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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Here's to motivation.


Or maybe a little more chill




Mayflies get thick in this remote stream.

There's alot of rising and swirling that goes down at sun up and down

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Got some more cookies ice hash yesterday - and a thc vape pen - that I have plugged in the USB to - and already given it 6 hours of charging - but it doesn't seen to work when I draw on it - dayum!

Ah well I'll just sit up here on my little suburban balcony toking some hash - that might help me get back to sleep again - it's 3.29am - and I know that I need more sleep - due to the tinnitus - which always increases in volume when sleep is not enough - can hear the odd car/van or truck passing on the Portsmouth Rd and Penrhyn Rd too - and occasionally voices in a variety of languages - distant and near - but can't figure out what's being said/shouted - reading thru this thread brings alot of thoughts and emotive responses out of me - and slowly wakes me up - due to frequent sips on my cawfee cup (Bronx accent) -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
For Fuks Sake Gypsy !
Your ears must have been ringing across the pond today !
Driving to the Sportsman show in Lancaster Pa.(The worlds largest sportsmans show im told )And I pass Shartsville Pa.
I tried to take a pic and not sure if i got it😊
Yup - well that's what you have to do when you run a site like this - someone has to be in charge of things - its not an autonomous collective - more like an anonymous collection of people worldwide that have at least one thing in common (cannabis) - when they fall out and it starts getting nasty - I'm one of the guys/gals that has to step in and sort the mess out - and try do it in such a way - that is fair - sensible - logical even - what's good for the common good - is always on my mind - when I have to make decisions -

- Enjoy that Sportsman show - can't say that I've ever been to such an event - so am curious as to what goes on -


Yup - well that's what you have to do when you run a site like this - someone has to be in charge of things - its not an autonomous collective - more like an anonymous collection of people worldwide that have at least one thing in common (cannabis) - when they fall out and it starts getting nasty - I'm one of the guys/gals that has to step in and sort the mess out - and try do it in such a way - that is fair - sensible - logical even - what's good for the common good - is always on my mind - when I have to make decisions -

- Enjoy that Sportsman show - can't say that I've ever been to such an event - so am curious as to what goes on -
Gotta be getting harder as more and more gets deemed offensive.
I will just apologize now.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gotta be getting harder as more and more gets deemed offensive.
I will just apologize now.
The more offence we get on the site - the harder the defence has to be - to try and preserve a sense of harmony/balance - that sports a more positive vibe - often to me these tussels and fights amongst members - are a sorta black comedy of errors - that I have to get to adhere to site rules - but rarely do I have to ban anyone - which is nice - because I do try and sort it out with dialogue - warnings etc - and if that don't work - Elvis will have to leave the room -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
This is an oak tree in the mist of the morning during the month of June. I planted an acorn just opened found on the ground and here it is 12 years later. It is at my parent's house, I like seeing it growing and now it is really a tree. It took a beating when the lawnmower cut his head so the trunk is split in 2 now. View attachment 18958081
I took a cutting (rubber tree branch) from a garbage pile, and stuck it in the ground about 15' from my driveway. Used an old ruler tied to it hold it up.

22 years ago. The rubber tree is 80' across, completely shades the driveway. It has roots (visible) 150' from the plant.

It is fortunate I love the thing. Just do not go to sleep near it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ahh - in the news today - we have the incredible story about this fella that gets to fly - without a ticket - or passport -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Our growing season is short as well. I am at 6,000 ft at the base of the Rockies. I have to start my tomato's indoors. Everything else makes it ok. Growing marijuana outdoors is the same.....BigSur does it successfully but you gotta know what you are doing to get the plants to finish.

I get frost into early June. Many times I have to go out at 3 in the morning to cover my plants.
Oh, you pore sorry bastage... What prison is that where they will keep the inmates in such horrid surroundings?

Thin air, frost in JUNE Omigawd.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I am a kinda public person... so a few years back I got a phone call from a distant cousin. He was calling to express his regrets that I was dead in a Nigerian car crash. It was funny.

Now this seems to be a perfect reversal. A rich Nigerian banker CEO went down in America. What goes around comes around:

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Unca Walt

Well-known member
A bit of a whine, here... My Beautiful Witch came down with aches and a fever. $120 test said "positive". <-- I pointed out the test does not differentiate between any form of viral cold. It did not reassure her.

So she did not get the procedure done to stop her leg pain because of the fever.

But she did get a prescription for a small bottle of pills. MY payment due after the $1280 insurance coverage for the prescription was drum roll and I ain't foolin'...

$500 <-- TINS. If it was me, I would not have blown the $120, much less another $500 on toppa that.

The total cost of the little bottle of pills comes out to about $50 per pill.

Now for another example of how hard it is to monetarily fukk over a Sneakydicker Of The Blood: It wound up costing me NUFFIN.

Yuppers. The company I retarded from back in 1991 (IBM) set a deal: They would pick up the tab for up to $2K/year for any medical expenses not covered by other insurance.


My dinged shoulder and the electricity going painfully down my left arm: Doc thinks its becuz I got my neck broke back in the Olden Days, now its a pinched nerve. Feels just like a good, solid funny-bone whack. That won't stop.