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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Flaunt it if you still got it brother!

Growing up milking a cow, I have strong hands and ever vigilant as a young man in ways to curry favor amongst attractive young women, I took massage classes and spent many happy hours perfecting my full body oil massage techniques, but alas my bete noir was realized when both my thumb joints became seriously arthritic.

Alas, the best I can do now is cop feels of appreciation.
I massage and got thumbs,


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Debbie Downer here again... Sumbody up there musta looked down at yer pore Unca and said, "Let's drop another rock on the sumbitch."

After whining about my old boo-boo's breaking bad, it turns out I never got around to the MRI/X-ray stuff yesterday.

Nope, my Red Witch can now hardly walk. I have to help her get around.

She can only step slowly in tiny zombie steps due to spinal stenosis... and she cannot get her now due spinal shot because she took suddenly very ill. Terrible coughing, cannot sleep or eat. My beautiful wife looks like Death taking a shit. Pale, weak, and shaky and trying very gallantly not to cry.

She's tested positive for Wusan Flu. I have to go get a $500 prescription for her later this afternoon. The money means nothing.

On the "positive" side, the MRI/X-ray bullshit for my electric-shock shoulder-to-fingertips fun** is gonna be done this morning in a few hours. I got lucky and the wizards had a new slot that opened for me. Mebbe they'll find something they can fix.

** "fun" is the Mandarin word for "shit".
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Mebbe my 5 lag bolts need tightening.

Meanwhile, I have been put on steroids at the crash level. Like two pills every 3 hours all day...

(*sigh*) I re-read yesterday's original lament. You guys are a super bunch, no error. How genuine strangers can be so supportive is simply amazing.

God bless the lot of you. There isn't a single turd in the whole punchbowl.
I’m so sorry to hear about your beautiful wife’s pain. I hope she will start to feel better soon🥰💕💕


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There is a pizza joint in New Haven that has the oiliest pizza ever and it is delicious when you get pepperoni cups filled with pepperoni oil as a topping. Have a defibrillator on hand just in case…
Im going to the Nra sportsman's show in pa with two brothers
one owned a pizzeria for 40 years
we went to see pink Floyd years ago ,ate at a great steak house ,had a gorgonzola salad and when he came back to the store started making gorgonzola pizza.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Not all Americans are this insane. I am pretty sure that the rest of the world assumes we are all dumber than a box of rocks and as mad as a hatter when they see our president fall over and unable to speak and think we elected him and believe his nonsense. That being said, everyone knows that testicles should be vacuum sealed and stored in the freezer next to our brains…
View attachment 18957477
Did you see the latest Biden gaffe? - the old demented one was talking about 'President Sisi of Mexico ' 🇲🇽 - he got Egypt and Mexico mixed up - lol - and I think that this America president has been VERY valuable - to comedy - and reminds me of an anorexic WC Fields - gotta love Marty Feldman too - I miss old goggle eyes - RIP Marty -

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