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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
nice cat Unca…😂

good morning

now here is how to start the day gf correctly

nothing like doing a job the right way , it s art



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good morning brother and sisters! View attachment 18976416 View attachment 18976417

A mostly cloudy day starting at 47F and predicted to reach 61F.

Breakfast out this morning with Grayfox and a friend at the Tin Shed, and then I will be composing my letter to Channel 6 news fraud team regarding Area Heating & Cooling, now that I've had all five furnaces inspected by a third party, who says the furnaces are all in good condition.

Besides their billing me $900 for $100 worth of labor and $150 worth of parts, they postured for a total replacement by saying that the furnaces were all old and in poor condition.

boy howdy , them heating and cooling boys just don’t know who they are fecking with eh….


Well-known member
Ahhh - don't get ya knickers in a twist over it fella - we all seem to be old enough and wise enough in this thread to understand what common courtesy and civil discourse is - so as long as you behave like a gentleman with XX chromosomes- (or a lady with XY) - you will be treated as such -

- Now enough of me preaching to the choir - lol

- I have some VERY GOOD personal news to share with ya'll - after getting worried sick - and waiting well over a year for this fucked NHS (national health service) - to get its arse in gear - I finally have a date for my open heart surgery! - WOOP - DE - FRIKK'IN - DOOP!

- On Sunday 14th April - I have to check-in to St Thomas's Hospital (London England) at 3pm - and will be staying in Becket Ward on the 5th Floor of the East Wing - the Mitral valve fix and the left coronary artery by-pass will be worked on the next day by a very experienced and highly qualified Greek surgeon -

- So I'll expect lots of flowers - get-well-soon cards and fruit gifts 🎁 from you lot - to aid my recovery - which should be from 8 to 12 weeks - then I should be firing on all 8 cylinders again - Phew! - what a bloody relief !

This will get you sorted, as will a KG of Kudu biltong on its way to 5th fl EW


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey everyone. Just checking in for a buzz break. Hope everyone is well today. Made the first batch of baklava today. I usually make it this time of year and send out to friends and family. This one has a little extra orange zest not traditional but adding it makes it that much more delicious to me. checked the plants still waiting the two weeks 😁 y’all have a great day
View attachment 18976151
You're a Greek Goddess 😊☝️


Active member
I have had a couple minor repairs come up here and there... Eventually I'm just going to have to break down and buy all the tools for it and learn it. It doesn't stick to the fittings very well with Zip Ties. hahaha. Not a super big deal but. Just when I become well versed with the ratchet PVC snipper/cutter.... Grrrr. I think it is just the fact that it gives the appearance of being flimsy and weak. I know it's capable.

Last time I rebuilt my hydro system, I noticed the PVC stuff was getting down to slim pickins.

I'm usually late to the party though. When all my friends were getting golf carts to putt around town, I finally broke down and bought a Harley, which was the trend around here 20 years ago.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
This will get you sorted, as will a KG of Kudu biltong on its way to 5th fl EW
Oh - that's beautiful 😍 - I love biltong - was in saath effrica (thats how they say it in South Africa) 23 years ago - flew into Cape Town - hired a combi-van and drove to Durban - on the wild coast route - then met up with a Dutch mate - and he took me up to his place north west of Durban - to show me a field of Durban Poison x Skunk #1 plants he was growing - stayed for a few days - then flew to Antananarivo in Madagascar 🇲🇬 - and spent a few weeks travelling around that amazing country - before flying to La Reunion island - in the Indian Ocean - where I met Christoph who gifted me a bunch of Zamal seeds - that I brought back to the UK and shared with some Dutch breeders - (Dubi got some too - he's Spanish) - and Uncle Ben - and others I can't remember right now - lol


Well-known member
we snorted a line of that years and years ago.....

I was driving home with my best friend and his wife..[she didn’t snort any]

he kept saying "my god slow down"

she said "uhhh..you know you are only going 15 mph?"

we were on a country road..at night with no one anywhere

that shit was something else....it took 5 days to recover

never did it again..damn it was fun..we still laugh about it

[then there’s the peyote story]

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