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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I read a bunch of stuff from Ivor Cummings, an Irish chemical engineer, who is on this stuff like white on rice. The censorship that the ‘leaders’ in Ireland are implementing is straight out of 1984. The problem here is none of the MSM outlets have anything to say about anything against the govt narrative so a lot of our population is clueless and will stay that way because they have been conditioned to believe everything against the narrative is white supremacy.😡
Yep - if you control the media - you can control the minds and bodies of the masses - if you also control the finances/money - that's a double whammy - especially in a capitalist nation - because its mostly all about the money - sadly 😥 - so the government narrative is controlled with funds thru lobbying - and if you don't follow the paid leader - you don't get paid - you get canceled - lambasted and accused of every 'ism' available - and if there is no 'ism' that fits - a new one can be constructed - just for you and me - who have probably spent many hours/days even weeks - attempting to form a studied opinion on whatever topic - that so 'irks those who have real power - and they don't want anyone leaking 'dirty little secrets' - just ask Julian Assange - he's still banged up because of it -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Gonna be a slow day for me. Truck is in the shop and Mrs Pute is out doing girl things. Sooooo......what to do?

How about naming One Hit Wonders. Name a song from the past that the group was one and done.

Here is one.....Moose mentioned American Bandstand.....I first heard this song on that show....

One hit and never heard of Bob Lind again.



Well-known member
Yep - if you control the media - you can control the minds and bodies of the masses - if you also control the finances/money - that's a double whammy - especially in a capitalist nation - because its mostly all about the money - sadly 😥 - so the government narrative is controlled with funds thru lobbying - and if you don't follow the paid leader - you don't get paid - you get canceled - lambasted and accused of every 'ism' available - and if there is no 'ism' that fits - a new one can be constructed - just for you and me - who have probably spent many hours/days even weeks - attempting to form a studied opinion on whatever topic - that so 'irks those who have real power - and they don't want anyone leaking 'dirty little secrets' - just ask Julian Assange - he's still banged up because of it -
I am pretty surprised that you were not mercilessly attacked in replies to that thread(or that you haven’t been arrested and thrown in a cell with Mr Assange😁). There is a lot to digest but I have read about most of the info in general but some of the particulars are new for me. In 2017, I may have even thought you were off your rocker. These days, I get absolutely none of my ‘news’ from the old trusted news sources because it all seems to fly in the face of what we all see. I wear the badge of ‘conspiracy theorist’ as a badge of honor. Those labeling us conspiracy theorists don’t seem to realize how many of the conspiracy theories have been confirmed fact because no one in the media or government ever admit or apologize for misleading, lying or mislabeling what is proven after the fact.

moose eater

Well-known member
Gonna be a slow day for me. Truck is in the shop and Mrs Pute is out doing girl things. Sooooo......what to do?

How about naming One Hit Wonders. Name a song from the past that the group was one and done.

Here is one.....Moose mentioned American Bandstand.....I first heard this song on that show....

One hit and never heard of Bob Lind again.

Some toss-ups, but there's this one...

and this one:



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I am pretty surprised that you were not mercilessly attacked in replies to that thread(or that you haven’t been arrested and thrown in a cell with Mr Assange😁). There is a lot to digest but I have read about most of the info in general but some of the particulars are new for me. In 2017, I may have even thought you were off your rocker. These days, I get absolutely none of my ‘news’ from the old trusted news sources because it all seems to fly in the face of what we all see. I wear the badge of ‘conspiracy theorist’ as a badge of honor. Those labeling us conspiracy theorists don’t seem to realize how many of the conspiracy theories have been confirmed fact because no one in the media or government ever admit or apologize for misleading, lying or mislabeling what is proven after the fact.
From what I understand and I don't know for sure. Assange was trying to inform the American public as to what the Gov't was doing to the American people. So the gov't sicked the fake news on him and made him a bad guy in the public's eyes.

Same thing is going on today. The fake news has partnered up with a certain group and demonizing the other.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
IMO this was the biggest one hit wonder of them all. Great song and moved many in the 60's. Mrs Pute wants this played at her funeral. Place is a shit hole today but I always wanted to go to the corner of Haight and Ashburry. If You Going to San Francisco


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I am pretty surprised that you were not mercilessly attacked in replies to that thread(or that you haven’t been arrested and thrown in a cell with Mr Assange😁). There is a lot to digest but I have read about most of the info in general but some of the particulars are new for me. In 2017, I may have even thought you were off your rocker. These days, I get absolutely none of my ‘news’ from the old trusted news sources because it all seems to fly in the face of what we all see. I wear the badge of ‘conspiracy theorist’ as a badge of honor. Those labeling us conspiracy theorists don’t seem to realize how many of the conspiracy theories have been confirmed fact because no one in the media or government ever admit or apologize for misleading, lying or mislabeling what is proven after the fact.
Well - I really have no agenda to try and convince people of anything - what I do tend to do - is ask them to fact check - from different sources - and do the due dilligence required - to possibly arrive at a similar opinion as I might have myself - which usually involves alot of effort and research to arrive at a studied opinion -

- problem is that most people couldn't care less - and would rather take the easy way - spouting what the legacy/mainstream media has brain washed them with -

I'm no political activist - and have never voted in this sham-of-a-mockery democracy - because its obviously so corrupted to me - it would just be a waste of time -