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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I got a pound or two here for ya walt come up and drive it home.
Free of charge and when its gone come back for another.
Frankly the way you're doing it breaks my heart and is most unacceptable.
No offense to you and yours just hate to see needless suffering.
The Rocky Mountains are incedible in spring time.
Gawd luv yer bones, dogzter.

The generosity of the folks here is amazing. The USPS really is a police arm that is scary, and quite rightly scares the shit out of generous folks who just want to help.

At 83, with busted neck, hip, both legs, left arm, scapula, and some other stuff has turned me into Fearless Fosdick. NFW can I drive even up to @Boo's place right here in Floriduh:

Unca Walt

Well-known member

Man I wish I had the balls to start using the USPS to share my herb. I have a few on-line friends who mail their product for profit all the time and have gotten away with it for awhile now. I just want to give it away and I could see myself being the one who gets caught and being made the example of.

I want to mimic @dogzter 's kind offer @Unca Walt if you ever find yourself in the Fingerlakes area of NY there's a large amount of Kind waiting for you in my basement.
There it is. You guys are ALL super.

It would be wonderful if we had a real Post Office that just delivered mail instead of snooping through it looking to interfere and hurt others.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
@Gray Wolf -- They simply do not do pee or hair tests. They do not bother. They do not give a shit about your health, really. If you have never done a required yearly VA health exam, you would not believe it.

There are no stethoscopes used. Nor pee samples taken. Nor BP readings.

Just an FMG (Foreign Medical Grad) whose first language is NOT English... and this FMG sits down with you in an 8x8 room and reads a list of questions from a sheet of paper while filing the answers on the computer screen.

The questions are deep stuff like: "how are you feeling?" and "has there been any change since last year?" That. Is. Fukking. It.

BUT! They do process paperwork.

They process the hell out of paperwork that you fill out if you are stupid/innocent/naive enuf to write down that you use MJ.

Or you want to use MJ. As in your getting a card from ANY doctor that allows you to just walk in a dispensary and get some.

Do any of the above, and you lose your freedom. PERIOD. Slam. Done. Finito.

Please grasp the concept.

What we are discussing here, GW, is the paperwork trap.

Not whether a dinged helmet vet can score and use MJ acquired from noble hearts like @Boo... but whether there is a paper trail to nail the vet.

Ya gotta understand the VA thinking. It is perfectly aligned with Post Office thinking.

I know you are aware of the PO and how they protect humanity from the evil dopers trying to seduce our women and wreck their own lives and those of all others.

Now just take the Post Office Gestapo, and augment that outfit with absolute power of the VA over dinged vets.

Do that, and you will see the predicament of yer ole Unca Walt and other GI's.

Gawd luv yer bones, but YOU are scared of only HALF what I face. YOU gotta worry about a pound of weed being discovered in the mail on the way to yer Unca.

Now... more than double that worry. Worry about the VA feds knocking on your door and barging in with an open-ended equivalent of a search warrant just because you went to a dispensary.

Like we useta say: There It Is.

I hope I have made it truly clear.
You have made it clear brother Walt, but still begging the question of why you don't have someone else pick it up for you and then just lie, like so many others of my disabled vet friends are doing so and have for years (decades).

Are you already lying about your current usage to the VA and if so, what changes?
Last edited:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have been mailing flowers and cookies out of the state of Florida for 24 years and I have never once had an issue with a package that was not delivered or came back. The key is being smart about your packaging. Double vacuum sealer bags with alcohol washes in between Work very well then I wrap everything with tinfoil so when the x-ray machine hits it, they don’t see any details. I also include little items like itty-bitty little metal cars, mouse traps, or some other junk that I have laying around. As long as you’re not mailing weight, I don’t think there’s any possibility of getting caught
And you have stones the size of bowling balls. You have changed my life more than you realize.

I can handle all pain without the gummint-supplied DEADLY, habit-forming, dependency-generating meds legally and freely available to me by the fukking pound.


This guy is unique. I sent Boo a wooden plaque I carved over a period of about ten months. I sent it to him as an inadequate, but sincere "Thank You".

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning venerable poots!

More rain today, which starts at 34F and predicted to reach 44F.

The kitchen faucet replacement went smoothly at the rental and we have an appreciative tenant. Probably doubly appreciative that I didn't call her on the broken faucet that had obviously had something heavy dropped on it. Shit happens and sometimes it is better to just suck it up as a landlord.

Off to the gym this morning but nothing else on the schedule, so looks like appreciative wet dog walks, puttering, and/or wanton indoor debauchery.

everyone push.jpg

Unca Walt

Well-known member
You have made it clear brother Walt, but still begging the question of why you don't have someone else pick it up for you and then just lie, like so many others of my disabled vet friends are doing so and have for years (decades).

