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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Developments: Here comes my lawn guy. He hooked up a big strap to his longmotor and the tree. I reached in through the tangle and the saw came right out.

At that time, I shook hands with the guy with effusive thanks while Witchie-Poo dragged me back inside to lay down. With me carrying the saw, smiling like I had a fresh lobotomy. LATE EDIT ADD: I left the saw in the garage...

I will have to wait a coupla days (Witch-orders!) before I go back out and cut up the tree in pieces that the town will remove.

HOT SOOPER NEWS: My Afib is still there (will be until it ain't and I ain't) but it is down pretty much in the range it useta be. YAY.

A note for those here who may have -- or may someday have -- an Afib attack.

Do the Dr.Scooter thingy repeatedly:

Tongue pushed as hard as possible to roof of mouth while straining as if to take a dump... and hold that for 10-15 seconds. Repeat at intervals.
Or you could just kep som nitroglycrin tablets in the house. if you get to the point of feling like you might have a heart attack just pop one of those under the tongue will usually solve the issue in a few minutes. There is one down side though, the give most people a headache from hell that is tough to get rid of other then sleeping it off (if you can get to sleep).

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I'll bet Keith is a lot wealthier.

(*snickersnork*) The Internet is forever. That picture is from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, with me talking to Mr. Anderson:


(*sigh*) It was from back when I weighed 240 with about 6% body fat with no noticeable neck. Not the man I useta be... Useta scare myself.

Love you guys: That is the second time some pic of me has been used as an avatar on this site.

As long as we are going back, let's include the Red Witch <-- she is/was beauty beyond compare. More beautiful than any movie star. Just lookit her and try to find a flaw:

Oh... And Witchie-Poo (for those who have not yet heard the mantra) has not yet gone grey. She is most ricky-tick not a normal woman:


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Things must be slow over at MP. Not here. Leave!
I sort of cancelled all memories of that wonky site. Did not recognize the poster as Hippie.

Pute and @Boo and others: Help the Vacuous Unca Walt** remember what made Hippie a crosswise doucebag. When my bro Boo got banned, that was my ticket punched for that place.

** The Fabled Witch says that I could be hit in the face with a sack of horseshit, and all I would smell would be the seeds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
He was one of those internet docs. Just type the age sex and symptoms in the computer and order what come out of AI. The argumentative part was about my cannabis usage. I decided since I was retired now and cannabis was legal that I would let my doc know that I used it. Turns out that was against ant cannabis usage and told me that you don’t know what “they” put in it. I told him that I know exactly what went in it as I grow it myself. When I got home and checked the doc remarks and my test results out from the visit, I saw the argumentative comment. I was pretty pissed and still am about it
As well you should be, clearly the doctor doesn't know much about cannabis and made too many assumptions about your usage. Such as you must be buying it off the street hence the "you don't know what they put in it comment".

I had a situation with cannabis and a doctor once. It was when the opioid crisis began and my regular doc stopped prescribing pain meds, forcing me to have to go to pain management. So the first time there everyone has to give a urine sample for a baseline. Mine came up positive for cannabis. Th thing was though that I hadn't smoked any for almost 4 months. I know it can stay in one's system a long time but I've never heard of it taking more then a month (2 maybe for heavy smokers) to clear one's system. The only way I can figure they found anything is if their test was calibrated so low as to be able to pick up minuet traces that most standard urine tests ignore. Anyway because of the cannabis they took me off my pain meds completely and put me on 3 other drugs that did absolutely nothing for my pain. I tried to get my pain meds back by turninging in clean urines for two months but the last time the doctor let me know there was no way he was ever going to give me narcotics and he didn't see why I kept coming back. So I stoppd going.

Now all that was back when I was walking 5 miles a day and the walking caused me to lose 75 lbs, had all my bloodwork numbrs looking great and prevented me from turning a prediabetic reading into a full diabetic. Well without the pain meds I could no longer do my daily 5 mile walk. I put back on 50 of the 75lbs I lost, I became a full blown diabetic needing medicine to keep my blood sugar down, ended up needing to get the first stent put in my heart a year later and I was just generally miserable all day long because of my back pain. Then I started trying to treat my back pain with Kratom which gave me some relief but not enough to do my walks. I got to know the owner of the store where I was gtting my Kratom, turns out he was seeing the same pain management doctor for a clubbed foot condition and lo and behold, for him that same doc was prescribing both narcotics and medical marijuana for his pain. About a year or two in the future from that I tried a new pain management doctor who gave me back the exact same narcotic (hydrocodone) but at a lower dose. Unfortunately by that point my health deteriorated in other ways that I was still unable to get back to walking. Mainly due to me heart condition getting worse. It's my hope that the stent I just got last month will make my heart well enough to rsume my walks but so far it's not looking good. If I'm lucky I might get a mile in before I ned to do walt's son's tongue trick or take nitro tablets because of chest pains. Anyway I can trace pretty much all my health problems I have now, back to the one pain management doctor taking me off my pain meds and refusing to give them back just because I supposedly came up positive for cannabis during that first visit with him. I often wonder how much different my health might be now if the Government hadn't started the opioid crisis that led to everything else.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good day Sub, hope your vision is on the up and up.

