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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
K :)
Kinda hard to over do Mg.
At least that's what I've discovered in my extensive dive into the topic.
That's probably correct since i'm unsure which one it is. Plus since they say most people don't get enough magneseium I would like to think they wouldn't encourage folks to consume more in general if doing so could put your heart a risk. Human nature usually dictates that if you tell someone they're not consuming enough of a particular vitamin or mineral they will overcompensate by consuming as much food with that vitamin or mineral, as they can.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Maybe look into Magnesium supplements.
I have suffered nocturnal leg cramps since the 80's and more recently
discovered that Mag deficiency is most generally the cause.
It is predicted that 'most' people suffer Mag deficiencies :(

Folks generally think that being sufficiently hydrated means drinking lots of water.
Not necessarily true these days as what we need is our electrolytes replaced.
Water nowadays does not contain the minerals as in the days of yore.

This is just my findings as I so needed relief from those horrible cramps.
I also am falling asleep faster, sleeping deeper and wake more refreshed
since getting enough Magnesium.

I do hope this may lead to finding relief as night cramps are the pits :(
walmart or any store should have cramp stop which is basically epson's salt in the pain relief section


Well-known member
Let me be clear, here: The dollar WILL end. But it could possibly take a couple of years.

Or a couple of months.

Where the time is short is the time YOU have to do something to save your wealth. Keep enough $$ in the bank for bills and stuff. <-- Nothing new there.

But! Other "assets" such as gold certificates, life insurance, annuities, savings accounts, and the like... these things will turn into mist and be gone. Simply, literally gone. <-- This has happened before. Many times... just not to you.

And just not as big any time in history as this time is going to be.

I have no idea when. None at all. But the time to prepare for this horror is NOW. Not this August.

WOW! That last sentence brings to mind the eerily similar to today novel, "Not This August" written by C.M. Kornbluth in 1955.
I will be happy when they get rid of money. 😁 We need to trade pot as currency. Then I will be the rich guy . 🙃


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
She sure knows she is loved and appreciated.
I can picture her in that commercial with the family sitting at the dinner table sharing their daily accomplishments. The little boy says "I got an A on my exam today."or something like that. Then the dog says, "I went into the forest and didn't get a single flea or tick" and the parents start lavishing praise on the dog and ignoring the kids, telling the dog that she's great and then the dog says something like "yeah I am pretty great aren't I"


Well-known member
Premium user
There is a way to beat it. Set up a dressing mirror in your back yard. On a sunny day, turn on your sprinklers to the "foggy" setting.

Get your twin brother to stand with the sun behind him and you stand looking at him in the mirror.

The rainbow will form between you (where the mist is) and him. Direct your brother to where the rainbow hits the ground. Get him to place a marker there.

Dig at the marker. Bingo.
I clearly must not be smoking as good of weed as I think I do.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I will be happy when they get rid of money. 😁 We need to trade pot as currency. Then I will be the rich guy . 🙃
It won't matter to me if they get rid of money, I don't have any money as it is so what's the difference if suddenly the money I don't have becomes worthless? Maybe this is the powers that be positioning us for that "Mark of the Neast" thing I've bn reading about lately? :biggrin:


I think I have my head around the petrodollar,our current inflation and the reasons why the money supply is intentionally being destroyed.
Simple answer is wealth extraction while it still has any perceived value.
Having the foreknowledge that the currency is going to collapse puts one in a good place to profit if you know its coming.
Controlling that collapse and timing it to your advantage would be a brilliant way to fuck everything and everyone except the chosen few.
My new conspiracy theory lets see how long it takes to pan out.