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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I wanted to add that I am all for defending the constitution. Got my share of second amendment articles too. But when you are dealing with folks with a real bias, and perhaps not overly superior intellect, with fists bones literally the size of your thigh, and there are 3 of them walking towards you on a public sidewalk, sometimes it is better to step aside, at least, until next time. Like the minutemen learned out of necessity, and that the British learned to disdain: "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day". And me, I kinda prefer my fine looking face to an overly maligned one too.:rolleyes:
Yea, but I’m ugly not like your ego. I can make a train take a dirt road.


Well-known member
True, we only know what they feed us but it seems that we would see more from the town saying they are under pressure than what I’ve manage to find. I don’t know what is going on there either except in places Where I know folks. I do know they have a miserable problem on the west coast because like you I know someone there that actually sees what’s going on in their own backyard and towns. There just seems to be a lot of conflicting news about Springfield that could be causing more trouble than necessary there without a real news story we can trust…I watch a lot of main stream media but don’t depend on it totally for my news feed. It’s amazing how twisted the news can be from one channel to another. I do miss Walter Cronkite but I’m sure they too just fed the bear at times. News nowadaze is more like entertainment and reality shows to me…
"And that's the way it was," I remember Walter Cronkite.

Good evening Sub


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I am calling it

Goodnight Irene!




Well-known member
What’s got your goat. As far as I can see we have accepted you … Sorry about what you have and are going through. But all are equal here. Put the gun back in the holster.
Ditto, Brother. 100% Equal. And what I said was a joke. Just like what I surmised came from you. Right? All good. Not sure what you perceive that I have, and/or am going through, but last I checked everything looked in place and intact.(y)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm fuckin mad as hell

And you're gonna believe that
Why yes, yes I am going to believe two people who live either in Springfield, (the Mayor) or someone who has lived near Springfield most of his life (the Governor). I'm certainly not going to believe someone (JD Vance) who said in an interview he made the story up in an effort to get the media to focus on the immigration issue.


Well-known member

Finally they may be forced to do something about this. I have been drinking distilled water (from my home distiller) since the 80's. For many people, however, they drink tap water. And even the little standing filters do not fully get rid of this.:(


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Really? From what I read they are asking for this to stop and of course asking for millions that the state doesn't have.....

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The governor of Ohio will send law enforcement and millions of dollars in healthcare resources to the city of Springfield as it faces a surge in temporary Haitian migrants that has landed it in the national spotlight.

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020, but said the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

His news conference was held just hours before the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Republican President Donald Trump, where the divide over immigration policy was sure to be an issue.

On Monday, Republican Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost also drew attention to the crisis when he directed his office to research legal avenues — including filing a lawsuit — to stop the federal government from sending “an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities.”
What DeWine was asking to stop was the spreading of the lies about the Haitians, lies that caused the violent threats that was the cause for the need to send law enforcement and millions in healthcare resources (Money from the Ohio State budget not the federal) It was an interview with DeWine where he said most of the people there are happy with the Haitian presence.

Now to be clear I'm not saying there are no unhappy people there. I just watched a recording of a townhall in Springfield where only about 50 people showed up. Most were upset about the bomb threats but there was a handful who complained about feeling like the Haitians were being treated better then they even though they were born there. There were also two from JD Vance's campaign who were complaining about how the position of the local government was making JD Vance look bad. There was also one guy who was upset because he heard that the Haitians have been seen purchasing guns to protect themselves since all the threats of violence directed at them. Imagine that, someone not wanting to allow the Haitians the right to protect themselves under the 2nd Amendment even though he clearly favors the 2nd Amendment for himself. Also to full report what happened in the townhall was there was one white guy who appeared to be dressed as a woman. I'm not sure what he waas complaining about because his voice was unintelligable in the video.

As for the lawsuit of the Attorney General of Ohio, I wonder why he's ony just now talking about filing a lawsuit? According to what you yourself reported the large (yet limited group of Haitians) happened in 2020. If this was such a big problem happening all over Ohio you would have thought he would have filed his law suit years ago? Maybe if he had filed it in a more timely manner he might have actually kept the influx of immigrants from becoming a problem in the first place?
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe you should move there HempKat.....don't forget to take your children.....YOU MIGHT SEE IT DIFFERENTLY WHEN YOU DON' T FEEL COMFORTABLE SENDING YOUR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL.
Fortunately I don't have children but if I did I wouldn't need to move to worry about the danger to school age Children, that exists in all 50 states and has for years. Hell right here where I do live there was an active shooter incident last year, in a school not more then 2 miles from my home. I do actually have relatives in Ohio though and would have no problem moving there if there was a reason to. Although it's doubtful I would go to Springfield, the town where my relatives live (Newark) is where I would likely go, which isn't far from Springfield and they have no problem with immigrants or gun violence. At least none they've ever felt the need to talk about.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But if you are far away living on a gated community I guess it's the right thing to do......Bullshit.
I don't know who that's directed at, I wished I lived in some gated community. Not because there's so much violence here that living in a gated community is necessary but because I would have to be much better off financially to even dream of living in a gated community.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
when you up pot, do you break up the roots at all ???
I do, except I wouldn't describe it as breaking up the roots. Rather I call it scoring the root balll which I do on four sides using a utility knife and cutting about .5 to 1 inch deep. I've never noticed any transplant shock doing this but I have noticed the rootball is more spread out throughout the pot when I harvest. With scoring you really only affect the outer most roots which wrap around the rootball when it starts to get root bound. The scoring in my experence just helps the root system to spread out into the unsed soil of the large pot faster and usually results in a spurt of extra growth. you don't always get without scoring. In fact I learned that trick from our own Uncle Ben back on Overgrow and being he's a degreed Botanist he could probably explain why it works better then I can.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
True, we only know what they feed us but it seems that we would see more from the town saying they are under pressure than what I’ve manage to find. I don’t know what is going on there either except in places Where I know folks. I do know they have a miserable problem on the west coast because like you I know someone there that actually sees what’s going on in their own backyard and towns. There just seems to be a lot of conflicting news about Springfield that could be causing more trouble than necessary there without a real news story we can trust…I watch a lot of main stream media but don’t depend on it totally for my news feed. It’s amazing how twisted the news can be from one channel to another. I do miss Walter Cronkite but I’m sure they too just fed the bear at times. News nowadaze is more like entertainment and reality shows to me…
Well I tend to look for interviews to get the straight scoop Like with the Governor of a particular State or Mayor of a particular town. Sometimes we can also go by videos of the locals. If you recall someone in our group posted a YouTube video of a local in Springfield. If you remember he even said he's seen no evidence of pets being eaten. He also said a picture floating around with a black person walking off with a goose was fake news because it didn't happen in Springfield. His main complaint was that the Haitians were getting preferential placement in low income housing that was once intended for the disabled and as a result his brother who was a disabled veteran got bumped from the top of the list back to the bottom. I can get why he might have been upset but his anger should be directed at whoever was managing the list rather then the Haitians.