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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
so I been thinking about the cannabis community in general and those of us in this ragtag group who have been lovers of the sacred herb for many years….

like I smoked my first joint in 1964 and now here we are

many of us spent a lot of our lives ducking and hiding and more than one of us have a felony for all our efforts , even though we did nothing wrong by growing and consuming cannabis , indeed , we were right all along and they were wrong…

don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology or an expungement of your felony , they will hold that over our heads until we die , paying one’s debt to society is an evil dastardly lie

i said that to say this , because of my choices to grow and share cannabis with like minded folks , my socializing was very limited , I spent the majority of my time tending and guarding my crops from rippers and the man….

the majority of my socializing was done with the online cannabis community , in secret ..lol

and that is why I am still here , I have know some of the folks here for about 20 years or so and a few of us have been through thick and thin , we have sat down together and shared the herb , shared genetics , and shared our lives…

i do not want to repack my cyber life and move , again , I can tell you some stories about moving , i promise you they are upsetting , I would rather stay put and hang out with my canna family….

sounds like I need to get a life ya say…….

well I gots News for you and anyone else , because it was people like me and many others here who went to jail for what we believed in , we protested , we were rebels with a cause and paved the way for the freedoms that we enjoy today , consuming and growing our favorite herb without fear of jail and we will continue the fight until we win the war against cannabis….

young people will never understand what it was like to sneek around to have a toke and put up with all the harassment and negativity from our families , our schools , and our society

and now here we are today

i don’t want to declare victory just quite yet , but we are getting close to having cannabis rescheduled and treated like a herb instead of a dangerous drug

when that day comes , there will be one helluva celebration from sea to shining sea!

cannnabis Protecto!….




Well-known member
Premium user
so I been thinking about the cannabis community in general and those of us in this ragtag group who have been lovers of the sacred herb for many years….

like I smoked my first joint in 1964 and now here we are

many of us spent a lot of our lives ducking and hiding and more than one of us have a felony for all our efforts , even though we did nothing wrong by growing and consuming cannabis , indeed , we were right all along and they were wrong…

don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology or an expungement of your felony , they will hold that over our heads until we die , paying one’s debt to society is an evil dastardly lie

i said that to say this , because of my choices to grow and share cannabis with like minded folks , my socializing was very limited , I spent the majority of my time tending and guarding my crops from rippers and the man….

the majority of my socializing was done with the online cannabis community , in secret ..lol

and that is why I am still here , I have know some of the folks here for about 20 years or so and a few of us have been through thick and thin , we have sat down together and shared the herb , shared genetics , and shared our lives…

i do not want to repack my cyber life and move , again , I can tell you some stories about moving , i promise you they are upsetting , I would rather stay put and hang out with my canna family….

sounds like I need to get a life ya say…….

well I gots News for you and anyone else , because it was people like me and many others here who went to jail for what we believed in , we protested , we were rebels with a cause and paved the way for the freedoms that we enjoy today , consuming and growing our favorite herb without fear of jail and we will continue the fight until we win the war against cannabis….

young people will never understand what it was like to sneek around to have a toke and put up with all the harassment and negativity from our families , our schools , and our society

and now here we are today

i don’t want to declare victory just quite yet , but we are getting close to having cannabis rescheduled and treated like a herb instead of a dangerous drug

when that day comes , there will be one helluva celebration from sea to shining sea!

cannnabis Protecto!….

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I carry the guilt of getting kicked out of Yankee Stadium over 25 years ago for smoking a joint with a buddy.
Getting locked up for a week growing.
I was getting sad until I remembered we had Oreos.
Cookies make me not sad.


Well-known member
Final assembly tomorrow @dogzter. You better be back because I need to show you. I've never been happier with a new find. This thing hits hard. I'm starting to get my taste back so I'm getting the stronger terpes some. Dabbs without the mess.

Thanks man, and I'll miss you if you peace out 💚


Well-known member
Premium user
so I been thinking about the cannabis community in general and those of us in this ragtag group who have been lovers of the sacred herb for many years….

like I smoked my first joint in 1964 and now here we are

many of us spent a lot of our lives ducking and hiding and more than one of us have a felony for all our efforts , even though we did nothing wrong by growing and consuming cannabis , indeed , we were right all along and they were wrong…

don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology or an expungement of your felony , they will hold that over our heads until we die , paying one’s debt to society is an evil dastardly lie

i said that to say this , because of my choices to grow and share cannabis with like minded folks , my socializing was very limited , I spent the majority of my time tending and guarding my crops from rippers and the man….

the majority of my socializing was done with the online cannabis community , in secret ..lol

and that is why I am still here , I have know some of the folks here for about 20 years or so and a few of us have been through thick and thin , we have sat down together and shared the herb , shared genetics , and shared our lives…

i do not want to repack my cyber life and move , again , I can tell you some stories about moving , i promise you they are upsetting , I would rather stay put and hang out with my canna family….

sounds like I need to get a life ya say…….

well I gots News for you and anyone else , because it was people like me and many others here who went to jail for what we believed in , we protested , we were rebels with a cause and paved the way for the freedoms that we enjoy today , consuming and growing our favorite herb without fear of jail and we will continue the fight until we win the war against cannabis….

young people will never understand what it was like to sneek around to have a toke and put up with all the harassment and negativity from our families , our schools , and our society

and now here we are today

i don’t want to declare victory just quite yet , but we are getting close to having cannabis rescheduled and treated like a herb instead of a dangerous drug

when that day comes , there will be one helluva celebration from sea to shining sea!

cannnabis Protecto!….