Twenty years ago I ate so many chicken legs I no longer can enjoy them. I use to eat up to 5 of them at a time, now I can't even eat 1. Thighs and breast are good, as per jokermans instruction.
I went thru a spell like that when I was in high school. I had a job at night at a fast food place that sold kentucky fried chicken. I worked until they closed. They had a policy of throwing out any cooked but unsold chicken (kept warm in a heated cabinet) if any employee wanted, they were welcome to take home some of the chicken to be thrown out. So I did one night and as usual when I got home I smoked a few bowls and then ate the chicken to satisfy my munchies. Now I would heat the chicken in the oven trying to make sure to kill any bacteria that might cause food poisoning but one night I guess I didn't cook it long enough because I woke up with a stomach ache. Unfortunately I didn't recognize it as food poisoning building up inside me so I got showered, dressed and headed off to high school.

On a previous day I skipped school and tried to cover it with a fake note from my parents excusing me due to illness. Well I got caught and was called to the vice principal's office for a lecture on the wrongs of skipping school. While sitting there in his office I guess I started to look bad because the vice principal interupted his lecture to ask if I was okay. Within seconds without saying a word I tried to get up and run to a bathroom but before I could take two steps I threw up a huge chunky puddle of puke right in the middle of a nice looking persian rug the VP had in his office. He got up and rushed me into his own private bathroom he had in his office but by the time he got me there I had already emptied the entire contents of my stomach on his rug. Well he needless to say ended his lecture about faking that I was sick and arranged for a school bus still there to take me home because I was sick. Now while there was some mildly ironic humor to it all, the experience was pretty traumatic for me and as a result I was unable to eat chicken for many years well into my adulthood. Fortunately one day years later I took a chance and ate some chicken and was able to get my enjoyment of it back.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I seen the news this AM saying Canada would lower interest rates again soon. I understand for people like my son who has his home mortgage and rental properties, this is good news. What about the savers who are not financially investment competent or who are not well off and depend on the bank paying out enough in savings to keep your monetary value from sinking. It's beyond me how this all works, I just get the idea the average income person is nothing but a slave to the economic system.
The unfortunate reality is when a government plays with interest rates to control inflation someone will always get hurt and there is just no way to avoid that. It's all about what is best for the greatest number of people. As the old saying goes , "you got to break a few eggs to make an omlett".

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partly cloudy today starting at 57F and predicted to reach 76F.

Got one roof cleaning and treating bid and appointments for two more bidders this week.

I pulled the crabgrass from our front ornamental gardens again. I wish my vegetables were as prolific!

!@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ !@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ !@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ !@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ !@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ !@#$%^&*()_))(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~!@#$%^&*()_+ Some dimwitted, narcissistic as.sholes continue to set off heavy fireworks around midnight, which frightens Miss Layla, who then comes to me for solace, and we both lose sleep. Hanging is too good for them!!!!!!

Gym this morning and then an empty calendar for community service, mayhem, or wanton debauchery as deemed appropriate by circumstance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There is an old adage that goes like this “any head is good head“, so I’m told…
My Uncle on my Mother's side had a good one, "Two heads are better then one, even if one is a cabbage head". Something he once said to me when I did something foolish because I was too young to know it was foolish and he wished I had come talk to him first. Of course I was the cabbage head in that scenario. :biggrin:

Basically he own a bar and grill where he let me work part time one summer while I spent the summer with my Grandmother in Ohio. I was into bicycles and got pretty good at repairing them and so I tried to get a second part time job at a bicycle repair shop. On the application it asked about other work experience and I put down my part time work at my uncle's bar and grill. Well I didn't know that it was illegal for me to work there at age 13 even though I just worked in the gril area and washed dishes. Well the bike shop notified the proper county authorities about this other job who contacted my uncle. Since he wasn't my legal guardian he had to let m go and I also didn't get hired by the bike shop. This ended my summer about 3 weeks early. My uncle gave me the above line as we talked about how this all happened as he drove me to the airport for my flight home. The lesson I learned was that honesty is not always the best policy.


Well-known member
Tied a few flies.....I can't see to tie these tiny flies. The tail is so thin I can hardly see it to tie it to the hook. This is what the big Rainbows will be feeding on in Oct. It is called an RS-2. It imitates a may fly nymph that is swimming to the surface to become an adult may fly.

By the way for all you folks thinking a big fish won't bother with something so small.....you are wrong. When these things hatch there are millions of them and the fish splurge on them.

View attachment 19051263

View attachment 19051264
Some of my biggest northern were caught on a 1" tube jig


Well-known member
Premium user
View attachment 19051514
I see it has been a busy day in here today.
Good to see you all kept the riffraff at bay and played nicely with others less..........fortunate.
Beautiful here today wife had a call last night asking her if she minded doing her colonoscopy tomorrow instead of next week so she did the surprise cleanout today........poor dear is regretting her decision this evening.
So many poop jokes today.........lolz.
She’s getting it over with. Good luck with her procedure 💕


Well-known member
Premium user
Hell and good day Sub, I always end up crowding my tent as well, question is; do I get more production from a crowded tent or not. My tent is 1m x1m , I see people grow anywhere from 1plant too...I usually grow 5-6 so I am wondering if I should keep it to 4 a plant for each corner.
Have you ever made a comparison in your tent?
I’ve never had the chance to try only one or two plants in my tent as I always take in strays. Every time I can’t help myself. I would prolly do it if I had a bigger tent too. I have noticed tho with my SpiderFarmer light, I don’t get the same coverage and notice it in my plants. If you do have more than just a couple plants, I have to do a lot of defoliating I mean a lot. Everything off the bottom and inner leaves so that I can get good air flow. I average about 12 oz of weed in my 2x4 tent plus some junk for the kief bin.

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