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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
They were ‘invited’ here by the current government not the citizens of the town. The reason the government ‘invited’ them is 2 fold. Our government has overthrown their democratically elected government at least once, sold their assets including children to the Clinton Foundation(who siphoned off billions in aid in the process) and pressured the UN to send in the Nigerian army to police/strong arm the locals(including mass rape and pillaging). Their democratically elected president was unceremoniously spirited out of the country under the cover of darkness at gun point by the state department. And of course replacing workers in Springfield with people who will work for long hours for next to nothing(including children) and not know their rights as workers in the US system. Other than that, yeah, they are here legally and were ‘invited’…
According to the Governor of the state Republican Mike DeWine they were invited by the companies that were on the verge of going under because they couldn't get enogh born there locals to apply for the jobs. As a result the town was pulled back from financial collapse and is now booming and there has been a sharp rise to property values, As far as being invited to the US that had already happened and maybe was due to the history of 2-3 decades ago that you state. Although to me it sounds more like your just adding your own spin to the story.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Thursday, and one day closer to the weekend on Friday. Will be glad for the break. TGIT!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Colo lawmakers deny this is happening. Even though it’s been recorded. Downtown Denver is dangerous after dark.
I stay in the suburbs above the city. Mrs Pute won go farther than the grocery store. I take her everywhere else. My daughter works from home but does go to the office mid day once a month.
Hard to believe this has happened.
Crikey. Just catchin' up, and this is as far as I got. You are balls-deep in a koan on the subject of survival:

Because of your government, you are facing a genuine daily threat of violence from invading foreigners.

And your government forcefully denies your right to have a firearm to defend yourself from them.

WTF. That ain't even cheatin'-fair. :mad:

On the positive side, in addition to the above -- you are lucky you didn't also get a dinged helmet while serving.

Since you and Mrs. Pute are old and creaky in the knees, you might want to get a socially spiffy matching pair of canes.

I have one. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

For and extra six dollars, you can have it engraved. TINS.

Hibben Sword Cane Midnight Black Edition - 7Cr17 Steel Blade, Wooden Shaft, Metal Handle, Black Oxide Coating - Length 37 3/8”​

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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
No need to believe me, you can go search for the interviews I referenced for yourself. They're available on YouTube. I know you won't though, since you can't have someone who might actually know, dispelling what you've already convinced yourself of.

that is almost funny

now this is funny , the Haitians were brought in for economic reasons , take the jobs that the Americans wouldn’t take

and using YouTube videos as a reliable source of news is pathetic

for the record , I enjoy a robust but respectful debate

no need for name calling and personal attacks/insults which violate the TOU

we ALL need to be occasionally challenged about our individual beliefs , it makes us stronger in my view



Well-known member
According to the Governor of the state Republican Mike DeWine they were invited by the companies that were on the verge of going under because they couldn't get enogh born there locals to apply for the jobs. As a result the town was pulled back from financial collapse and is now booming and there has been a sharp rise to property values, As far as being invited to the US that had already happened and maybe was due to the history of 2-3 decades ago that you state. Although to me it sounds more like your just adding your own spin to the story.
Saying someone is a republican or democrat doesn’t sway me at all. There are scumbag liars on both sides of the aisle. The permanent state has been gaslighting Americans to get us into wars for decades(coming to a country you live in soon). You are believing what you are told to believe(probably because it is easier to go along to get along than realize your elected officials are in it for money and power not the citizens they represent). You know who the ‘sharp rise in property values’ has benefited? The mayor of Springfield who owns a rental property company that is making bank on the influx of Haitians. I’m not going to try to enlighten you any more. You are an acolyte of the ruling cult. A lifetime of programming cannot be undone on a forum.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Working my way through my ninth decade, I've come to believe that truth is shorter than fiction and agree with PT Barnum that the poorer the product, the harder the sell.

I've also learned that it is a waste of time debating the self-evident with those full of themselves and damn sure of thangs that ain't so.................


Well-known member
Working my way through my ninth decade, I've come to believe that truth is shorter than fiction and agree with PT Barnum that the poorer the product, the harder the sell.

I've also learned that it is a waste of time debating the self-evident with those full of themselves and damn sure of thangs that ain't so.................
And congrats on the longevity 😉

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partially cloudy today starting at 53F and predicted to reach 69F.

I lost one of my three drives in my computer and my webmaster started a download of the ailing drive, as well as a full system scan. The download took a little over six hours and the scan is still running after 13 hours, with over 35 hours yet to run, with 2,019,051 files scanned thus far.

Breakfast out at the Cadilliac Cafe this morning with Grayfox and Nutrition Magician and then I need to deliver the Suburban back seat in my treasure cave to a local salvage yard. I offered it for free on Craig's list with no takers, so sound an auto salvage yard that was happy to take it if I delivered.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
My advice is live where like minded people make and enforce the laws.
One of the many reasons we left Florida.
They talk a great 2A game there but the reality is they hate armed citizens same as the left
Nothing equals a firearm for creating equality ime.
The first antigun laws in America were race related by..........the same party still trying to take them today.
Yer first sentence is spot on and damned important. I totally agree.

Bless yer heart, dogzter, butcha gots it flat backwards about Floriduh.

Floriduh has Oop. Start over. I have a CC permit, as does my Red Witchie-poo. They are both useless.

Why? Becuz Floriduh law NOW says: "You want to go heavy? Enjoy." <-- No permit required anymore.

And permits were easypeasy to get until they became nothing more than souvenirs.

35 years ago, RedWitch got her Concealed Carry permit with ease (she took the $35 2-hr course). For me, even easier as a vet. I just walked in, ID'd and walked out with my CCW. I cannot count that as bad.

The backyard firing ranges @Boo and Himself have are legal. Cops came to my house and looked at it and one said he wished he had one like it. It was a surprise gift from my neighbor -- he built it for me.

The cops also come to my place (with gunpowder) to join in firing my cannon on Independence Day.

I cannot reconcile that with "they talk a great 2A game..."

I dunno where you lived down here... but it is not recognizable in the 2A area as whut you said.

ANY-fargin-BODY -- Anyone -- including out-of-staters with valid CCW's from their state -- can carry.

A C&P --

Permitless Carry in Florida

https://www.jaxsheriff.org › Resources › PermitlessCarry

Starting July 1, 2023, new legislation takes effect in the state of Florida which authorizes a person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm.

HAH! While I am at it, I just checked: Only Texas has more guns than Florida. They LEAD the other 48 states in gun ownership. Lookit:

"Texas has more guns than any other state, with 1,005,555 guns and just over 29 million residents. Florida trails behind in second place, with 518,725 guns and a population of just over 21 million residents."

Y'all come back to Floriduh.
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Working my way through my ninth decade, I've come to believe that truth is shorter than fiction and agree with PT Barnum that the poorer the product, the harder the sell.

I've also learned that it is a waste of time debating the self-evident with those full of themselves and damn sure of thangs that ain't so.................

it is true , ain’t nobody gonna change anyone’s mind in this group of old farts!…

hard headed and stuck in our ways , we all think that we are right in our own minds..

so let’s sit back , enjoy some hot coffee , and try and connect with each other on the things we have in common

like weed , flowers , and bees
