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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
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Have a question for Gypsy☝️
First time on a international site so im loaded with questions about the other side of the pond!
1 Do you have a bigfoot?
2 If so is he friendly as everyone says?
3 Is there really a loch ness monster?
4 If there is ,is he really Scottish or an English imposter.
5 Is every English person I meet really related to Paul Mc Cartney?
6 do you have pizza?
7 Is it any good?
I feel a disturbance in the force so I will end this and seek council in the loo.


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Walking back from the gym 🏋️‍♀️ along the Thames River tow path - (where the old barges used to be towed by horses) - I got into a verbal confrontation with some idiot half my age or more - due to him cycling along this path - which has plenty of signs telling everyone to dismount and walk with their bikes - since many young children - older people and dogs - use it to escape vehicular traffic - and only a few yards from the tow path - is a dedicated cycling route -

Standing in front of his cycle as he approached - I put my hands ✋️ up - stopped him - and told him that there was a cycle route - 'over there' -pointing to the route that he should have been on -

He obviously knew that he shouldn't be cycling where he was - but decided to try and force the bike past me - which failed - then he kept saying 'You have no authority over me' - and started using threatening language to try and scare me off - which failed also - it was a stale mate - until he finally dismounted - and so I let him pass - but he remounted his bicycle - as I said - 'At least someone pulled you up on it!' - maybe he will think twice about cycling that route again - I hope so 😉
Baton therapy ☝️
Useful and internationally understood


Well-known member
If you feel like our country is being invaded, like I do, but think it is more of a soft coup thing(the demographic shift to overwhelm Americans votes), like I did, this interview with Dr Weinstein may change your suspicions. The Darien Gap in Panama has an ‘immigrant’ camp populated by almost exclusively military aged Chinese males.

Buy ammo and get ready…



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Have a question for Gypsy☝️
First time on a international site so im loaded with questions about the other side of the pond!
1 Do you have a bigfoot?
2 If so is he friendly as everyone says?
3 Is there really a loch ness monster?
4 If there is ,is he really Scottish or an English imposter.
5 Is every English person I meet really related to Paul Mc Cartney?
6 do you have pizza?
7 Is it any good?
I feel a disturbance in the force so I will end this and seek council in the loo.
Inquiring minds want to know....


Well-known member
1 Do you have a bigfoot?
Yetis are cooler than bigfeet.


Well-known member
Great news, sir!

Years back, I drove by a panhandler at an intersection with a ‘will work for food’ sign. I drove to a McD’s up the street, bought him a couple of Chicken sammiches, an order of fries and a bottle of water. When I gave it to him, he said he would have preferred cash but said thanks. I left a bit disillusioned.
Yup it's a scam. We have guys standing on every corner. There are more food pantrys than you can shack a stick at. They have no dope, cigs, or booze at those places.


Well-known member
OK last Thursday I moved the Tester seedlings to the flower room. I left them in there for three days, and I moved them back to the veg room Sunday morning. Yesterday I took a close look at them and all 5 were showing their sexy bits. There are 3 females and 2 males. 1-1, 1-2, and 1-4 are female. 1-3 and 1-5 are not..."thanks for playing, guys, we're finished with you."









And finally...

A Brush With Death



Well-known member
Premium user
Yetis are cooler than bigfeet.
but cost a lot more ffs!
I will never forget pullin in to home depot and a man in loadin his pick up , pushes his cart out of my way for me to use and drives off. A gentleman. I park and get the cart and he left his yeti coffee insulated cup behind. I waited for a half hour out of respect but he never came back.I own it now.


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not yet, gotta go at it again this morn. i have to take a hammer and a bar to knock the fan loose, but my bars were to short. gonna cut one today and handle. a screw on left hand thread fan hub in my mind is not a good design, but it works. ended up spending most of the day with the wife.
I would think LH threads design would be standard but wht the heck do I know. I made one of my first mistakes as a young outside machinist apprentice with left handed threads. Will never forget that lesson… good luck and don’t skin up your hands along the way 🙃

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