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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
At the dentist with my son - too many Haribo's and not enough brushing his teeth leads to 2 deep fillings he now needs - it's called 'learning the hard way ' -



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Slow day in the basement as well. So, I am keeping busy trimming back my mother's. Damn they get leafy. Doesn't really matter...as soon as my starts get big enough I will cull the mother's anyway.

Has gotten real windy here just like I thought. My daily walk now is questionable. Might be a boring day.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Area Heating and Cooling failed to pick up my certified letter to them, so I am proceeding with the CLB complaint and did some research on filing a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency. My Grandson In Law, an attorney, has also offered his assistance, so we will see how long Area Heating and Cooling management can continue ignoring me. It's clear by their actions to date that this is a game they have played before and they take advantage of all the tricks.
A good, difficult hunt is far more satisfying when you get the kill than an easy one.

Especially when you are entering their sacred grounds. When you attack at their innermost refuge (which they are using in increasing desperation) you scare them them most.

After the carnage is over and you have won... just visit the place and let them know you are advertising their underhanded ways to possible clients.

Like good wine, revenge is best taken cold. Trust yer Unca -- I put a dive shop out of business because they stonewalled me on their screw-up.

Unca Walt's Maxim #1:

"Revenge is Mine, sayeth the Lord; that is, if Unca leaves Me any."


Well-known member
Premium user
The pursuit of my familial line has come to a dead end. I cannot find any more records. I am stuck at 5x Great-Grandfather..

The Polish Constitution of 1921 did away with nobility. I cannot re-instate sh!t. The last person in the bloodline to claim is my Great-Grandfather. All I have is bragging rights.

Still, nonetheless, It was exciting and exhausting to research my tree. The story of my family is still amazing... maybe one day I'll tell ya about it.

I learned a lot and as in most things it leaves more questions than answers.

View attachment 18956579

My buddy is Polish and his name is Stash
He is tall and not the best looking guy but a good one!
Know any Stashs?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yer a good dad GN

now start brushing those teeth after every meal and no more SUGAR!…😍🤡😍
That's what I told him years ago - but I found a secret candy 🍬 stash - he keeps up on his bunkbed - he's been munching sweeties during the night 🌙 - after I'd got him to brush his teeth - night after night - oh we had a few tears at the dentist - but no bawling or hysteria - upped his pain threshold a tad methinks - when the dentist hit a nerve - but he's all good now - cooking us some Aberdeen Angus steak burgers 🍔 - but he can't have one till the local anesthetic wears off - so just me and his sis will be munching on them - till later when that lidocaine dissipates and is gone -

<slow sorrowful violin music 🎻 >


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Day has turned windy and cold. Thinking I am stuck inside. Nothing to do so I took a couple of pictures.....

This is Triangle Kush x Lemon Betty. 2 1/2 weeks into flower and still stretching!!!


The next is all the starts that have now rooted.


Will start another batch in a few days cause I know the outdoor gang will come calling in March. Just realized that tomorrow is tea day for the girls so I need to do some prep work. After that????

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