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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Our growing season is short as well. I am at 6,000 ft at the base of the Rockies. I have to start my tomato's indoors. Everything else makes it ok. Growing marijuana outdoors is the same.....BigSur does it successfully but you gotta know what you are doing to get the plants to finish.

I get frost into early June. Many times I have to go out at 3 in the morning to cover my plants.


Well-known member
Munchies are kicking in.


Going to grill up some thin sliced and hammered chicken breasts that have been marinating in balsamic. A cup of coffee and a joint while the happenings happen. Going all out on this sammi.

I don't know what is worse..a dick tease or a 70f day in February.


Well-known member
Our growing season is short as well. I am at 6,000 ft at the base of the Rockies. I have to start my tomato's indoors. Everything else makes it ok. Growing marijuana outdoors is the same.....BigSur does it successfully but you gotta know what you are doing to get the plants to finish.

I get frost into early June. Many times I have to go out at 3 in the morning to cover my plants.
I don't think I'm as extreme as you because of the elevation differences. Your area would be more like the north country and parts of Vermont me thinks. Minus the waves of humidity that blow through in the summer.


Well-known member
Still snowing and supposed to keep it up well into the evening. Been locked up in this house for days now.....getting cabin fever.

Won't be long until I start my mater seeds. April 15th to be exact. Do it every year. Will be cutting back on my indoor grow then......these old bones can't keep up as well as I used to.

Where are you planning to move to Reynard? I have though about moving for some time now.....but I am so rooted in here the thought of it hurts my back.
Well I'm in a legal state now, after damn neat 5 decades I'm finally legal.
I guess you Gotta Roll With the Changes and that's what I'll be doing going North further to get away from the migrant big city folks.
I hate parting with the cabin I built and worked so hard on but this holds bad memories already and bad feelings.

My mom falling down the steps, my wife falling down the steps and my son to whom we don't talk to each other anymore.
I know I can't keep running to stay away from the crowds they will catch up inevitably, when they do maybe my time will be drawing near enough it won't bug as much
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Well-known member
Moving is exhausting!

I start planting sometime near June 1st here. It's a short, but intense growing season in my parts. It has always amazed me how fast we go from brown to lush green here.
Very short planting season here also maybe 3 months.

Moving very exhausting but as long a as I'm on a bigger lake or a chain of them I'd be content.
Especially as bummed up as I'm getting, gotta get it done before I can't get no more.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
We have the house opened up. A nice cross breeze of fresh air in the house in February is a rare treat.

I spotted two Eastern Bluebirds through the binoculars investigating the box I have sitting on the edge of yard and brush.

Too early to start thinking about spring so I will just enjoy this day and count it as a blessing.

what kind of binocs do you have?….we just bought a Bushnell Marine and they work pretty good

i am wondering if those single lens scopes are as good as they are hyped up,to be


Well-known member
Talking about oaks and acorns..
I put an open bag of pro mix in the garage, it was time to plant seedlings so went out to the garage to get it.
Brought it inside and commenced to filling Red Solo Cups and noticed something foreign in there.
The Deer mice had claimed that open bag for their nut cache, I mustve pulled at least a hundred acorns out of that bag and still didn't get them all.
So it was like a month and a half after planting and I had these shoots coming out of the cups, here I had missed some 6 to be exact.
I had acorns/ oak trees coming up with my pot plants.
I had that happen to bagged soil a couple years ago. Sunflower seeds were the mices chosen food. Picked out what I could and pulled the seedlings when they popped up. About a month into using it, I started getting a black mold growth. Grrrrr…