Are you already lying about your current usage to the VA and if so, what changes?
Ah. I see your point. I'll address the minutiae: I have no one else to "pick it up". <-- One of the problems of being 83 is that ALL of the people you knew/loved/grooved with are... dead.

Wait until you get there, and you will see. It is strange, to look around at neighbors, other folks, etc. and not really be "tight" with any of them like you were back in the olden days. All your besties are gone.

At the VA, they never ask if you smoke weed. They don't givvashit at the FMG "fill out the form on the monitor screen" yearly health checkups. So you do not have to lie to them: The question never comes up.

So the bottom line is: I am on my own, and my freedom from confiscation of racks of guns and even the ancient katana over my fireplace is dependent on others willing to take a risk/chance on me just out of their deep kindness.

And you wonder why @Boo walks on water? The cranky old bastid is one of those guys you would be glad to have with you in the grass. Straight-arrow.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ah. I see your point. I'll address the minutiae: I have no one else to "pick it up". <-- One of the problems of being 83 is that ALL of the people you knew/loved/grooved with are... dead.

Wait until you get there, and you will see. It is strange, to look around at neighbors, other folks, etc. and not really be "tight" with any of them like you were back in the olden days. All your besties are gone.

At the VA, they never ask if you smoke weed. They don't givvashit at the FMG "fill out the form on the monitor screen" yearly health checkups. So you do not have to lie to them: The question never comes up.

So the bottom line is: I am on my own, and my freedom from confiscation of racks of guns and even the ancient katana over my fireplace is dependent on others willing to take a risk/chance on me just out of their deep kindness.

And you wonder why @Boo walks on water? The cranky old bastid is one of those guys you would be glad to have with you in the grass. Straight-arrow.
I'm only three years younger than you brother Walt and am blessed by having friends younger than me that haven't already died. Indeed at 80 I have more younger friends than older ones, because as you note, the older ones keep dying.

I appreciate brother Boo too and not to put too fine a point on it, but I note that he is also getting long of tooth and isn't all that healthy, begging the question as to what will you do if he beats you to the great new adventure?


Well-known member
Or you want to use MJ. As in your getting a card from ANY doctor that allows you to just walk in a dispensary and get some.

Do any of the above, and you lose your freedom. PERIOD. Slam. Done. Finito.

VA and Marijuana – What Veterans need to know​



Well-known member
Premium user
@Gray Wolf -- They simply do not do pee or hair tests. They do not bother. They do not give a shit about your health, really. If you have never done a required yearly VA health exam, you would not believe it.

There are no stethoscopes used. Nor pee samples taken. Nor BP readings.

Just an FMG (Foreign Medical Grad) whose first language is NOT English... and this FMG sits down with you in an 8x8 room and reads a list of questions from a sheet of paper while filing the answers on the computer screen.

The questions are deep stuff like: "how are you feeling?" and "has there been any change since last year?" That. Is. Fukking. It.

BUT! They do process paperwork.

They process the hell out of paperwork that you fill out if you are stupid/innocent/naive enuf to write down that you use MJ.

Or you want to use MJ. As in your getting a card from ANY doctor that allows you to just walk in a dispensary and get some.

Do any of the above, and you lose your freedom. PERIOD. Slam. Done. Finito.

Please grasp the concept.

What we are discussing here, GW, is the paperwork trap.

Not whether a dinged helmet vet can score and use MJ acquired from noble hearts like @Boo... but whether there is a paper trail to nail the vet.

Ya gotta understand the VA thinking. It is perfectly aligned with Post Office thinking.

I know you are aware of the PO and how they protect humanity from the evil dopers trying to seduce our women and wreck their own lives and those of all others.

Now just take the Post Office Gestapo, and augment that outfit with absolute power of the VA over dinged vets.

Do that, and you will see the predicament of yer ole Unca Walt and other GI's.

Gawd luv yer bones, but YOU are scared of only HALF what I face. YOU gotta worry about a pound of weed being discovered in the mail on the way to yer Unca.

Now... more than double that worry. Worry about the VA feds knocking on your door and barging in with an open-ended equivalent of a search warrant just because you went to a dispensary.

Like we useta say: There It Is.

I hope I have made it truly clear.
He is pretty smart Unc☝️

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I appreciate brother Boo too and not to put too fine a point on it, but I note that he is also getting long of tooth and isn't all that healthy, begging the question as to what will you do if he beats you to the great new adventure?
Good question. Fortunately, Boo is too fargin mean to die. Like me, he's sticking around until the shooting** starts.

** Between us, we could prolly arm a company. At least a coupla platoons.

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