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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
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How have you been Subbie?
ive been well Jan. Just regular old age stuff but I’m making my way through it. Glad nothing major at the moment 😁😁 summertime is officially here in Virginia. seeing regular 90s now and humidity is alway up here seems like. Still walking the dogs and bike ride weather permitting to keep moving. Garden is in. Outside Plants waiting to be sexed but nothing yet checked them today.
‘You have your outside plants growing and away from your doggos reach this year?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The Fall of the Roamin’ Empire. Watch the National Debt clock speed up from $100k/second to 100,000k/second. America is fkd.
If it is then most of the rest of the world is fkd. There is a large part of the world that still depends on America being what it is. I'm not so sure it's going to go that way though. America is the number one producer of oil in the world. Yet instead of just using it ourselves and giving everyone in the US cheap gas like they do in Iran. We sell a good bit of it and then turn around and still import. If the US kept that all to itself and stop importing the resulting effect of that in theory dhould turn the tables on OPEC. Off course nothing is that simpl. While we are the number one producer OPEC still has the largest know reserves in the ground, so they could just start pumping more oil but it would still hurt them to lose the US business. It wouldn't go well on us either though, since oil production in the US is still done by privately owned companies they can't force the cheap price like Iran does since their oil production is nationalized.. We could only keep the oil here if we paid at least as much as on the world market but since we would be a closed system with the private companies being the only supplier they could actually charge even more then the world market because there would be no other source.

The United States has grown to become the top petroleum liquids producer in the world, averaging 18.9 million b/d to account for 20% of the world’s production in 2022.24 It's also the top producer of crude oil and lease condensate.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
See we have not talked belly buttons yet. I bet more will chime in. 😁
I wasn't going to at first because I'm no belly button doctor or even a doctor of any kind. However if it's possible the button on the jeans could cause that then maybe it did and the irritation being seen today is left over from the irritation of the jean's button yesterday?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Layla is a beautiful dog, how much does she weigh...

I've been wondering, is Layla spayed...what awesome puppies that would have...
About 90lbs. She was spayed before we rescued her. She would have had pretty puppies.
She is absolutely a gorgeous canine. She must be a real treasure for the family.
All of our shepherds have been good looking dogs, but the real treasure has been their intellect and personality.
Here is a question for those with a science mind, don't laugh, but I did find the end of the rainbow. I seen it in the field across the road from my home. I thought this can't be but it is. I walked towards.
As I started walking towards the end of the rainbow, the rainbow would move away from me, I could not get to the end of the rainbow because it would not stay still. I could see the end all the time it was always just in front of me.
What's your answer to this?
The rainbow is a lensing effect created my sunlight passing through water droplets in the atmosphere. We only see half the circle and the apparent location changes with the perspective of the observer.

As the perspective of the observer changes, the apparent location of the rainbow changes accordingly.


Well-known member
Premium user
About 90lbs. She was spayed before we rescued her. She would have had pretty puppies.

All of our shepherds have been good looking dogs, but the real treasure has been their intellect and personality.

The rainbow is a lensing effect created my sunlight passing through water droplets in the atmosphere. We only see half the circle and the apparent location changes with the perspective of the observer.

As the perspective of the observer changes, the apparent location of the rainbow changes accordingly.
See @oldmaninbc i told ya GW would know. He’s our smartest guy here amongst all the old farts. His answers to my questions always leave me with more questions but he is kind enough to answer all of them no matter how silly, explaining sometimes in laymen terms when I need it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
About 90lbs. She was spayed before we rescued her. She would have had pretty puppies.

All of our shepherds have been good looking dogs, but the real treasure has been their intellect and personality.

The rainbow is a lensing effect created my sunlight passing through water droplets in the atmosphere. We only see half the circle and the apparent location changes with the perspective of the observer.

As the perspective of the observer changes, the apparent location of the rainbow changes accordingly.
See? They run along with people to keep them from getting the pot of gold. I bet the sun and the clouds get a good chuckle out of that little prank? :biggrin:


Well-known member
If it is then most of the rest of the world is fkd. There is a large part of the world that still depends on America being what it is. I'm not so sure it's going to go that way though. America is the number one producer of oil in the world. Yet instead of just using it ourselves and giving everyone in the US cheap gas like they do in Iran. We sell a good bit of it and then turn around and still import. If the US kept that all to itself and stop importing the resulting effect of that in theory dhould turn the tables on OPEC. Off course nothing is that simpl. While we are the number one producer OPEC still has the largest know reserves in the ground, so they could just start pumping more oil but it would still hurt them to lose the US business. It wouldn't go well on us either though, since oil production in the US is still done by privately owned companies they can't force the cheap price like Iran does since their oil production is nationalized.. We could only keep the oil here if we paid at least as much as on the world market but since we would be a closed system with the private companies being the only supplier they could actually charge even more then the world market because there would be no other source.

The United States has grown to become the top petroleum liquids producer in the world, averaging 18.9 million b/d to account for 20% of the world’s production in 2022.24 It's also the top producer of crude oil and lease condensate.



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
The Orangutan's arse description, is what is referred to as an exaggeration for dramatic effect and humor :)
I can't get it out of my mind...


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