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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Unfortunately I'm feeling this is gonna be akin to issues @ MP. I don't go looking for trouble, but I have no chill for you if you do. So keep pushing me, whomever you might be. 😁

I've been in all kinds of wars throughout my life... But a keyboard war is the least of my interests. Much like being involved in another "forum war" or whatever.

So I'll just say thanks to those here who asked me to come over, I appreciate you guys and gals. . .

If you wanna remain in touch DM me.

You guys can have it.
What? All fun and games here.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Nobody is gonna get banned....this isn't MP!



Well-known member
some of the best herb I ever smoked was some Malawi…..we also grew some one year….she is a lanky and floppy plant with heavy greasy flowers..

one of my favorites for sure and I hope to grow some more one day…

enjoy that herb Bru and what a view of the beach!…..paradise
That is pretty well described how it should be.

Like most things, all good things come to an end but I shall enjoy the last of it as the sun sets in "paradise"

Edit: Time for a sundowner
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Active member
I get it @Putembk ... I just don't take kindly to being poked. I can take a joke. I make fun of myself allll the time...But today ...I was just minding my own business...like
View media item 18716274There's a difference between poking fun and being a dick. . . I'm not looking for a fight... That's coming at large in the years to come it seems.
It's not easy being a snowflake I reckon. The Internet hurt my feelings again, today... Dammit.
View media item 18716275They drew first blood. Not me.


Well-known member
We have the house opened up. A nice cross breeze of fresh air in the house in February is a rare treat.

I spotted two Eastern Bluebirds through the binoculars investigating the box I have sitting on the edge of yard and brush.

Too early to start thinking about spring so I will just enjoy this day and count it as a blessing.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I get it @Putembk ... I just don't take kindly to being poked. I can take a joke. I make fun of myself allll the time...But today ...I was just minding my own business...like
View media item 18716274There's a difference between poking fun and being a dick. . . I'm not looking for a fight... That's coming at large in the years to come it seems.
It's not easy being a snowflake I reckon. The Internet hurt my feelings again, today... Dammit.
View media item 18716275They drew first blood. Not me.
Now now gentlemen - Marquis of Queensbury Rules - no biting - no scratching - eye gouging - or kicking in the bollocks - no pre-meditated sharting - spitting - fornication - or any other kind of heavy petting allowed - and most of all - definitely and absolutely no calling each other hurty names -
Let's have a clean fight - with lots of blood and broken bones -


Active member
Now now gentlemen - Marquis of Queensbury Rules - no biting - no scratching - eye gouging - or kicking in the bollocks - no pre-meditated sharting - spitting - fornication - or any other kind of heavy petting allowed - and most of all - definitely and absolutely no calling each other hurty names -
Let's have a clean fight - with lots of blood and broken bones -
You are the man @Gypsy Nirvana. Thanks for that.


Well-known member
This is an oak tree in the mist of the morning during the month of June. I planted an acorn just opened found on the ground and here it is 12 years later. It is at my parent's house, I like seeing it growing and now it is really a tree. It took a beating when the lawnmower cut his head so the trunk is split in 2 now.


Well-known member
This is an oak tree in the mist of the morning during the month of June. I planted an acorn just opened found on the ground and here it is 12 years later. It is at my parent's house, I like seeing it growing and now it is really a tree. It took a beating when the lawnmower cut his head so the trunk is split in 2 now. View attachment 18958081
Talking about oaks and acorns..
I put an open bag of pro mix in the garage, it was time to plant seedlings so went out to the garage to get it.
Brought it inside and commenced to filling Red Solo Cups and noticed something foreign in there.
The Deer mice had claimed that open bag for their nut cache, I mustve pulled at least a hundred acorns out of that bag and still didn't get them all.
So it was like a month and a half after planting and I had these shoots coming out of the cups, here I had missed some 6 to be exact.
I had acorns/ oak trees coming up with my pot plants.


Well-known member

I like to call this area of the garden "The Battle with Thyme". It's an up hill battle.


Food/herb gardens are laid out on a south facing slope. Goal is to have the two missing ones on the left built and growing by spring. Middle will be my ground crawling plants and the bottom savory herbs and leaf greens.

I thought about jigging from the kayak today but I had a long week at work. Decided carrying two kayaks 150ft up and down the hill was a bit too ambitious. Rocking chairs, Tea, and a nap sound more like my speed today.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Still snowing and supposed to keep it up well into the evening. Been locked up in this house for days now.....getting cabin fever.
I've grown plenty of food in planters. Any little bit of fresh grown helps. Maybe a compromise?
Won't be long until I start my mater seeds. April 15th to be exact. Do it every year. Will be cutting back on my indoor grow then......these old bones can't keep up as well as I used to.

I'm a bit torn, Im planning on selling this year been looking for over 2 years, tough finds.
The place has tripled in price.
Keep thinking about a garden with the price of food going up up up.
But I don't want to plant it for someone else.
Where are you planning to move to Reynard? I have though about moving for some time now.....but I am so rooted in here the thought of it hurts my back.


Well-known member
Still snowing and supposed to keep it up well into the evening. Been locked up in this house for days now.....getting cabin fever.

Won't be long until I start my mater seeds. April 15th to be exact. Do it every year. Will be cutting back on my indoor grow then......these old bones can't keep up as well as I used to.

Where are you planning to move to Reynard? I have though about moving for some time now.....but I am so rooted in here the thought of it hurts my back.
Moving is exhausting!

I start planting sometime near June 1st here. It's a short, but intense growing season in my parts. It has always amazed me how fast we go from brown to lush green here.

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