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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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I walk almost every day. Keeps me healthy in lots of ways. I have always enjoyed nature. Lots of neighbors walk the neighborhood......not me. I go to the lake. Always something to see. Different seasons bring out different things to see. Bald Eagles are common there.....not here in the hood. My favorite thing is a winding river with a fly rod miles from humans......that is when I am the happiest.

I dont know if this counts but I peed off of Stony Brook Hospital during construction at the very top


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be like Cosmo

just say no to the ribbon!

( or mask )

My neighbor was bitching to my wife about no one wearing a mask at a hospital she was at. The hospitals all have signs saying ‘MASKS REQUIRED’ in the communistwealth of Massachusetts(by mandate of her feuror the governor). And we were at the hospital yesterday and an older woman and her daughter were in the waiting room masked up. She looked at my wife and spoke. We couldn’t understand what she was saying but heard ‘mask’. I was waiting for my wife to read her the riot act thinking she wanted us to mask up. She pulled down her mask and asked if we had been told to wear a mask. We had not. She grumbled and said the receptionist told her they were required and gave them masks to wear but that she wasn’t going to comply anymore. We all laughed.


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it was 60 years ago today they landed at JFK...nothing was the same after

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Just walked the puppy, and there's a decent-sized roughed grouse in the front yard under the spruce trees. The pheasant of the grouse family, a delicacy as far as grouse are concerned. Much lighter and milder/better tasting meat than most other grouse, especially spruce grouse. The thing was by itself, and I had a puppy on the leash, so I let it slide. No longer a mandate to put every grouse I see into a skillet. Those days are way gone.
When my boys were little, they used to call them "Thumping Birds" because of their incessant mating wing-thumping routine:

Thump!...Thump!... Thumpthumpthumpthump!


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Sitting here waiting for my 9:30 doctor's appointment with growing hunger pangs. I hope they don't leave me waiting this time, as my sense of humor grows short.
My doctor was running 2 and a half hours late yesterday. All the nurses were complaining because they were supposed to be done working at 5. I left at 7 and they were still there. The union is negotiating a contract and there may be a strike. 🤷‍♂️

moose eater

Well-known member
@Gray Wolf -- You just triggered a treasured old memory from the Olden Days. circa 1944-45.

One day, my job as a little kid was to catch Aunt Rody and bring her to Grandma sitting in her rocker on the porch.

I remember her giggling laughter as I chased Aunt Rody (a huge goose) all over the place.

I finally outsmarted the goose (or maybe she just gave up) but here I came, proud as punch to deliver the bird to Grandma.

She took the honking beast in her arms, and within ten seconds, the goose was quietly burbling to itself.

Grandma then began to run her fingers through Aunt Rody's feathers, with many feathers coming out with each gentle finger-combing. My job here was to get every feather in the cloth bag.

Eventually, all the feathers that were "ready" were in the bag.

So Grandma put Aunt Rody down on the porch.

Aunt Rody hopped back up on her lap, and tucked her head under Grandma's apron, hoping for some more feathery attention.

Grandma eventually had to stand up and go in the house to get away.

I was laughing so hard, my stomach hurt and I could not stand up.

LATE EDIT ADD: I sorta put that scene in "The Cadet". It was a fun memory to write.
On the river, my ex-partner and neighbor raised dobermans, but they were mostly deaf from gunfire.
He had a small flock of geese that when someone turned into the driveway, most of 100 yards away, they spread their wings, raised their bills to the sky and began hissing and making all sorts of noise. Better alarms than the dobermans were.


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On the river, my ex-partner and neighbor raised dobermans, but they were mostly deaf from gunfire.
He had a small flock of geese that when someone turned into the driveway, most of 100 yards away, they spread their wings, raised their bills to the sky and began hissing and making all sorts of noise. Better alarms than the dobermans were.
Like the Romans did
The Italians did it for a while out but wound out eating them

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
In the early 1980s I was living on the Tanana River and a friend from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory had driven up with his son to catch an Alaska Airlines flight out of Fairbanks to fly to Mexico on a family pass (his sister worked for Ak Airlines, and they don't serve Whitehorse).

