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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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here is my latest posse of girlfriends… View attachment 18954079
Back left corner...
I see you looking at me.


Well-known member
Trivia: The Fabled PC (my Scottish Witch) and Himself flew as the only passengers in this plane -- which was sixty years old at the time:
View attachment 18954238 We flew to Freeport in the Bahamas straight out from the Floriduh coast. As a passenger-pilot, I was a tad tense because we were still flying happily along, and the end of the landing area was most ricky-tick right fargin THERE.

Seems they stop in water a lotsa quicker than real planes do on land. Whew!

But the upshot: The wing broke offa that plane a few days later.

OOP. A rarity: Herself is looking over my shoulder. She has a comment.

I did not like the way the plane looked. It looked like it was sick. Walt did not mention we went home by boat. Walt got seasick, and so did I.
Was that on Chalk's Flying Service, @Unca Walt ? I remember seeing their seaplanes at Dinner Key Marina.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Walking back from the gym 🏋️‍♀️ along the Thames River tow path - (where the old barges used to be towed by horses) - I got into a verbal confrontation with some idiot half my age or more - due to him cycling along this path - which has plenty of signs telling everyone to dismount and walk with their bikes - since many young children - older people and dogs - use it to escape vehicular traffic - and only a few yards from the tow path - is a dedicated cycling route -

Standing in front of his cycle as he approached - I put my hands ✋️ up - stopped him - and told him that there was a cycle route - 'over there' -pointing to the route that he should have been on -

He obviously knew that he shouldn't be cycling where he was - but decided to try and force the bike past me - which failed - then he kept saying 'You have no authority over me' - and started using threatening language to try and scare me off - which failed also - it was a stale mate - until he finally dismounted - and so I let him pass - but he remounted his bicycle - as I said - 'At least someone pulled you up on it!' - maybe he will think twice about cycling that route again - I hope so 😉