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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
heya folks...spent the day running around getting stuff done, tomorrow is rent day and how I love to pick up the checks...gonna hit casa despot to get stuff I need around here tomorrow and then go south to the u pick groves...can't find my honeybells in the markets so I'm gonna hit the farm where they grow...if you've never had a honeybell you don't know what 'missing...Gods gift to the citrus industry but hard to fins...


Well-known member
Premium user
Not sure what the criteria is to be part of the ole farts club, but beings I just retired after 39 years in the Plumbers Union Local #%^, I turned 60 and have been a journeyman since 1980 and started as an apprentice at age 10 working every summer from 6th grade on … well I felt I would meet that criteria? If not I’ll be sure to remove myself if necessary. Now that that long winded paragraph is over, let me introduce myself . My name is Tim, I grew up on the North east coast my life so far, was born in ‘63 have lived through what I feel were some heady times with the Vietnam war, peoples rights mainly people of color and women and that’s still going on. I was raised by the old school way of thinking. Brought up a catholic which in my opinion is like most religions like our government were invented for controlling. So as a young kid who loved sports grew up with football being my favorite until I stopped growing while my friends kept getting bigger I found Ice Hockey where I found beer and weed. First time I ever got high was our 9th grade class trip to 6 flags where that morning on the way to school to catch the buses to 6 flag I smoked 1/2 a joint of Hawaiian bud some senior sold me. Until then it was Mexican dirt weed or Colombian Gold. I never got high the first few times I smoked so not sure if it was actual weed but it had seeds. It probably was just very low thc . I probably went on too long already but sometimes that’s what I do I just like to talk about life and experiences. So let me know if you want me in or out of your club. No hard feelings either way. I just was hoping to meet some old heads who are world renowned growers that might give another old head some pointers as to the intricacies to growing weed. I’m pretty good with gardening without not knowing that much really technically just seem to make the right choices most times by looking at the plant. So hello to you all hope to make some new friend!
I only eat vegans. They taste better and are less oily.
stringy though


Well-known member
heya folks...spent the day running around getting stuff done, tomorrow is rent day and how I love to pick up the checks...gonna hit casa despot to get stuff I need around here tomorrow and then go south to the u pick groves...can't find my honeybells in the markets so I'm gonna hit the farm where they grow...if you've never had a honeybell you don't know what 'missing...Gods gift to the citrus industry but hard to fins...
I got four of them in a gift basket for Christmas this years. Pretty freakin’ delicious. Probably not as good as fresh off the tree but in New England ya gotta take what you can get.


ICMag Donor
heya folks...spent the day running around getting stuff done, tomorrow is rent day and how I love to pick up the checks...gonna hit casa despot to get stuff I need around here tomorrow and then go south to the u pick groves...can't find my honeybells in the markets so I'm gonna hit the farm where they grow...if you've never had a honeybell you don't know what 'missing...Gods gift to the citrus industry but hard to fins...
When I was growing up my mom used to mail order honeybells from down south right up to us in the north east coast if I remember correctly there was a really narrow window of opportunity to order them and you’re right by God they were good..That’s a good memory

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, I was on a vegan diet for a year and a half after cancer diagnosis, and there are ways to maintain a healthy diet and look 'normal'.

Discovered that chard made spinach look like junk food, for one.

Ate LOTS of cruciferous veggies to combat cancer via sulforaphane and its researched preventative qualities. Especially with broccoli seed sprouts, highest levels I know of. Not nearly as tasty as alfalfa or radish sprouts, however. really.

Lots of people undertake a vegetarian or vegan diet without having the knowledge of how to do so in a healthy manner.

Had a Thai friend years ago, no longer a friend, but he was walking out of Anchorage hitchhiking, carrying a moderate size pack, and in mid-stride his leg fractured. I asked him if he got hit by a car (I've known of folks getting hit, sometimes on purpose, while hitchhiking back in the 70s and 80s), or had another previous injury, or what, and he said "No, just walking out of town on the side of the highway."

There were times when he and I were in under-grad together that his impoverished 'vegetarian diet' had him eating carrot sticks and celery sticks that others smuggled out of the commons for him. That's not a healthy vegetarian diet; that's slow starvation and bone failure in the making.


ICMag Donor
Am I an old fart?