He drove up in an early 80's VW Rabbit Diesel. At the time I was driving a rear-wheel-drive '74 Cutlass and my rear-wheel-drive '64 Ford F-100.

I had them plugged in for a long while and it was about -57 or -58 f. I killed all three batteries trying to get them started, though, admittedly, with his Rabbit I was unfamiliar with starting procedures with a diesel in severe cold.

I slowly turned toward Toyotas, and even with their substandard heaters (compared to their later products), starting in severe cold took a major turn for the better.

Just walked the puppy, and there's a decent-sized roughed grouse in the front yard under the spruce trees. The pheasant of the gross family, a delicacy as far as grouse are concerned. Much lighter and milder/better tasting meat than most other gross, especially spruce grouse. The thing was by itself, and I had a puppy on the leash, so I let it slide. No longer a mandate to put every grouse I see into a skillet. Those days are way gone.
I'm a Toyota fan too - had an 2006 Hilux - a 2007 Innova - and a 2010 Fortuner - when I was living in the Philippines - driving mostly on rough 'Carabao roads' thru jungles - and all over the island of Palawan in the Hilux and Fortuner - kept the 7 seater Innova for the main island of Luzon - those 3 liter turbo-diesel engines were excellent - and all were automatics - so didn't even have to change gears - could drive and stop with just one foot - good aircons too -

I miss having dogs - soo much - its kinda impossible to have one here in a 400sqft apartment - with 2 kids and a wife - kids at school - wife at work - and me down the gym - it would be kinda cruel and lonely for a dog - up on the 3rd floor - with no garden or private back yard - gone are the days when I was breeding rotts and dobies - on 6 hectares of land by the sea - and I miss it dearly -

moose eater

Well-known member
When my boys were little, they used to call them "Thumping Birds" because of their incessant mating wing-thumping routine:

Thump!...Thump!... Thumpthumpthumpthump!
There was a former Marine at Alaska Customs I referred to as 'grouse man', built like a short brick building, broad shoulders and chest, block-looking head.

He was illegitimately hassling me about 3 lake trout I had, one I'd caught and one-each that had been given to me by 2 Canadian friends, when we were fishing Bennett Lake near Carcross, Yukon.

He took the benevolent dictator role with me, assuring me (incorrectly) of all the things he could cause for me, as there was a new, mid-40s BUXOM blonde female Customs Officer working with him that he was clearly trying to impress, and after he got done flexing his muscles over an issue that legally was no issue, and certainly not a concern of his under the law, had it been an issue, it was clear to me that he was 'drumming' (what we call the mating sound the grouse make), and hence, he became known to me as 'grouse man.' Though his time there was short-lived.

It was shortly after 9/11, and I contacted my Senators and Congressman over it, as well as a warden at Conservation Canada in Whitehorse. I told the folks in D.C. that if this was their idea of tightening up border security after 9/11, then our security was definitely not being addressed effectively.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'm a Toyota fan too - had an 2006 Hilux - a 2007 Innova - and a 2010 Fortuner - when I was living in the Philippines - driving mostly on rough 'Carabao roads' thru jungles - and all over the island of Palawan in the Hilux and Fortuner - kept the 7 seater Innova for the main island of Luzon - those 3 liter turbo-diesel engines were excellent - and all were automatics - so didn't even have to change gears - could drive and stop with just one foot - good aircons too -

I miss having dogs - soo much - its kinda impossible to have one here in a 400sqft apartment - with 2 kids and a wife - kids at school - wife at work - and me down the gym - it would be kinda cruel and lonely for a dog - up on the 3rd floor - with no garden or private back yard - gone are the days when I was breeding rotts and dobies - on 6 hectares of land by the sea - and I miss it dearly -
The right-side drive diesel 'Yotas are a rarity here, few of them imported, and set up for, and initially shipped to Asia and Europe, mostly. They go for a lot of money now. Especially the 4-wheel drive diesel vans.

There's a fellow who buys them in RV form and re-sells them in Seattle for obscene money.
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Well-known member
I've breasted Doves, but we ate the whole goose. Dove hunting can't be beat.

