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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Not easy being a landlord
one fart virus and everyone doesn't pay rent
We lost a tenant, but fortunately everyone paid.

They are nice places that we always have multiple applicants for and last time we didn't even advertise. The new tenant heard about it and asked to take it as was and paid his damage deposit, plus year's rent in advance for first crack.
i really think that when we're young and stupid we should have old,decrepit bodies to slow us down from doing dumb stuff and when we get older and have a speck of wisdom then we should have young,healthy bodies and gradually reverse age back to babies before we die,cared for and blissfully unaware...and titty milk!
Alas, youth is wasted on the very young!


Well-known member
I would've thought that being over-run while tripping, by angry guys in tanks, who allegedly perceived you incorrectly to be CIA, might qualify for 'really weird.'

But maybe that's just me.
Hunter S. Thompson was not a normal man by any sense of the word. He was up to the challenge.

His writings changed my path while entering young adulthood. Some may say he was a bad influence, but I turned out fine and that much more experienced.


Well-known member
He ruined me a bit as well.
That dude lived a strange and fast life. He dove balls deep into everything and anything and pushed it as far as he could. An original fuck up on a mission to craziness but with purpose.

I didn't read much when I was a kid until I found The Electric Cool Aid Acid Test. That led me to Hunters book Hells Angles because it was in the same section. I was hooked so I ended up on the campaign trail and Vegas.

Been reading ever since. I might revisit those books now that I'm..ahem...a bit more mature.
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Well-known member
I read The LOR trilogy and the Hobbit a few times when I was a kid but wasn’t aware it was based on WW2. I’d be interested to read Tolkien with that in the back of my kind. Tried to read the Silmarillion but that was a chore.
I've tried Tolkien a few times with no success. He is over my head. Interesting about it being based on WWII. Learn something new everyday.