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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Ya - will be the very first aged flatulence powered aircraft ever - to fly in the plane requires having (another in some cases) tube up yer arse - that is connected to gas powered engines -

- now looking at all the pole technocrats and gas powered engine freaks we have here - I reckon that we could come up with a viable magnificent flying machine in next to no time -

we have been in production for that project and progress is being made!



Well-known member
My plants are never ready at 8 weeks usuall 11 weeks on average.
‘I’ve never tried these but would consider it if in your delimma.
View attachment 18961055
Great find! I went down a rabbit hole on these this morning. Getting the proper wet/dry cycle may be difficult(or maybe not possible) but I think it would keep the plants as healthy as can be expected for a pretty good period of time. I also think I have enough time to experiment to get it dialed in pretty well. Thanks. I agree that 8 and a half weeks is too short a period of time(especially under my crappy blurple LEDs) but I was concerned about using a pump and timer like I assumed would be the only option. I will update how these work on my grow journal.


Well-known member
we have been in production for that project and progress is being made!
You need wings and engines on the thing to get it airborne man! - If that abomination is the template for the finished magnificent flying machine - that'll get us all to Greece - then we are DOOMED - DOOMED! - I say -

May I suggest heavy duty cabin filters and alot of them.


Well-known member
... my armor of Bad Ass Muthaphuckery has taken some damage. Dinged is putting it lightly. My mere mortal powers are no match for whatever whoever. I could not understand why.. why is this happening to me. Why am I chosen to be the target? I may have lived a less than pristine life but there are others that have performed much more dirty & dastardly acts.. I need help.

After the black orb encounter I sat in my chair in the family room. The kitchen light the only source of illumination in the house. I was apprehensive to go to sleep. My adrenaline overcame my buzz. What if I was asleep in bed and whatever whoever materialized into our dimensional space and murdered me while I was defenseless in the Arms of Morpheus? I still was concerned about my father's safety.

While sitting in the chair with my back to the kitchen I heard rustling behind me. I turned around to witness my father's leather jacket leap from the seat of a chair onto the kitchen table. I smelled an awful odor waft passed me; like a furry animal that hasn't bathed in quite a long time. I felt a strong presence of low frequencies in the room... Jesus, help me.

The furry animal smell would come and go as if it walked passed me a number of times. I called him/it Mr. Stinky.

I could not stay awake any longer. I laid in bed resolving to my susceptibility. If this 'thing' wanted to kill me in my sleep it could do so effortlessly.

I awakened with the morning sunshine pouring into my bedroom window. I am still among the Land of the Living. 'It' has allowed me another day.

After coffee I retrieved the priest's card. I dialed up his number. No answer. I called an hour later, No answer. I would call every hour for the next 4 hours. No answer. I called the parish rectory office. A lady took the call and informed me that the priest was out of the country. He will not return for at least the next 2 weeks.

All fixed and tinkered out I decided to do some reading. I read The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. In it I learned everything vibrates at its own frequency. It made sense to me as I looked back at my chemistry and biology classes; the 3 states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas. Nothing is really 'solid'.. just electrons and molecules vibrating at different speeds.

I read that musical instruments used to be tuned to 432 hz. (God's Frequency).. Today the 'standard' tuning is 440 hz. I learned the 440 hz induced a confused and edgy outcome to the bags of water known as the human body. I learned about The Shumann Resonance and it's corresponding relationship to 432 hz. I decided to set up my standard tuned 440 hz guitars to 432 hz.

I went into the basement and opened the case of the Hamer USA Californian Custom. This is the guitar I inherited from my deceased best friend who was shot in the head with a .357 magnum by his uncle.

When I opened the case I noticed something written on top of the bridge pickup.. It was the Alpha symbol followed by the word 'Mu'. Now this 'thing' is F'n around with my guitars. Examining the body of the guitar I noticed numbers woven through the Planetary Storm paintwork. I put the Hamer back in its case.

