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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As an ex cosmetic piercer - I have seen and pierced thousand of belly buttons - then given advice and sold products for the after care and successful healing of many piercings -

- often I'd see gals with infections of the belly button area due to the rubbing of a jeans button against the area - some jeans buttons are metal and can oxidize next to a wet wound - and so irritate alot - when combined with the pressure of your own stomach - if the jeans are very tight around the belly button area - so I'd tell them to not have a tight metal button/stud over the area - and wear looser clothing - particularly when in the heat/humidity of summertime - and apply a saline solution daily to wash the area out - then an antibacterial cream -
Is there anything you haven't done at some point in your life? I'm starting to think that would be a much shorter list. :biggrin:


Well-known member
good morning
Good morning big. Thought of you this morning about 3:00 am when I woke up with leg cramps. Took forever to subside. I thought I was gonn have a heart attack the pain was so bad or at least pass out Mr sub helped me as he could but you know there is not much you can do at that state. He got me a cold wet towel and I twisted it tight around my calf before it stopped taking my breath away. Maybe I didn’t drink enough water yesterday working in the heat outside most of the day…

Hope things are working out for you and yours there. 🥰


Well-known member
Here is a pic of 1 of the first 14 jars of spuds. Way more to do.

They were done by what is called dry canning. Raw spuds put into jars fill with water and canning salt. Pressure canned at 10lbs for 15 minutes. They should last (if kept in a cool dark place) for 5+ years. They coloration is from the spuds themselves (skins) Some of these 14 had fresh basil added for flavor. We'll see how they taste in a few days. View attachment 19014575

Stove is in the shop to keep from heating the house up and yes it needs to be cleaned. Fing dusty here lol....
View attachment 19014577


Well-known member
Good morning big. Thought of you this morning about 3:00 am when I woke up with leg cramps. Took forever to subside. I thought I was gonn have a heart attack the pain was so bad or at least pass out Mr sub helped me as he could but you know there is not much you can do at that state. He got me a cold wet towel and I twisted it tight around my calf before it stopped taking my breath away. Maybe I didn’t drink enough water yesterday working in the heat outside most of the day…

Hope things are working out for you and yours there. 🥰
Potassium low
Magnesium does that also


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
For a lot of folks right here (including Himself) the equation is considerably more abrupt.

I have food, sanitation, heat, and water -- without power -- for a minimum of a year. But the several kinds of shit that keeps this ancient heart and brain going... 30 days. <-- Always less.

And no, there is no way to get extra. unless... early on in near-chaos, I find a pharmacist and use force to get about four critical prescriptions filled from whatever is on the shelves. <-- Iffy to the point of "Nope."

So you young grasshoppers should head to Chateau Sneakydicker when TSHTF to get fed and armed.
This would be the point where it might be worth adding a few books to your collection with detailed information on natural medicine to replace the pharmacueticals when TSHTF. There are a number of mushrooms (lion's mane, reshi, cordyceps, plus a few others0 and other things such as ginseng. For the heart there are all sorts of natural things such as beet root which is said to boost Nitric Oxide and maintain good blood pressure levels. You might not be able to cover everything your prescription meds do but you should be able to cover a lot. I mean it's my impression that a lot of medicines that are manfactured these days, got started in research because someone made a link between a specific health remedy and something that grows naturally.
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Well-known member
Okay... this may fall into the TMI zone but heck, with some of the
topics discussed here, I figure a belly button issue is fair game haha

I have an 'inny'. Yesterday I noticed that it was irritating me when I
bent over. Figuring it was the button on my jeans poking, I paid no mind.
Today, well dammit... it's bothering me still.
Finally took a look see and it was all inflamed.
Last time something like this happened was '81 when somehow
a dog hair had lodge in there. huh? Yeah.

So now the :eek: part... I then had to stick a q-tip in there to discover
wth was going on. My belly button is a no go zone so... I had to
cringe through it. That is how I discovered the dog hair.
After that was removed, no more irritation, yay.

FF to today... maybe that is the issue again now?
Get out the old q-tip, cringe and rotor rooter that sucker. eww.
No dog hair or any other foreign object so again... wth?
Dunno but after a dry rooter, I hit it again with some iso.

