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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
That land is crying out for no till

Brother , I can tell you some stories

there are a lot of hillbillies out here who own sections of land but are dumb as a bucket of rocks when it comes to land management and are set in their ways

ruining the land with poor farming practices not to mention the overuse of poison like glysophate and dicamba



Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
a wild native grape .. mustang grapes

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We had those in Oklahoma, where I grew up, but we called them Possum Grapes.
Memories! I remember meeting a pretty blonde and getting her into my bed, only to find that she had more hair on her chest than I do. Things shriveled and I could go no farther.

She thanked me for being cool about it, because she said some guys got really pissed and one made her find her own way home.

I wondered why she didn't have the hair removed, but later found out she had a female roommate that liked it.
sure you made up for it Brother
I certainly did my very best trying and am still an avid fan.


Well-known member
There wasn't much going on in the grow today so I decided to tie a few flies. Spring is coming and I have an April fishing trip planned.

I will be fishing the Arkansas river with tiny dry flies. Just got done tying a few #22 Humpies. I will be using flies like these with a midge emerger as a dropper.

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I can still do it! Having a hard time seeing. Plus this is a difficult fly to tie this small

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Here is my total collection of dry flies. Probably 500 or so.

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Nice work, @Putembk . That Humpie is sitting pretty on the bench.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!

A cloudy day here, with just a peek of sunshine, starting at 47F and predicted to reach 64F.

My stomach and lower tract has been unhappy with me the last couple of days but feels OK this morning. I suspect it may have something to do with the high Ibuprofen doses that I've been taking for my hips, so I stopped taking it.

I take the ibuprofen so that I can lie on my sides without my hips hurting, but had to suffer through it last night and didn't get much quality sleep.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Brother , I can tell you some stories

there are a lot of hillbillies out here who own sections of land but are dumb as a bucket of rocks when it comes to land management and are set in their ways

ruining the land with poor farming practices not to mention the overuse of poison like glysophate and dicamba

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It's unfortunate, for the landowners that is. Even if a change is made to the way the land is managed/farmed, it could take a generations before seeing any real change in the soil structure and the benefits that that brings.

Some savvy grain farmers in our region introduced us to no till about 18 years ago - we grow a small amount of oats and lucerne for feed and only recently have we started seeing the change in the soil by way of improved moisture retention, reduced density and even an increase in the number of earthworms. It will continue to improve with time