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Well-known member
Yes and the pole is sketchy too. Not one that’s climbable I swayed a bit when I tried to rip the flag off of whatever it’s hung up on. Can’t lean a ladder on it either and there are those wires…

the flagpole was gifted to the the retired serviceman who built my house in the early 60s. I am just the caretaker and not doing a very good job right now. It’s the biggest pole in the hood and I know everyone is seeing it…
Jackson County Courthouse looks just like the Empire State Building, only smaller, I think 28 floors. There is a flagpole on top. One day, flag half way up, hanging from one corner.

Some guy volunteers to go to roof, climb flagpole and rescue flag. Biggest balls I ever saw!


Well-known member
Are you in soil? How big is the pot? What does the breeder say is the average flower time?

I would drop your temps and ease up on the light either by power or height when you leave. You can slow them down where they won't require nearly as much watering. Give them a thorough soaking before you leave, but avoid standing water.
Maybe have your son place a drip for you on day 6 if possible.

I think you will be fine.

Disregard any advice I gave if you grow in anything other then soil. It's the only medium I have experience with.
Good advice. I am in soil. 3 gallon felt pots. It may be a game time decision. My blurples are old. Not sure if they are dimmable. Maybe but I have plenty of head space so the lights can go 3 feet at least. Now you got me thinking. 😁


Well-known member
Noticed this on some of the lower fan leaves on the TK/LB. Looks like a calcium deficiency......WTF.....I give her 7 1/2 mil of cal/mag and one tsp of epsom salt every time I water and feed. Strange.

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Here's mine, flipped 2/5. Jacks 20 20 20. Hope it is done stretching! 😃


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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Usually residential voltage is more 208
240 comes into play on commercial and three phase
Thats the wye configuration a delta config has a high leg where you can get high voltage to ground on one leg.
The usual teltale sign is when you see a commercial panel with the third breaker is not present unless its a 3 phase circuit
I wonder if that is regional. You got me curious so I measured ours and it is 247VAC.
The boys will be with me on the road trip when I’m driving the truck as usual. When I do the fly and ride, I will have to board them at a local kennel. I’m sure Ivan will do well but Dutch is going to fight that…. To be very honest, I don’t know how much longer Dutch is going to be with us. I’ve never had a German Shepherd with such weak back end…It’s obvious when he walks it he’s very uncomfortable… his birthday is 12 April and I find myself wondering…
Heidi Ho lost the use of her backend about age 11 and I built her a wheelchair. She died at age 13.

Heidi Ho.jpg


Well-known member
Good advice. I am in soil. 3 gallon felt pots. It may be a game time decision. My blurples are old. Not sure if they are dimmable. Maybe but I have plenty of head space so the lights can go 3 feet at least. Now you got me thinking. 😁
If you go this route, I would ease them in and out of their near state of dormancy. Maybe lift the light 2 inches a day while dropping the temps a little at the same time until you notice their uptake dramatically change.


Well-known member
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Fall has arrived. Time to ease up on the light and temps some. Or calmag, maybe nitrogen? I refuse.

The land race on the edge is just starting early summer. I will drop a seed under the barrel plant before harvest so the sativa has a companion. A short vegged indica. That way I'm not spending all that energy on a couple ounces of smoke I've never sampled. Should get me through until I drop seed late May under the sun.

@dogzter not trying to sell you on LED'S, if you've got your sytem that works and you enjoy growing, grow with it.

I've been seeding the outdoors since the beginning but have dabbled indoors at various times depending on living situations. Three years agrow I decided to build a groom and continue my spring and summer into the dark days down in the dungeon. After a ton of research I went with my specific LED. Pluss's are how high I can use it effectively and I can control it to the gnats ass.

Minuses-expensive and what I make up for in efficiency I spend on the heater.

It has been fun experimenting with it, you can't exactly tweak the sun or move the clouds.

Just make sure you love the grow.

Stoned Ass Ramblin right here.

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I am up against a time constraint with my current tent grow. I am going on vacation for 11 days. My plants will be in flower for 60 days when I leave(absolutely imperfect timing). I was thinking of watering the heck out of them prior to leaving and filling some drip trays with water then having the light cycle shut off after 3 maybe 4 days(trichomes be damned) and let them sit in darkness for a few days. Then I would have my son stop by, chop and hang them in the tent(and unplug the lights since they are on a weekly timer). That would make it so they were drying for about 4-5 days before I get home. I don’t want to do an auto watering set-up at this point since I don’t really trust something wouldn’t go wrong(I am an eternal pessimist). I hate dry trimming more than wet but I think non-trimmed plants dry more slowly. Any thoughts-recommendations would be appreciated.

Edit:my local son is very busy and I don’t want to burden him with plant-sitting or trimming.
So your plants will have been in flower for 60 days when you leave ( because we don't know the strain flower time, let's assume its close to the finish) and you away for 11days and again I'm assuming you're going to chop them down when you get back. If it was me, id give them a thorough drench, and that should see them through. Won't hurt if they do start to dry out in the last few days before you get back, as you're planning to chop them down anyway.
I wouldn't be turning the lights off , this could be problematic because of the humidity rising.
I'd also have to get your son around, just to check at least.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
@SubGirl, consider using a helium ballon with a loop around the pole so that when it reached the top it would lift the flag off.
(*snigger*) I kin see it now: Subbie looking up at her new combination flag/balloon all tangled together.

Mebbe a kite... Nah, Ole Ben Franklin was one lucky SOB; no sense replicating his tingly pingle with a fried Subbie.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Still don think it will clear the top with the way it is hooked up there tho
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@SubGirl I dunno what the tangle has to do with the tilt mechanism rig (with the excellent addition of a bottom counterweight to make raising and lowering the flagpole easy-peasy.

But it is clearly an impressive tangle fer sure. A first-class wind knot. A knot you are NOT gonna untie without getting someone 'way up there... or by lowering the flagpole to the ground.

EEK. EEK. I just noticed sumpin'... I don't see a counterweight. These:


You've got an external halliard system, so while a counterweight is not as absolutely necessary as internal, there is a good reason to put one on:

"...a counterweight is chiefly responsible for ensuring the flag flies and hangs properly, no counterweight means your flag will be all over the place."


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Even the slightest bit of moisture on or in that pvc pipe and the elec will run right down the pvc pipe via tje moisture right into you.
Was a seriois issue with linemans poles when they were made from wood and still kept in a dry box now days.
I'm 100% with @dogzter on this @SubGirl -- I am an old EE. I absolutely hate the idea of you wiggling a wobbly pole to free a torn-to-shit flag... right next to a 240V line.

You'll likely have little-to-no control over the end of a 30' wobble straw if/when you get the flag free.

DON'T DO THIS. <-- The advice from two guys in the zap bidness.

Fix the fargin problem: Take down the flagpole and modify it. Done deal, nobody hurt, less work.

The counterweight pic shows the right (safer, easier) path.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yeah , rumor has it that if the book is a success , and it will be , that Gypsy is gonna rent an airplane and fly us all to the Greek Islands for an ICMAG Cup
Ya - will be the very first aged flatulence powered aircraft ever - to fly in the plane requires having (another in some cases) tube up yer arse - that is connected to gas powered engines -

- now looking at all the pole technocrats and gas powered engine freaks we have here - I reckon that we could come up with a viable magnificent flying machine in next to no time -

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