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The Original O'l Farts Club.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Apologies. Don't know what just happened. I meant to reply personally to boo in a private conversation. I'm not very good with this tech at all. Which buttons to press etc...and then when I make a mistake, I have no idea how to rectify it.
Right there with you. Even though I'm very technically adept with PCs, networking, etc. right now I'm on my tablet, which I am most of the time now. I use voice dictation, so having to go back and proofread/correct what I write on a tiny ass, little keyboard, with my stubby, fat fingers is a monumental pain in the ass.

I've caused more grief for the mods here to delete posts, where somehow I end up responding to myself, which is absolutely fucking pathetic. :p

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
My Arlo gets a burst of energy every night at about 8:30. Lasts for about an hour I think he’s fighting sleep cause once he’s outta gas, he’s out for the night.
The lake made by Boulder Dam (Lake Meade) is drying up and is so low, some of the electrical generators in the dam have been taken off line because there is no water to turn the turbines.

So what is the clever and logical answer to this desperate situation where all the cities that require the water from Lake Meade for survival, you say? How about we grow miles and miles of cotton (about the thirstiest plant there is) in the middle of the Nevada desert?

View attachment 18977066 View attachment 18977074
No foolin'. Mud coming out of faucets in towns using Lake Mead
Don't even get me started about almonds in California... I know they're not in drought now but those fucking trees suck up more water just to survive than cannabis does I think.

Or about the Saudi billionaires who have lease state-sized agricultural land, and suck up as much water as they possibly can, for alfalfa I think it is. Just so they don't have to grow the shit in their own country and use their own water.

This ain't politics, it's out and out fucking greed.

Harley and I are getting ready to go to Vegas for our 35th in September and as much as I absolutely love Vegas, every time I go there looking at the absolutely massive quantity of water they waste, it's hard for me not to feel just a little twinge of guilt.

But Harley takes a big, long bulger from the vaporizer poolside, I take a capsule and chase it with a frozen mojito, and we just _absolutely_ fucking enjoy the ride.

Environment be damned. :cool:
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Well-known member

General seating tickets go on sale in about 2 hours.


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member

I wish more people felt about hard drugs like I do.
Never could see past the damages caused to find the pleasure in them same as liquor.
I still miss my big brother every fuckin day.

Right there with you on hard drugs. I've done everything except for heroin and crack... in excess at times. Saw somebody OD one time, when the guy finally came out of it and I talked to him the next day, he said Chuck it's so good, don't even try it once! For heroin, I never did. Same with crack. I was always too much of a tightwad for Coke, and knew people in Miami who could get it real cheap, but pharmaceutical eskatrols or preluden were much better. When you have an addictive personality like me, it would be easy to fall into those substances. Luckily, I knew what my limit was on those substances.

I know/knew of a lot of people who did not.

Except out of their own stupidity or sometimes bad luck, no one has ever _died_ from cannabis or LSD. And for the love of God and all that's holy, please Boomers, don't mention Art Linkletter's daughter... that story was complete and total bullshit.
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Well-known member
Right there with you on hard drugs. I've done everything except for heroin and crack... in excess at times. Saw somebody OD one time, when the guy finally came out of it and I talked to him the next day, he said Mark it's so good, don't even try it once! For heroin, I never did. Same with crack. I was always too much of a tightwad for Coke, and new people in Miami who could get it real cheap, but pharmaceutical eskatrols or preluden were much better. When you have an addictive personality like me, it would be easy to fall into those substances. Luckily, I knew what my limit was on those substances.

I know/knew of a lot of people who did not.

Except out of their own stupidity or sometimes bad luck, no one has ever _died_ from cannabis or LSD. And for the love of God and all that's holy, please Boomers, don't mention Art Linkletter's daughter... that story was complete and total bullshit.
Unfortunately, I have done them all. My particular drug of choice was ( back then) heroin. Over 25yrs on that shit. Overdosed more than once, and actually died once, but for a very good friend performed cpr until medical emergency arrived.
Been clean now for approx 15yrs.
I don't drink alcohol at all.
I don't do pharmaceutical drugs at all.
But I do consume an enormous amount of flower, I've the tolerance of an elephant.
My life now, compared to then, is chalk and cheese. Thank the lord.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We are a unique generation......sex, drugs and rock n roll.....most of us survived.....still trying to figure out if I did or not....I tried heroin once...that was enough.....all i remember is puking and scratching my nose!
Once upon a time - I found myself near the Thai - Burmese border - in a little town called Mae Hong Son and did opium for 6 months - in a very swanky bordello - I didn't even have to prepare the stuff - just toke it - for 10 baht per pipe - plenty of ready-willing-and-able ladies treated me so well - as if I was very special and very exotic - since back in those days young Caucasian males were considered as such in that neck of the jungle - even today I get the occasional erotic dream from those cherished memories -

