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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
@Unca Walt can you grow tomatoes successfully?
S&S: I can grow coconuts and mangoes. By the fargin ton. I have cocoplums and acai and

I have planted:

Macadamia nut bush/tree
Pecan tree
Cashew nut
The only two remaining are macadamia skeleton with 10 leaves on it, the pecan tree currently with no leaves on it and is five feet tall after 20 years.

I gave away my rototiller after my failed veggie garden debacle. NOTHING grew unless stunted. Turns out my land is saturated with nematodes.

So I built a raised bed with bagged soil. Animals ate absolutely everything including roots.

So I put chicken wire over my raised garden. Peh. Meh. Sumbody chewed through the wood to get to my plants.


Well-known member
Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Ooops I forgot how many I needed. Damned if I'll go back and count again. So just to be sure, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, Like, :cool:


Well-known member
S&S: I can grow coconuts and mangoes. By the fargin ton. I have cocoplums and acai and

I have planted:

Macadamia nut bush/tree
Pecan tree
Cashew nut
The only two remaining are macadamia skeleton with 10 leaves on it, the pecan tree currently with no leaves on it and is five feet tall after 20 years.

I gave away my rototiller after my failed veggie garden debacle. NOTHING grew unless stunted. Turns out my land is saturated with nematodes.

So I built a raised bed with bagged soil. Animals ate absolutely everything including roots.

So I put chicken wire over my raised garden. Peh. Meh. Sumbody chewed through the wood to get to my plants.
So it's not you, it's the neighbors. Have you given it a try indoors under a light?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
so I been thinking about the cannabis community in general and those of us in this ragtag group who have been lovers of the sacred herb for many years….

like I smoked my first joint in 1964 and now here we are

many of us spent a lot of our lives ducking and hiding and more than one of us have a felony for all our efforts , even though we did nothing wrong by growing and consuming cannabis , indeed , we were right all along and they were wrong…

don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology or an expungement of your felony , they will hold that over our heads until we die , paying one’s debt to society is an evil dastardly lie

i said that to say this , because of my choices to grow and share cannabis with like minded folks , my socializing was very limited , I spent the majority of my time tending and guarding my crops from rippers and the man….

the majority of my socializing was done with the online cannabis community , in secret ..lol

and that is why I am still here , I have know some of the folks here for about 20 years or so and a few of us have been through thick and thin , we have sat down together and shared the herb , shared genetics , and shared our lives…

i do not want to repack my cyber life and move , again , I can tell you some stories about moving , i promise you they are upsetting , I would rather stay put and hang out with my canna family….

sounds like I need to get a life ya say…….

well I gots News for you and anyone else , because it was people like me and many others here who went to jail for what we believed in , we protested , we were rebels with a cause and paved the way for the freedoms that we enjoy today , consuming and growing our favorite herb without fear of jail and we will continue the fight until we win the war against cannabis….

young people will never understand what it was like to sneek around to have a toke and put up with all the harassment and negativity from our families , our schools , and our society

and now here we are today

i don’t want to declare victory just quite yet , but we are getting close to having cannabis rescheduled and treated like a herb instead of a dangerous drug

when that day comes , there will be one helluva celebration from sea to shining sea!

cannnabis Protecto!….

View attachment 18971157

View attachment 18971156
Right on brother the DA said he was gonna make an example out of what he felt was the last if the hippie generation.
A couple judge buddy's thought differently
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Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning folks. I’m actually going to church this morning. It’s my MIL birthday so after church we are taking her to lunch at her favorite seafood place. Cloudy and rainy here with wind. They say that things will dry out soon and warm up too so I’m ready for all that.
still miss the like button but liking and laughing at all your posts 😊🥰
❤️ me2


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
ZGood morning

like like like x 10 more likes and a whole lotta love love love love love

lemme see , I gotta say something about pot now so that I will comply with the algorithms..

I grow pot
i have grown pot
i will grow pot

see photos but no likes please , maybe a thumbs up , make it close to my arse please….




and that is the naked truth!…


and sometimes I grow corn…



Well-known member
ZGood morning

like like like x 10 more likes and a whole lotta love love love love love

lemme see , I gotta say something about pot now so that I will comply with the algorithms..

I grow pot
i have grown pot
i will grow pot

see photos but no likes please , maybe a thumbs up , make it close to my arse please….

View attachment 18971271

View attachment 18971272
View attachment 18971274
and that is the naked truth!…

View attachment 18971273

and sometimes I grow corn…

View attachment 18971275
Green corn @bigsur51 ?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning....likes sent. Just caught up on last night's and early morning posts. I need some coffee and run downstairs.
There is and never was a virus.
The so called science of virology has been debunked.
If you'd like more information on this subject, I'd be happy to provide it.

I would be interested in what you have to say greengrower.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

that particular strandivar of corn is the Bloody Butcher variety…

Bloody Butcher corn holds a special place in American agricultural history. It has been cultivated for centuries, particularly in the Appalachian region, where it was a staple crop for many farming families. it was used for corn meal, animal feed, and even whiskey. This heirloom variety represents the agricultural traditions and self-sufficiency of early settlers, who relied on its bountiful harvests to sustain their communities.

By the early 1900’s, Corn became increasingly commercially grown and farmed, and many heirloom varieties of the crop decreased or even disappeared. Bloody butcher was one of the few heirloom varieties that survived. Today, many small-scale farmers and enthusiasts have championed its cultivation and preservation, recognizing its unique characteristics and the value of maintaining biodiversity in our food systems.



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Around '03-4 I would never use the 'like' or any of the ilk at OG . Thought it was a bit strange when you could just write a reply , but a woman, Lilma .. RIP , suggested that if I thought it was funny and liked the way Boo busted balls in a lounge area then it might be easier to just hit like or laughing dude than trying to write sheiit out while high , ..

Speaking of the Mud Puddle, I need to go over and delete .. much a ceremonial 3 spooners signoff in my mind only.

When 45 becomes 47 I plan to travel to the northeastern edge of the Chihuahua Mountains which lie within the country of Texas and will visit family .. they are self imposed protectors of the sacred ..

Two here have way previously asked for some . If can. I will ..

if 45 makes it to 47 , i might make that trip with you…😎. or dream about it