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I feel like I should courtesy or salute or something. Thanx big and all you old guys that led the way 🥰
Let’s celebrate early 🙃


Well-known member
so I been thinking about the cannabis community in general and those of us in this ragtag group who have been lovers of the sacred herb for many years….

like I smoked my first joint in 1964 and now here we are

many of us spent a lot of our lives ducking and hiding and more than one of us have a felony for all our efforts , even though we did nothing wrong by growing and consuming cannabis , indeed , we were right all along and they were wrong…

don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology or an expungement of your felony , they will hold that over our heads until we die , paying one’s debt to society is an evil dastardly lie

i said that to say this , because of my choices to grow and share cannabis with like minded folks , my socializing was very limited , I spent the majority of my time tending and guarding my crops from rippers and the man….

the majority of my socializing was done with the online cannabis community , in secret ..lol

and that is why I am still here , I have know some of the folks here for about 20 years or so and a few of us have been through thick and thin , we have sat down together and shared the herb , shared genetics , and shared our lives…

i do not want to repack my cyber life and move , again , I can tell you some stories about moving , i promise you they are upsetting , I would rather stay put and hang out with my canna family….

sounds like I need to get a life ya say…….

well I gots News for you and anyone else , because it was people like me and many others here who went to jail for what we believed in , we protested , we were rebels with a cause and paved the way for the freedoms that we enjoy today , consuming and growing our favorite herb without fear of jail and we will continue the fight until we win the war against cannabis….

young people will never understand what it was like to sneek around to have a toke and put up with all the harassment and negativity from our families , our schools , and our society

and now here we are today

i don’t want to declare victory just quite yet , but we are getting close to having cannabis rescheduled and treated like a herb instead of a dangerous drug

when that day comes , there will be one helluva celebration from sea to shining sea!

cannnabis Protecto!….

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Nicely put. I’d say you have had a life(a good one with many adventures both good and bad). Anyone who thinks you need to get a life hasn’t had a life.

My worst run in with the law was in my late teens. Me and my friends were midway thru sneaking into every home Rochester Amerks hockey game of the season. We all split a QP of ‘Hawaiian’ during a post election season weed drought and I had an about an eighth ounce in me. We snuck into the basement of the War Memorisl to smoke during one of the breaks between periods and were getting our buzz on. The foot at the top of the stairs opened and 2 cops were glaring down at us. The older one strode down the stairs and started busting our balls. I was the only one with weed and I had the baggie in my hand. He snatched from me and opened it up, sniffed it and said ‘I’d think you would have done better grass than this’. He dumped it out on the floor and stepped on it. They brought us up to the exit and told us we were lucky he didn’t throw all of us(not just me) in jail. We snuck back in, found the buds still in tact in the basement and smoked it then watched the end of the game. We laughed for years about his ignorance since it was some of the only bud to be found in Rochester at the time and he didn’t know squat about quality. I have been lucky. Never did any time. Didn’t start growing much until I felt the need to supply my sons do they wouldn’t smoke dogshit/laced weed. I was lucky. A lot of you folks were not.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
LIV golf in Hong Kng starts in 45 minutes but I don’t know if I can keep my eyes open..…

UFC I wanna see if Chito whoops up on Sugar..

otherwise , no need for any salutes or anything , I’m flattered , a lot of people have done a lot more than I’ll ever do to advance the legalization of cannabis , just happy to do my little part by refusing to comply with an unjust law

just because something is illegal doesn’t mean that it is immoral anymore than something that is legal but is immoral and unjust….i do not obey those fake laws…

gonna have a little snack and hang out with Irene until she lulls me to sleep


Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
well said Big…..days of old are what I lived for….nothing like and never will be again…..I have been in a slump since legalization…. hard to find humor in most till a pack is down …..and without my kids to keep me grounded…..life is a bore……
ganj on….


Well-known member
Around '03-4 I would never use the 'like' or any of the ilk at OG . Thought it was a bit strange when you could just write a reply , but a woman, Lilma .. RIP , suggested that if I thought it was funny and liked the way Boo busted balls in a lounge area then it might be easier to just hit like or laughing dude than trying to write sheiit out while high , ..

Speaking of the Mud Puddle, I need to go over and delete .. much a ceremonial 3 spooners signoff in my mind only.

When 45 becomes 47 I plan to travel to the northeastern edge of the Chihuahua Mountains which lie within the country of Texas and will visit family .. they are self imposed protectors of the sacred ..

Two here have way previously asked for some . If can. I will ..



Well-known member
I read every day about people suffering from side effects from the vaccine. So glad I didn't get it. I have enough health issues without creating more. But you are right Reynard, the virus was intentionally released and it will happen again. The next one will be worse.
There is and never was a virus.
The so called science of virology has been debunked.
If you'd like more information on this subject, I'd be happy to provide it.