Mmm Dove hunting
I've had lawyers and judge friends go to Argentina and Mexico.
I leased a spot in Cordova, ill that they said was the best shooting they've ever had.
The field was right in the middle of a country mile, it was a field that they planted beans in that failed and become riddled with black seed off of crabgrass.
Same field I had my quail flight pens in.
Needless to say I ate alot of creamed Dove on rice.
People at the Trap and Skeet club were willing to pay me to take them.

It was only good for opening weekend after that a cold front would come in and there they'd all go.
I have ran into some wintering doves while out pheasant and quail hunting.

Oh I miss those days, the big flocks of Northern Mallards and Pintails.
Geese were like a trophy back then.

Man I was eating so damn good back then and didn't realize it, just a mere memory good times good friends great food


Well-known member
A good, difficult hunt is far more satisfying when you get the kill than an easy one.

Especially when you are entering their sacred grounds. When you attack at their innermost refuge (which they are using in increasing desperation) you scare them them most.

After the carnage is over and you have won... just visit the place and let them know you are advertising their underhanded ways to possible clients.

Like good wine, revenge is best taken cold. Trust yer Unca -- I put a dive shop out of business because they stonewalled me on their screw-up.

Unca Walt's Maxim #1:

"Revenge is Mine, sayeth the Lord; that is, if Unca leaves Me any."


Southern California mountains got a touch of snow after 7 inches of rain from the tail end of the pineapple express. 4 to 6 inches it looks like. With my jumbo-sized aorta, I really shouldn't be wrestling the snowblower up 500 feet of dirt drive.

Warmed up a bit and snow bombs dropping from the trees onto the roof sound like they are coming through. WHUMP !!!!


Well-known member
That shot was all the birds we got that day.
The limit is two each and you keep the guides birds
Some of us plucked them and ate them roasted and the bulk was made by my Brother who made something delicious.
We had a fifteen bird limit per, we'd go out with a box (25) shells.
5 dollar bet on first limit and least amount of shells.
Normally had 6 of us out banging birdies


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I'm a Toyota fan too - had an 2006 Hilux - a 2007 Innova - and a 2010 Fortuner - when I was living in the Philippines - driving mostly on rough 'Carabao roads' thru jungles - and all over the island of Palawan in the Hilux and Fortuner - kept the 7 seater Innova for the main island of Luzon - those 3 liter turbo-diesel engines were excellent - and all were automatics - so didn't even have to change gears - could drive and stop with just one foot - good aircons too -

I miss having dogs - soo much - its kinda impossible to have one here in a 400sqft apartment - with 2 kids and a wife - kids at school - wife at work - and me down the gym - it would be kinda cruel and lonely for a dog - up on the 3rd floor - with no garden or private back yard - gone are the days when I was breeding rotts and dobies - on 6 hectares of land by the sea - and I miss it dearly -


Well-known member
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I'm a Toyota fan too - had an 2006 Hilux - a 2007 Innova - and a 2010 Fortuner - when I was living in the Philippines - driving mostly on rough 'Carabao roads' thru jungles - and all over the island of Palawan in the Hilux and Fortuner - kept the 7 seater Innova for the main island of Luzon - those 3 liter turbo-diesel engines were excellent - and all were automatics - so didn't even have to change gears - could drive and stop with just one foot - good aircons too -

I miss having dogs - soo much - its kinda impossible to have one here in a 400sqft apartment - with 2 kids and a wife - kids at school - wife at work - and me down the gym - it would be kinda cruel and lonely for a dog - up on the 3rd floor - with no garden or private back yard - gone are the days when I was breeding rotts and dobies - on 6 hectares of land by the sea - and I miss it dearly -
I remember my 1978 Toyota Celica and the Patchogue drive in theater ,going there with my girlfriend many many times to see many many movies and never remembered any of them.


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Man I just hate when the breeder puts a fin time on the plants and they don't look no where's ready, just passes me off to no end.
I only have so long and am dependent of what they say cuz it's messes something else up along the line.
I keep saying 2 more weeks then another week maybe another.

Ya know what burns my ass, a flame about 3' tall
Mine have always gone a few more weeks I plan for it now 11 weeks on average for me.