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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Read the history of the stock market crash in 1929. All you need is a small garden. Simplify your life and only buy what you REALLY need. Even people in the citys can have a garden to grow food. If the economy collapses it wont be people killing each other. It will be a huge shock but people can adapt to anything. You will be more happy without all that dirty money. Trust me. 🤓

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I can picture her in that commercial with the family sitting at the dinner table sharing their daily accomplishments. The little boy says "I got an A on my exam today."or something like that. Then the dog says, "I went into the forest and didn't get a single flea or tick" and the parents start lavishing praise on the dog and ignoring the kids, telling the dog that she's great and then the dog says something like "yeah I am pretty great aren't I"
Our kids and the grandkids are both grown, so more like Miss Layla saying she has been a very good girl, our grimalkin Melissa has been disrespectful, and all interlopers have been summarily barked to shreds before fleeing for their lives, in addition to her 4.0 in human psychology, her nomination for Homecoming Bitch, and auditioning for deva in a local production of Howling in the Rain.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I think I have my head around the petrodollar,our current inflation and the reasons why the money supply is intentionally being destroyed.
Simple answer is wealth extraction while it still has any perceived value.
Having the foreknowledge that the currency is going to collapse puts one in a good place to profit if you know its coming.
Controlling that collapse and timing it to your advantage would be a brilliant way to fuck everything and everyone except the chosen few.
My new conspiracy theory lets see how long it takes to pan out.
So, I am hoping a change in the leadership in the country come November will help to slow or even alleviate the situation Walt and others are predicting.

This country has been the world leader in many ways. We have lost that and have become a boat drifting aimlessly in the current.

Thinking that if we get this steam engine back on track we can stop or slow this out of control mess we have gotten ourselves into.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think I have my head around the petrodollar,our current inflation and the reasons why the money supply is intentionally being destroyed.
Simple answer is wealth extraction while it still has any perceived value.
Having the foreknowledge that the currency is going to collapse puts one in a good place to profit if you know its coming.
Controlling that collapse and timing it to your advantage would be a brilliant way to fuck everything and everyone except the chosen few.
My new conspiracy theory lets see how long it takes to pan out.
FWIW on the day Musk launched his 4th starship he posted a vido of him speaking to a large group of people in front of that area the affectionate call the rocket garden, and pitched a crypto currancy deal. He had a QR code on the screen and the way it works is that you scan the QR code with your phone and it takes you to this special web site where you set up an account. Yhen once you set up the account where you can do a one time deposit of either bitcoin, Ethereumm, Dogecoin or one other crtpto currency whose name I can't recall. After doing so Musk claims that he will match that deposit one time with Crypto for Crypto. Instantly doubling the amount of Ctpro you have. You can even do it once for each of the four cryptocurrenciees he mentioned. Each currency had a certain amount set aside, like Bitcoin being the most expensive at nearly 70,000 per coin, there were only 1000 Bitcoin available for this deal. Other currencies that are worth much less had larger amounts available for the matching deposits. I forget which on but I think one of them had 20,000,000 of that currency available. Also besides beung limited by the amount of matching crypto it wass also a time limited event at just 2 days, IIRC. I saw a report a couple of days later that just because of that announcement, in 24 hours the value of Dogecoin went up by 10%.


FWIW on the day Musk launched his 4th starship he posted a vido of him speaking to a large group of people in front of that area the affectionate call the rocket garden, and pitched a crypto currancy deal. He had a QR code on the screen and the way it works is that you scan the QR code with your phone and it takes you to this special web site where you set up an account. Yhen once you set up the account where you can do a one time deposit of either bitcoin, Ethereumm, Dogecoin or one other crtpto currency whose name I can't recall. After doing so Musk claims that he will match that deposit one time with Crypto for Crypto. Instantly doubling the amount of Ctpro you have. You can even do it once for each of the four cryptocurrenciees he mentioned. Each currency had a certain amount set aside, like Bitcoin being the most expensive at nearly 70,000 per coin, there were only 1000 Bitcoin available for this deal. Other currencies that are worth much less had larger amounts available for the matching deposits. I forget which on but I think one of them had 20,000,000 of that currency available. Also besides beung limited by the amount of matching crypto it wass also a time limited event at just 2 days, IIRC. I saw a report a couple of days later that just because of that announcement, in 24 hours the value of Dogecoin went up by 10%.
Elons a hustler baby!
Seriously though I sjspect he only has a few more years before his ponzi schemes and vaporware products bankrupt him.
He has exaggerated his companies advances to the point of criminality and its only a matter of time till the left eats him.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Elons a hustler baby!
Seriously though I sjspect he only has a few more years before his ponzi schemes and vaporware products bankrupt him.
He has exaggerated his companies advances to the point of criminality and its only a matter of time till the left eats him.
We'll see if he can get his starship operational and in the same time period get his Tesla Bot operational for the commercial market (Both of which are doable) he could be on the virge of becomming a Trillionaire and that's just with his two main companies.


Cabana’s bitch
This is what I’m talking about Subbie…