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The Original O'l Farts Club.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I wish…I missed one of many of my callings😂🤡😂 I love plumbing and pipe fitting

but noooooooooo……
Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying about the missed callings. This probably ain't going to surprise ya'll, but in another life I could have been a writer or a lawyer. Hey I can compose a Wall of Words and be an asshole, perfect fit for both professions, don't you all think??

I had to pick concrete…..Local 690 Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons…😵‍💫😵😵‍💫😓😓😓
Much, _much_ respect.. My friend/brother was in 522 back in the day, now Local 502 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters outta Lou Ah Vull, Kentucky. (y)
I have no business pouring and finishing concrete in my 70’s but I do it anyway….🤩
Even more respect. I'm hitting the seven oh mark next year but right now 69 is mighty fine! But Harley gets sick of hearing me whine about my back when I come back from working down in the basement tents.:p


Well-known member
Premium user
Rain day today and a toof cleaning appt..........joy.
Well it’s about time, just sayin…

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Random thoughts as I'm scanning more and more posts these days... whoever came up with the idea of the Veteran badge underneath the avatar is, as Forrest Gump's DI would say, a goddamn genius!

I'm a speed reader/scanner and when I look at an avatar on a thread post and see it's got a Veteran badge, I'll actually pay attention to that posters' post. Not sure and really don't care much about all the other stuff that's underneath an avatar, unless of course it's a Mod, then I start thinking I've fucked up and going to get reprimanded. ;) I do like to see the green donor badge, cuz that means some cash is coming in to help support the site.

To show you all how old school I am, about once every week or two, I'll start clicking on all the banner ads, visit the site, and fuck around on it like I'm actually looking at stuff.

My way of supporting the site without joining/paying for an avatar embellishment. As Groucho Marx said, "I'd never be part of a club that would have me as a member." :p


Well-known member
THINSEND or something like that.
It's an extension of the irs, they're going after small businesses and estates now.
Theyre finding more and more ways to get to the small business owner and Inheritance.

Shits gotta stop always picking on the small guy cuz they think we're all a bunch of rip offs like the fuckin government cocksuckers.

I think Don's right, there's gonna be blood shed after this one, either way it's not gonna be good

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
That was me yesterday my vampire couldn't hit my vain for nothing. Took her 8 tries she wanted to stop after 3 tries I told her I wasn’t coming back tomorrow she’d better figure it out
As someone who was a Zen fucking master at hitting ABG's (the higher pressure, more difficult arterial side of your circulatory system, not the venous side where you got stuck) with one stick, sometimes that low pressure venous shit is difficult to hit. Junkies do it better than nurses. After three tries, frustration overtakes education / experience, so just ask them to call someone else to give it a shot.

On the ABG side of things, that used to be me.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
For fuck sake, I do everything humanly possible to avoid appearing like a Fanboy, but this work with copper is stunning.
The folks here are an amalgalm of weird overachievers, no error.

You want the best for fresh water fishing? We gots Pute.

You see NASA man-rated plumbing? We gots Big.

Electrical, Software, Yada.

Even yer Unca Walt has sumpin': I just came back in from calling Fancy Pants the Peacock out of the woods and up to me sitting in my garage so he could eat some peanuts out of my hand.

On second thought, mebbe that ain't in the same class as the above crowd... But at least it is 79F and sunny with puffy clouds.

My grief counselor died recently. But luckily, he was so good, I didn't give a shit.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Random thoughts as I'm scanning more and more posts these days... whoever came up with the idea of the Veteran badge underneath the avatar is, as Forrest Gump's DI would say, a goddamn genius!

I'm a speed reader/scanner and when I look at an avatar on a thread post and see it's got a Veteran badge, I'll actually pay attention to that posters' post. Not sure and really don't care much about all the other stuff that's underneath an avatar, unless of course it's a Mod, then I start thinking I've fucked up and going to get reprimanded. ;) I do like to see the green donor badge, cuz that means some cash is coming in to help support the site.

To show you all how old school I am, about once every week or two, I'll start clicking on all the banner ads, visit the site, and fuck around on it like I'm actually looking at stuff.

My way of supporting the site without joining/paying for an avatar embellishment. As Groucho Marx said, "I'd never be part of a club that would have me as a member." :p

I am gonna just ask Gypsy if he can change my Premium Veteran ribbons to just one that says God Like Status…🤡😂🤡

I don’t really mind cause I am on a mailtrain…

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Random thoughts as I'm scanning more and more posts these days... whoever came up with the idea of the Veteran badge underneath the avatar is, as Forrest Gump's DI would say, a goddamn genius!

I'm a speed reader/scanner and when I look at an avatar on a thread post and see it's got a Veteran badge, I'll actually pay attention to that posters' post. Not sure and really don't care much about all the other stuff that's underneath an avatar, unless of course it's a Mod, then I start thinking I've fucked up and going to get reprimanded. ;) I do like to see the green donor badge, cuz that means some cash is coming in to help support the site.

To show you all how old school I am, about once every week or two, I'll start clicking on all the banner ads, visit the site, and fuck around on it like I'm actually looking at stuff.

My way of supporting the site without joining/paying for an avatar embellishment. As Groucho Marx said, "I'd never be part of a club that would have me as a member." :p
Absolutely hate to reply to my own post, on Usenet we used to call that fucking pathetic because people were trying to draw attention to themselves, and that's not what I'm trying to do now.

In addition to praising whoever came up with the idea of a Veteran badge, I want to give special praise to whoever power may be, whether it's gypsy, some corporate overlord, or anybody else that matter, for keeping US politics _out_ of this forum, at least the readily visible areas.

There are so many other fucking venues to discuss those issues besides a _cannabis_ forum. As you all know, I'm a refugee from RIU and the thing I hated most about that forum, other than how poorly it was moderated, was every time I would go to the New Posts section of the site, the top four or five threads were _always_ about US politics, on either one side of the other. There was an absolutely no way you could not see them if you were viewing the New Posts selection.

Please leave politics out of this very entertaining, thought-provoking, and educational thread.

Gypsy, if I'm wrong, kick my ass out.