- It was such a hard place to leave for me - but eventually I had to come back to reality - and make some money - did 4 days cold turkey - and because I was in my early 20's and very fit - managed to get thru it all without any real damage - just felt like crap 💩 for the best part of a week -
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Unfortunately, I have done them all. My particular drug of choice was ( back then) heroin. Over 25yrs on that shit. Overdosed more than once, and actually died once, but for a very good friend performed cpr until medical emergency arrived.
Been clean now for approx 15yrs.
I don't drink alcohol at all.
I don't do pharmaceutical drugs at all.
But I do consume an enormous amount of flower, I've the tolerance of an elephant.
My life now, compared to then, is chalk and cheese. Thank the lord.
I hope you are _very_ fucking proud of yourself!!!! There's not a emoticon / emoji... whatever the fuck they call it, to express how awesome what you accomplished is. Enormous amounts of flower to keep you where you are now is the perfect prescription.

And I'm right there with you on the tolerance, elephant was a good analogy. I do cannabis for PTSD and consume 4 g of high quality SouthEast Lights buds, four times a day, 7 days a week, month after month, year after year.

It's been 6+ years now since I stopped vaping, but the last time I did, four or five massive long bulgers of BHO had almost no effect on me. Too much damage to the lungs with two little effect on the mind made the decision for me, in addition to thinking I had throat cancer. o_O

Time to head downstairs to the tents and thin the herd.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Once upon a time - I found myself near the Thai - Burmese border - in a little town called Mae Hong Son and did opium for 6 months - in a very swanky bordello - I didn't even have to prepare the stuff - just toke it - for 10 baht per pipe - plenty of ready-willing-and-able ladies treated me so well - as if I was very special and very exotic - since back in those days young Caucasian males were considered as such in that neck of the jungle - even today I get the occasional erotic dream from those cherished memories -

- It was such a hard place to leave for me - but eventually I had to come back to reality - and make some money - did 4 days cold turkey - and because I was in my early 20's and very fit - managed to get thru it all without any real damage - just felt like crap 💩 for the best part of a week -
I'm pretty sure I might not have made it back from that. That feeling of bliss and contentment, I can only imagine. Needles and snorting white powder would have never worked for me, even back in the day. But taking big, long, lung bulgers of opium and getting that feeling of _total_ bliss and contentment, is not something I'm sure I could have stopped.

And I'm not even thinking about the "reach-arounds" yet, which is uncharacteristic of me. o_O

Unca Walt

Well-known member
And Now For Something Completely different...

Back in 2008, Himself and the Red Witch were on a road trip to Canukistan to see the Bay of Fundy at St. Andrews By The Sea, and we stopped at the Mystic Seaport Museum.

Turned out the guy running the whole place was a distant cousin of mine, named Quentin Snediker. We got introduced, and the both of us stood looking at each other like we'd seen a ghost.

Our haircuts were different. That was about it. The Fabled PC took a pic of the two of us standing next to each other, and then matched hair. This is the shocking part:

Well, out of the blue, yesterday he called to see if it was all right to come visit us as he was down here on a trip to look at a boat (he owns a boat insurance company).

We had a great visit. He got to shoot the crossbow (nailed a 1" rifle bullseye at 100'). I gave him a copy of The Cadet inscribed to "My Clone". I haven't changed all that much. Not even my underwear.

But he looked older than me for sure (he's 12 years younger).

Herself says I look meaner than I useta.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Next step is paving the road to perdition with good intentions..........................

I picked up a S&W Mdl 29 4" in 44 mag and ended up trading it straight across for a 65 Coupe De Ville because it was making me flinch and ruining my offhand pistol shooting. Besides the blasty recoil, there was a huge fireball about six feet in front of the barrel.

My Desert Eagle in 44 mag on the other hand was a pleasure to shoot.
I got a .44 Mag Centennial (mine says "Yorktown"). I shot it enough with 240gr Hydra-Shok to see where it shoots. But at $16.50 for a wheel load, it is now a house pet.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Quick check in. I had to get the gloves off to let my hands dry out. I don't particularly like wearing gloves but it is better that the alternative. Resin and smell won't hardly wash off.

Looks like I am in good company....we all fried our marble a lot when younger. Glad I quit the hard stuff years ago. My brain is already scrambled enough.
