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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
sorta new…….about 7 years old…

goes to the town cemetery
Next step is paving the road to perdition with good intentions..........................
I bought a 44 magnum Dan Wesson, 8 inch barrel for $100 many years ago. I shot it one time and sold it to my friend for the hundred dollars I paid for it. I was talking to one of my buddies who is a very accomplished gunsmith, and he warned me against shooting the gun because I broke my shoulder. I’ve got a friend bugging me to sell it to him but I’m not sure I want to sell it but I’m pretty damn sure I don’t wanna shoot it. I’ve got a 4 inch scar right where the butt of the rifle rests. 2-31 mags of 9 mm makes my shoulder very sore so I assume this gun will probably make it much worse.
I picked up a S&W Mdl 29 4" in 44 mag and ended up trading it straight across for a 65 Coupe De Ville because it was making me flinch and ruining my offhand pistol shooting. Besides the blasty recoil, there was a huge fireball about six feet in front of the barrel.

My Desert Eagle in 44 mag on the other hand was a pleasure to shoot.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with evening rain here, starting at 46F and predicted to reach 60F.

Got my annual dental cleaning out of the way yesterday and spent some quality time working on my HVAC repair fraud project. I put together a letter calling Area Heating & Cooling on the lies that they told the Comsumer Protection Agency and asked for their supporting data.

They won't provide it, because it doesn't exist, but my demands and their failure to respond will be noted when I start publishing on public forum.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
aaaarrrrrgggg…..whoop de do and morning to you all…

we are off soon to the big city , 175 miles one way…gonna see the tax man and a one year follow up on our new teeth….

my head hurts so I am gonna pour some coffee over it and see if that helps



🦫 Special 🍆
great news from europe, our german friends made the first step towards something good.



Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning everyone. Looks like I have the first part of the day all to myself as Mr Sub is taking his mom to the eye doc. I’m sending meals on wheels as my replacement. Gonna break out the volcano when he leaves and a little of that girl crush and sing stoner songs to my plants with my ukulele. Suppose to rain later in the day just in time for his arrival back home. Hope everyone is managing their aches and pains this morning and you all have a beautiful day. I’ll check in a bit later for the girlcrush buzz. gonna try to get a dog walk in before he leaves. 🥰


Well-known member
Next step is paving the road to perdition with good intentions..........................

I picked up a S&W Mdl 29 4" in 44 mag and ended up trading it straight across for a 65 Coupe De Ville because it was making me flinch and ruining my offhand pistol shooting. Besides the blasty recoil, there was a huge fireball about six feet in front of the barrel.

My Desert Eagle in 44 mag on the other hand was a pleasure to shoot.
Well of course it's an auto run by energy by shooting the cartridge.
A qtr of the power runs the slide and a sw mod 29 is a wheel gun
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Now heres a link to an interview I did back in early 2017 or was it 2018 ehhh? - anyway I was about 70lbs heavier than I am now - more like Cannon without the tash or Orson Wells without the beard - might give you all some insight into some heavy bits in my life 🤔 that I went thru - that has formed the beast I am today - lol

Hey, we get to put a face (and genuine Brit accent) to our host.

Ever kewl.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Just saw this on my Facebook feed, at least it's not For Boomers by Boomers like the ads usually are. This one has the decided Millennial slant to it.

Preserve Earth's most important resource, water, by using aeroponics, to grow one of the most water intensive plants known to man? As we used to type back in the old days, bwahaha.

Aerocronics, Get It?
The lake made by Boulder Dam (Lake Meade) is drying up and is so low, some of the electrical generators in the dam have been taken off line because there is no water to turn the turbines.

So what is the clever and logical answer to this desperate situation where all the cities that require the water from Lake Meade for survival, you say? How about we grow miles and miles of cotton (about the thirstiest plant there is) in the middle of the Nevada desert?


No foolin'. Mud coming out of faucets in towns using Lake Mead


Well-known member
Premium user
- and as for regarding this thread from my standpoint - I really think that its great for me to find so many people around here in the autumn/winter of their years - with so much experience and humour - wit and sarcasm to share - as I think that I do too - after all of these years - although I might seem a bit young to some of you - I'll be 64 years old on March 26th - that's next Tuesday - so lets all have a BIG party on my birthday - I'll supply the baked beans on toast - and you lot can supply the strippers and hookers - the champers and the cake -sounds like a good deal to me - LMAO! -
I’m all up for a BD party. What are champers?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Maybe if Cali would build dams in their fargin state and quit relying on Colo to supply their water it would go a long way to alleviate the problem.

But NO!!!! The tree huggersin that state won't allow it!!!!! Cali got copious amounts of water the last two years and it all went into the ocean! Idiots.....