I opened the case of my Gibson '67 Reissue Flying V. I took the guitar out of it's case and inspected it. I noticed something written on the back of the neck.. under the clear coat. The writing was about 2 inches long and I couldn't read it. I set the guitar on a chair with the back facing me. I grabbed my tablet to take a picture of the writing so I can blow it up for a better look. As I approached the guitar I saw what looked like blobs moving about the rear of the body of the guitar. Suddenly, 2 reptilian beings appeared on the back of the guitar. Their skin was of small tightly woven scales. They had reptilian eyes. They did not have any cartilage on their faces. 2 small holes for their noses. They did not have lips or ears. Their teeth were like long skinny spikes in a perpetual smile. One was slightly taller than the other. I sensed one was male and the other female.

The tablet I was holding fell to the floor. I stood in sheer and utter amazement. I watched them and their actions were animated as if I was watching it on HD TV. They were looking at me and I was looking at them. I thought, "How can this be happening?".. After a few moments I exclaimed, "WTF do you want from me??". The two reptilians turned and looked at each other. It seemed that they were laughing at me. They then turned back to look at me. It seemed that they were speaking to me telepathically.. "We want your soul, fool".

It was as if I instantly left my body. I became terrified. I took the Flying V and put it in its case. Thats it! I need a priest.. NOW!

I went upstairs and called the rectory of another nearby church.. Appropriately named "Saint Michael's". I spoke to the lady that answered my call. I asked if a priest was available. Yes, she said and then asked why. I told her that I am under direct spiritual attack by evil forces. I told her I need help.. NOW. I told her I'll be there in a minute. I hopped in my van and speeded to the church about a mile away. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw a priest exit the rectory. I pulled up next to him. "Father! Father! I need your help!".. He looked at me and said, "I cant help you". WTF? He broke into a gallop down the parking lot. Oh hell no! I put the van in reverse and chased him down. "Father! Father! I need your help!!" He ran up to a car and was shaking trying to slide the key into a car door. I jumped out of the van and went up to him. "Father! Father! I need your help!!". He stopped trying to unlock the car door. He was visibly shaken. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a rosary and a small half-filled plastic bottle of Holy Water.. "Here.. Say the Rosary and bless your house. I'll say a prayer for you. This is the best I can do. Goodbye". He jumped into his car and hurriedly tore ass out of the parking lot leaving me alone... and abandoned.

I drove back home traveling the 25 mph speed limit. I felt empty.. and hopeless.

... to be continued ...


Well-known member
Premium user
thanks…looks like that is just what we need so I ordered one…hard to beat the $130 price

we can make 10 pizzas and it will pay for itself..😂😂
I think I’ve made 20 so far. Had breakfast pizza using sausage gravy as the sauce scrambled eggs, bacon and hot peppers cheese and onions it was really good. Most of our pizzas just have red sauce and light toppings. I’m glad you got one. Start your dough now so it will be ready when it comes


Well-known member
Premium user
@SubGirl I dunno what the tangle has to do with the tilt mechanism rig (with the excellent addition of a bottom counterweight to make raising and lowering the flagpole easy-peasy.

But it is clearly an impressive tangle fer sure. A first-class wind knot. A knot you are NOT gonna untie without getting someone 'way up there... or by lowering the flagpole to the ground.

EEK. EEK. I just noticed sumpin'... I don't see a counterweight. These:

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You've got an external halliard system, so while a counterweight is not as absolutely necessary as internal, there is a good reason to put one on:

"...a counterweight is chiefly responsible for ensuring the flag flies and hangs properly, no counterweight means your flag will be all over the place."

I didn’t know about the counterweight. I will get one with the next flag.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I think I’ve made 20 so far. Had breakfast pizza using sausage gravy as the sauce scrambled eggs, bacon and hot peppers cheese and onions it was really good. Most of our pizzas just have red sauce and light toppings. I’m glad you got one. Start your dough now so it will be ready when it comes

20!…..and I thought I was a apizza addict…you guys got it bad…or is it good?

Swede usually makes up a bunch of dough , puts a ball of it in a baggie and into the fridge , sometimes freezer

but yeah , breakfast pizza is the best!

I am gonna stroll around the island here and see what’s happening…I will behave and try not to stir anything up , lord knows there is plenty of weirdness going around without me getting nvolved

this ought to piss off a few……just in case anyone was wondering why everything costs so much nowadays?…..

yep , that will do it

look for the dollar to collapse even more ……better stock up on hard goods , dry goods , and some no goods
