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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I do believe I am gonna do a road trip this summer...I hope to drive up the east coast and then jet over to california and do a fly and ride...I'm certain this fly and ride will be my last...done 6 years back and loved the redwoods...I ain't gettin any younger so it's now or never...
ah, memories ... the redwoods are special. wife.1 and i lived in a cabin in a redwood forest off Rt 9 outside Felton - between Santa Cruz and Palo Alto. we had taken a road trip from kansas city back to mountain view by way of yellow stone, where we stayed in a cabin one night and were both smitten by the experience and wanted to live that way back in CA. so we did. until we didn't. and i came east.


Well-known member
I made pizza dough yesterday morning and will be having pizza tonight, I like to let the dough sit over night if I am not in a hurry.

I was watching a cooking show the other day and the pizza cook rubbed the bottom of his pizza cooking tray with bacon fat.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
@bigsur51 i made pizza dough again today. And schoolhouse rolls too
gonna make some more pizzas this week
View attachment 18961015
yum, those rolls are good.

I can smell them from here……

we like the new pizza flour…it has some good gluten in it and can be stretched paper thin without tearing

makes some crunchy pizza

how do you like your new oven?…what was the make and model again?…


Well-known member
I am up against a time constraint with my current tent grow. I am going on vacation for 11 days. My plants will be in flower for 60 days when I leave(absolutely imperfect timing). I was thinking of watering the heck out of them prior to leaving and filling some drip trays with water then having the light cycle shut off after 3 maybe 4 days(trichomes be damned) and let them sit in darkness for a few days. Then I would have my son stop by, chop and hang them in the tent(and unplug the lights since they are on a weekly timer). That would make it so they were drying for about 4-5 days before I get home. I don’t want to do an auto watering set-up at this point since I don’t really trust something wouldn’t go wrong(I am an eternal pessimist). I hate dry trimming more than wet but I think non-trimmed plants dry more slowly. Any thoughts-recommendations would be appreciated.

Edit:my local son is very busy and I don’t want to burden him with plant-sitting or trimming.
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Well-known member
I am up against a time constraint with my current tent grow. I am going on vacation for 11 days. My plants will be in flower for 60 days when I leave(absolutely imperfect timing). I was thinking of watering the heck out of them prior to leaving and filling some drip trays with water then having the light cycle shut off after 3 maybe 4 days(trichomes be damned) and let them sit in darkness for a few days. Then I would have my son stop by, chop and hang them in the tent(and unplug the lights since they are on a weekly timer). That would make it so they were drying for about 4-5 days before I get home. I don’t want to do an auto watering set-up at this point since I don’t really trust something wouldn’t go wrong(I am an eternal pessimist). I hate dry trimming more than wet but I think non-trimmed plants dry more slowly. Any thoughts-recommendations would be appreciated.

Edit:my local son is very busy and I don’t want to burden him with plant-sitting or trimming.
Are you in soil? How big is the pot? What does the breeder say is the average flower time?

I would drop your temps and ease up on the light either by power or height when you leave. You can slow them down where they won't require nearly as much watering. Give them a thorough soaking before you leave, but avoid standing water.
Maybe have your son place a drip for you on day 6 if possible.

I think you will be fine.

Disregard any advice I gave if you grow in anything other then soil. It's the only medium I have experience with.


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Premium user
I can smell them from here……

we like the new pizza flour…it has some good gluten in it and can be stretched paper thin without tearing

makes some crunchy pizza

how do you like your new oven?…what was the make and model again?…

every pizza we make is better than the last one as the stone gets worn in. It makes a 12” pizza but you can make another one in the time it takes you to decorate it while the first one is cooking. Only takes about 5-6 minutes to cook and has upper and lower temp controls. The bottom gets nicely chard which is why I wanted one. My electric oven can’t touch it even with the stone. This dough is made with the 00 pizza flour so I will see if I like it better than my regular bread flour. Easy clean up too and doesn’t take a heap of space in my pantry.


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Help, my pussy arse can't breave

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Well-known member
Premium user
I am up against a time constraint with my current tent grow. I am going on vacation for 11 days. My plants will be in flower for 60 days when I leave(absolutely imperfect timing). I was thinking of watering the heck out of them prior to leaving and filling some drip trays with water then having the light cycle shut off after 3 maybe 4 days(trichomes be damned) and let them sit in darkness for a few days. Then I would have my son stop by, chop and hang them in the tent(and unplug the lights since they are on a weekly timer). That would make it so they were drying for about 4-5 days before I get home. I don’t want to do an auto watering set-up at this point since I don’t really trust something wouldn’t go wrong(I am an eternal pessimist). I hate dry trimming more than wet but I think non-trimmed plants dry more slowly. Any thoughts-recommendations would be appreciated.

Edit:my local son is very busy and I don’t want to burden him with plant-sitting or trimming.
My plants are never ready at 8 weeks usuall 11 weeks on average.
‘I’ve never tried these but would consider it if in your delimma.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

every pizza we make is better than the last one as the stone gets worn in. It makes a 12” pizza but you can make another one in the time it takes you to decorate it while the first one is cooking. Only takes about 5-6 minutes to cook and has upper and lower temp controls. The bottom gets nicely chard which is why I wanted one. My electric oven can’t touch it even with the stone. This dough is made with the 00 pizza flour so I will see if I like it better than my regular bread flour. Easy clean up too and doesn’t take a heap of space in my pantry.

thanks…looks like that is just what we need so I ordered one…hard to beat the $130 price

we can make 10 pizzas and it will pay for itself..😂😂


Well-known member
... by now you must be thinking I am a First - Class BS'er.. or a First - Class Ass for even attempting to BS you. Maybe you think I just have a colorful imagination.. or even saying, "I wish I was toking what this dude's growing.. Where did he get THOSE beans".

