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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
prickly pear cactus.

They hurt to take out.
While living in FL, out drinking one night, we decided to go get a bag of weed.
Along some road, we pulled over so I could pee.
Being a bit tipsy, I fell backwards into on of those basitd cactus's.
Yeah, my night out was over. They were in my back and ass.
I couldn't even sit down in the car, I road facing backwards on my
knees. It hurt so bad just to pull my pants up. Even drunk, I wanted
to cry.
Took my roomie over an hour just to pull all those fucking spikes out.
Then I sat in a cool bathtub and passed out after the ordeal.

Moral of the story:
Don't get drunk and piss on the roadside in FL ;)


Well-known member
garlic scapes are a thing of beauty☝️
Is this scapes?


Well-known member
While living in FL, out drinking one night, we decided to go get a bag of weed.
Along some road, we pulled over so I could pee.
Being a bit tipsy, I fell backwards into on of those basitd cactus's.
Yeah, my night out was over. They were in my back and ass.
I couldn't even sit down in the car, I road facing backwards on my
knees. It hurt so bad just to pull my pants up. Even drunk, I wanted
to cry.
Took my roomie over an hour just to pull all those fucking spikes out.
Then I sat in a cool bathtub and passed out after the ordeal.

Moral of the story:
Don't get drunk and piss on the roadside in FL ;)
Great memory tho huh?🤪


Well-known member
Yeah, landlords are considered pariah here and new laws are enacted to take all control of our businesses away from us.

IE: I can't rent to the best applicant, I have to rent to the first to apply, even if they are Section 8, been evicted for cause from their previous address, or are a convicted child molester.

I am responsible for relocation costs if I evict a tenant or if I raise the rent over 10% and decide to move instead of paying it.

If they stop paying the rent, it takes an act of congress to evict them and then it is a lengthy process.

Stupider that that, if I have an empty rental and someone moves in and squats, I can't just remove them or have them removed. I have to go through as lengthy process to evict them, with no recourse on the damages they may do while squatting.

Our local DA is releasing property criminals and dismissing the charges because there aren't enough public defenders available to handle them all and we can't violate their constitutional rights.
Need more fellas like Flash



While living in FL, out drinking one night, we decided to go get a bag of weed.
Along some road, we pulled over so I could pee.
Being a bit tipsy, I fell backwards into on of those basitd cactus's.
Yeah, my night out was over. They were in my back and ass.
I couldn't even sit down in the car, I road facing backwards on my
knees. It hurt so bad just to pull my pants up. Even drunk, I wanted
to cry.
Took my roomie over an hour just to pull all those fucking spikes out.
Then I sat in a cool bathtub and passed out after the ordeal.

Moral of the story:
Don't get drunk and piss on the roadside in FL ;)
Coulda been worse.........it was florida.
That is a scape you can plant it or eat it.
Takes lonver than cloves to make heads but they work great.