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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
has anyone else noticed the decline of good work ethics?

or perhaps I am confusing hard work with common sense…?
I have noticed that the work ethic and attitude of a lot of employees really sucks. Unfortunately I end up seeing an awful lot of people that are doctors staff and I don’t tolerate someone who tries to be the boss and all they are is just an underling… My observations tell me that the people that are low on the totem pole in the medical field are usually the ones that try to run the show and have bad attitudes… When I receive good service, I go out of my way to let management know how grateful I am they’ve hired decent staff


Well-known member
Make money the new way.....loan forgiveness and reparations....shop lifting...exc
If the balance of power continues as it is(not just in the US but worldwide), reparations will certainly be implemented in 2025. There are a lot of people pushing it but most of those making laws dance around the subject specifically to get re-elected. That will flip if they have 2-6 more years of the status quo because there will be no peaceful mode to prevent what will result in the total bankruptcy of America(we are bankrupt already, not just financially but morally). It will be the final nail in the coffin.

Edited because I didn’t properly type what was in my head and auto-correct is not my friend…
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Cabana’s bitch
The fact that they are pursuing legislature to wipe out all student debt really grinds on me. That means that the blue-collar workers and the people who make this country go round and round, are paying off the debts of the elite idiots that get their degrees in political science and sociology. A complete waste of time and money.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
something to ponder……..hmmmmmm

and then there is this follow up to ponder…..hmmmmmm




Well-known member
I got a pound or two here for ya walt come up and drive it home.
Free of charge and when its gone come back for another.
Frankly the way you're doing it breaks my heart and is most unacceptable.
No offense to you and yours just hate to see needless suffering.
The Rocky Mountains are incedible in spring time.
Man I wish I had the balls to start using the USPS to share my herb. I have a few on-line friends who mail their product for profit all the time and have gotten away with it for awhile now. I just want to give it away and I could see myself being the one who gets caught and being made the example of.

I want to mimic @dogzter 's kind offer @Unca Walt if you ever find yourself in the Fingerlakes area of NY there's a large amount of Kind waiting for you in my basement.


Cabana’s bitch
I have been mailing flowers and cookies out of the state of Florida for 24 years and I have never once had an issue with a package that was not delivered or came back. The key is being smart about your packaging. Double vacuum sealer bags with alcohol washes in between Work very well then I wrap everything with tinfoil so when the x-ray machine hits it, they don’t see any details. I also include little items like itty-bitty little metal cars, mouse traps, or some other junk that I have laying around. As long as you’re not mailing weight, I don’t think there’s any possibility of getting caught



Man I wish I had the balls to start using the USPS to share my herb. I have a few on-line friends who mail their product for profit all the time and have gotten away with it for awhile now. I just want to give it away and I could see myself being the one who gets caught and being made the example of.

I want to mimic @dogzter 's kind offer @Unca Walt if you ever find yourself in the Fingerlakes area of NY there's a large amount of Kind waiting for you in my basement.
I am still paranoid about mailing seeds knowing its fully legal........must be all the fuckin time in prison for growing weed.


Well-known member
I have been mailing flowers and cookies out of the state of Florida for 24 years and I have never once had an issue with a package that was not delivered or came back. The key is being smart about your packaging. Double vacuum sealer bags with alcohol washes in between Work very well then I wrap everything with tinfoil so when the x-ray machine hits it, they don’t see any details. I also include little items like itty-bitty little metal cars, mouse traps, or some other junk that I have laying around. As long as you’re not mailing weight, I don’t think there’s any possibility of getting caught
I've done some really stupid stuff in my life and gone unscathed. 10 years or so ago, I got shitfaced at a work party and drove my work truck home. While driving I realized how drunk I really was when I couldn't keep my truck between the lines for more then 5 seconds at a time. When I finally made it home and layed in bed with those horrible spins, I took a deep look at life and realized how much I have pushed my luck in the past. It dawned on me that the odds are probably starting to catch up and I was destined for something really bad. Since then I have self neutered myself and proceed with extreme caution when I make decisions that may cause harm to others.

If it were just me, I would not be so scared about mailing herb, but if something were to happen, Leah depends on me to be here helping both financially and physically.

I'm 100 percent leary of this laid back stance on herb that is happening in our country. I still feel like I'm being set up by a narc and the plain clothes officer is waiting behind the bush. I suppose watching your buddy get taken away in cuffs over a bag of seeds and stems while we were both tripping on lsd we just scored from a Garcia show tends to leave some sort of trauma behind. The funny part of the story is he was arrested for seeds and stems while there was over 100 tabs of pink sunshine sitting in a CD case next to the seat they ripped him off of.