The Little Girl, Panel Carvings, Demonic Alien Heads, and the Shrunken Heads.

After the priests left I went back inside the house. I sat down and read the cards that he gave me.. Snazzy business card for a priest and the artwork on the prayer card was colorful. I read the prayer trying to feel whatever vibes the priests left behind. Nothing. Maybe whatever sins that stained my soul are blocking my hook up with The Almighty.

I was hoping for a resolution.. a cleansing of some means.. Instead, whatever supernatural energy I attracted apparently did not like the priests at my house. It was pissed.. Highly pissed.

Everywhere I went in my house there was a constant reminder of it's presence. The carvings on the basement paneling became deeper and more widespread. Every panel became unique. Not one panel resembled another. Any evidence of carbon copy mass produced reproduction does not exist anymore. I can feel 'it's' presence.

In order to abate my mind from running off the rails I began to get busy.. and stay busy.. I had to try to keep my head about myself. I began to fix and tinker.

It was about a week after the priests' visit I walked into the garage to fetch some tools. Opening the door from the foyer to the garage I was taken aback. I beheld a girl kneeling and leaning on an elbow on the garage floor. In her free hand she was holding a paintbrush. She was painting on my garage floor. She was caucasian, about 7 years old. She was thin, pretty, wearing a knee-high dress. Her hair was long, brown, and wavy. I stood in the threshold just taking in the scene. The girl lifted her head and looked at me. We made eye contact and she became instantly startled. She let out an audible "AHH".. Then she and the paintbrush vanished. Little did I know we would meet again.

The demonic alien heads on the outside of my house continued to become larger.. some almost the size of dimes. I can easily see details in their faces with an unaided eye. Time to find that Saint Michael card. If the priest instructed me to recite it 5 times a day then 10 times should even be better.

The more I recited the prayer the stronger I felt. I would stand outside and say it out loud; sending it out into the Frequency Oceans of the Universe. Saint Michael, get your posse together and get over here and whip this dude's ass!

It was a Saturday morning I stepped out my front door. 'They' were back again with their invisible spray cans; my front lawn was covered in that un-decipherable language. This time I could see symbols, as well. I can see the writing going up the side of the house. I walk to continue the investigation. The writing goes along the side of the house and into the backyard. Once in the back I see my entire property sprayed in intricate symbols. In the middle of the yard sits an old rotting oak tree stump that I always meant to cover but never got around to. I walk onto the grass from the cement walk and I step on something. I bend down to see and its a round object a bit smaller than a tennis ball. I pick it up and it appears to be a shrunken head! WTF!

Any fear or apprehension I might have felt is being replaced with anger. I am getting so sick and tired of whatever whoever is F'n with me. I rip the little head into 4 pieces and throw it into 4 directions.

Surrounding the oak stump were 2 circles consisting of intricate symbols sprayed onto lawn. I walked around the outer circle examining the details. I stepped on another round object. It was identical to the first. I shredded it into 4 pieces and casted it into 4 directions. In all, there were 8 identical shrunken heads around the outer circle; each thrown into 4 directions.

I stepped towards the inner circle. I stepped on yet another round object. It was a shrunken head but different than the previous 8. It received the same treatment as the previous 8. In all, there were 6 of these type surrounding the inner circle... 4 pieces.. 4 directions.

I stood and looked at the rotting stump. What kind of ritual happened here last night?

I walked to the barn and grabbed my shovel from the wall. I began digging into the stump. I pulled out a larger head.. then another.. then another.. and yet another.

I grabbed the bucket from the patio and placed the heads inside. I left the bucket in the yard and went inside the house to sit and gather my thoughts.

I sat on my couch with a cold drink. I thought, "All of the stupid BS I've been through in my life must have prepared me for this. Anyone else would absolutely lose their mind or their heart might explode in terror. Not me.. I'm a bad ass MF'er, remember?

I go back out into the yard. I go into the barn and get the can of charcoal lighter fluid. On my way back to the patio I get the bucket. I walk over to the fire ring and pour the heads onto the grate. Squeezing the flammable liquid onto the heads I imagined them screaming "NOOOOO!!" and me saying "YESSSS". Once saturated I took the lighter off the bbq and set them alight. I stood and watched them thinking, "Thats what you get for F'n with me!".

The rest of the day I had a swagger. I F'd them up.. real good and proper. Hey, A hole! Saint Michael has my back! As the day carried on, the cockier I became.

Later that night after getting smoked up in celebration my bravado was at its peak. I went out to the backyard to march around and taunt the SOB. "MF'er! You ain't sh!t! I F'ed up your sh!t! You punk ass MF'er! Don't try that sh!t with me! You dont know this but I'm a bad MF'er! B!tch!!".

A black orb the size of a bowling ball came into the yard about 20 feet up in the air at supersonic speed and passed by me. It returned and landed at my feet. It splattered into a black intricate doily 5 feet in circumference. I backed up and continued berating aloud.. "Oh yeah, MF'er?! Is that all you got?!"

Another bowling ball sized black orb flew into the yard much like the last, passed me, came at me and splattered into another 5 foot intricate doily near my feet.

I wanted to run into the house but I had to show it I was not afraid.. even though I was totally freaking out inside. I walked back in the house mumbling something about a propane torch. It was the longest 35 foot walk in my life.. I could not wait to get back inside.

Once inside I locked the door and leaned my back against it..

"Holy Sh!t.. What have I got myself into?"..

... to be continued...
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