybe I’ll look into it tho thanx imiubu 😊
glad your BB is a bit better this morning 🥰
Do yourself a favor and look in the beetroot., It’s not a gimmick, It helps the heart and circulation…🥰


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Then my exaggeration was too effective ;)
Apologies for causing such disturbing images in your mind :(
I checked out my belly button out this morning and found fuzz in there.....said to myself... can't let this go to waste so I tied a fly with it.....



Well-known member
Yes I think big takes CalMag everyday just like his plants. I try my best not to take anymore pills than necessary. The only supplements I take now is a Vit D and B complex. Maybe I’ll look into it tho thanx imiubu 😊
glad your BB is a bit better this morning 🥰
I purchase my minerals (electrolytes) in powder form in bulk.
I then mix them into a 48 oz. jug and drink a glass every couple of hrs. through out the day.
When I'll be working out doors in the heat, I mix a 2nd. jug and take that with me to drink.
I am rarely thirsty these days also and think that my body is satiated/ hydrated sufficiently
these days so... no more dry mouth :)
I use 2 different types of Mag., powdered Potassium and Redmond Real Salt for hydration.

I quit taking Calcium supps years and years ago after doing a deep dive into
the practice and whether it's actually healthy or not. Instead now, I take D, K and
Zinc instead to facilitate calcium absorption.
I have been using my eggshells for about 4 yrs. now as Calcium for myself and
more recently for the Scooter girl too :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes I think big takes CalMag everyday just like his plants. I try my best not to take anymore pills than necessary. The only supplements I take now is a Vit D and B complex. Maybe I’ll look into it tho thanx imiubu 😊
glad your BB is a bit better this morning 🥰
I don't know what's good for magnesium but I know bananas and most of the popular leafy green vegtables are good sources for potassium. I've heard it said before that most people thes days don't get enough magnesium in their diet so I'm think that a diet too low in magnesium isn't likely to be the cause of leg cramps. Otherwise everybody would be complaining about them Potassium on the other hand can be at good levels in the body and then suddenly get out of whack because the person did something that caused them to sweat a lot more then normal. Given the time of year combined with the willldly fluctuating weather and this being a time where people do a lot of outdoor gardening and other sweat inducing activities. I'm guessing if anything was low that caused the cramps it was potassium. So go eat a banana you'll feel better. :biggrin:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’ve considered taking it but beets are something I need to stay away from as they increase my kidney stones. I love beets and do partake on a few now and then. I’ve read a lot of good things about beetroot tho…
They have a lot of "chews" and Gummies on the market that contain beet root extract, I wonder if those would effect your kidneys the same?


Well-known member
I purchase my minerals (electrolytes) in powder form in bulk.
I then mix them into a 48 oz. jug and drink a glass every couple of hrs. through out the day.
When I'll be working out doors in the heat, I mix a 2nd. jug and take that with me to drink.
I am rarely thirsty these days also and think that my body is satiated/ hydrated sufficiently
these days so... no more dry mouth :)
I use 2 different types of Mag., powdered Potassium and Redmond Real Salt for hydration.

I quit taking Calcium supps years and years ago after doing a deep dive into
the practice and whether it's actually healthy or not. Instead now, I take D, K and
Zinc instead to facilitate calcium absorption.
I have been using my eggshells for about 4 yrs. now as Calcium for myself and
more recently for the Scooter girl too :)
You eat eggshells? I gag if I get even a tiny shell in my mouth…


Well-known member
My suggestion is to do our own due diligence esp. when it comes to our health/ nutritional needs.
For all things in life actually :)

Do not listen to 'what others say' and definitely do not trust your doctor
about nutritional needs... they don't effing know.
They just parrot the status quo that is severely incorrect.

If one really wants to know... we have the largest encyclopedia at our
fingertips these days. We can utilize it's wealth if information if one so chooses.
And... don't just reference a single source! Dig into it :)

For instance... as far back as I can remember I heard that Banana's are an
excellent source of K. Welp, no not actually. If one were to look up the
nutritional values of a Banana... one would find that it is relatively low in K.
LOTS of effing sugar though!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe look into Magnesium supplements.
I have suffered nocturnal leg cramps since the 80's and more recently
discovered that Mag deficiency is most generally the cause.
It is predicted that 'most' people suffer Mag deficiencies :(

Folks generally think that being sufficiently hydrated means drinking lots of water.
Not necessarily true these days as what we need is our electrolytes replaced.
Water nowadays does not contain the minerals as in the days of yore.

This is just my findings as I so needed relief from those horrible cramps.
I also am falling asleep faster, sleeping deeper and wake more refreshed
since getting enough Magnesium.

I do hope this may lead to finding relief as night cramps are the pits :(
I don't know if you came across this in your research but with at least one of those two (Potassium and Magnesium) too much or too little of at least one of them and maybe even both can be dangerous for your heart. If it's just one I unfortunately am not sure which one.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good morning big. Thought of you this morning about 3:00 am when I woke up with leg cramps. Took forever to subside. I thought I was gonn have a heart attack the pain was so bad or at least pass out Mr sub helped me as he could but you know there is not much you can do at that state. He got me a cold wet towel and I twisted it tight around my calf before it stopped taking my breath away. Maybe I didn’t drink enough water yesterday working in the heat outside most of the day…

Hope things are working out for you and yours there. 🥰
Drink your water!


Well-known member
I don't know if you came across this in your research but with at least one of those two (Potassium and Magnesium) too much or too little of at least one of then and maybe even both can be dangerous for your heart. if it's just one I unfortunately am not sure which one.
Yes, I have. Last yrs. labs show about mid line for both Mg and K.
Not that the labs are a true test of the Mg though, sigh.
Will have yearly labs again next week and we'll see where my levels are then :)


Well-known member
I don't know if you came across this in your research but with at least one of those two (Potassium and Magnesium) too much or too little of at least one of them and maybe even both can be dangerous for your heart. If it's just one I unfortunately am not sure which one.
K :)
Kinda hard to over do Mg.
At least that's what I've discovered in my extensive dive into the topic.


Well-known member
Premium user
Layla has a dog door to relieve the pressure, but she prefers to do her business elsewhere, so she walks up and pokes us with her nose and gives us "the look."

View attachment 19014494
Reminds me of my Brother Ben
He has a dog door his lab Dale and cat Moe used.
Seven months after his daughter was born ,she was just put to bed and my buddy " In the mood for love"
Just so happens his wifes Nebula was in phase and it looked to be a successful takeoff,.In the early evening they both are on the couch and he is starting the main engine.
Much anticipated after having a child and getting a sleeping pattern for her and them.
Looking to the darkly lit romantically, kitchen ,Moe comes thru the dog door looks at them both on the couch, drops his live mouse and wonders how can i fuk up this moment for them. The mouse ran for its life under the stove. Original mission was scrubbed and now a search rescue and remove mission.