When I pulled the loose skin up to get a good view of
the danged thing it was so inflamed it looked like
an Orangutan's arse :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Keep your fingers out of there


Cabana’s bitch
when going to bed last night I took my meds as usual...grab a handful and chug them down with water...somehow the tiny pill got stuck in the back of my nose...felt like a fireball...I hacked, snorted, and then stuck the water up my nose...it came out little at a time...this gettin old stuff is serious...


Well-known member
Here is a question for those with a science mind, don't laugh, but I did find the end of the rainbow. I seen it in the field across the road from my home. I thought this can't be but it is. I walked towards.
As I started walking towards the end of the rainbow, the rainbow would move away from me, I could not get to the end of the rainbow because it would not stay still. I could see the end all the time it was always just in front of me.
What's your answer to this?
Smoke some more


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good morning big. Thought of you this morning about 3:00 am when I woke up with leg cramps. Took forever to subside. I thought I was gonn have a heart attack the pain was so bad or at least pass out Mr sub helped me as he could but you know there is not much you can do at that state. He got me a cold wet towel and I twisted it tight around my calf before it stopped taking my breath away. Maybe I didn’t drink enough water yesterday working in the heat outside most of the day…

Hope things are working out for you and yours there. 🥰

thanks for the Kind thoughts SG , I appreciate it a lot

yeah , those leg cramps are no joke , they have made my eyes leak , the pain can be intense

Swede usually rubs the muscle which is easy to find , it is in a big knot and sometimes massaging it helps

mine usually happen when I try and stretch while still in bed , I have to be very careful with the stretches…

otherwise , things are still up in the air on the Kansas front and I may be making another fast trip out there this week..stayed 4 days this round but got a lot done..we are not out of the woods yet


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Let me be clear, here: The dollar WILL end. But it could possibly take a couple of years.

Or a couple of months.

Where the time is short is the time YOU have to do something to save your wealth. Keep enough $$ in the bank for bills and stuff. <-- Nothing new there.

But! Other "assets" such as gold certificates, life insurance, annuities, savings accounts, and the like... these things will turn into mist and be gone. Simply, literally gone. <-- This has happened before. Many times... just not to you.

And just not as big any time in history as this time is going to be.

I have no idea when. None at all. But the time to prepare for this horror is NOW. Not this August.

WOW! That last sentence brings to mind the eerily similar to today novel, "Not This August" written by C.M. Kornbluth in 1955.
I'm not saying it's not going to happen. I looked up (petro dollar change) and did find a story talking about this change happening soon. It's worth noting though that this ida of OPEC changing what money it will accept has been popping up every so often for years now and so far nothing has come of it.

This change would be HUGE deal and have far reaching and unforeseen impacts. As I said before large segments of the world depend heavily on the US doing and being able to do what it does to keep running. Things that we suddenly wouldn't be able to do if the value of the dollar suddenly became worthless. There is a reason that the US dollar was the currency of choice for buying oil and it wasn't because people admired the portraits of dead presidents.
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Well-known member
Good morning big. Thought of you this morning about 3:00 am when I woke up with leg cramps. Took forever to subside. I thought I was gonn have a heart attack the pain was so bad or at least pass out Mr sub helped me as he could but you know there is not much you can do at that state. He got me a cold wet towel and I twisted it tight around my calf before it stopped taking my breath away. Maybe I didn’t drink enough water yesterday working in the heat outside most of the day…

Hope things are working out for you and yours there. 🥰

Maybe look into Magnesium supplements.
I have suffered nocturnal leg cramps since the 80's and more recently
discovered that Mag deficiency is most generally the cause.
It is predicted that 'most' people suffer Mag deficiencies :(

Folks generally think that being sufficiently hydrated means drinking lots of water.
Not necessarily true these days as what we need is our electrolytes replaced.
Water nowadays does not contain the minerals as in the days of yore.

This is just my findings as I so needed relief from those horrible cramps.
I also am falling asleep faster, sleeping deeper and wake more refreshed
since getting enough Magnesium.

I do hope this may lead to finding relief as night cramps are the pits :(