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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
I started buying turquoise and silver back in 1970 and I was fortunate that all the pieces that I got was the real deal Lander blue… years ago when I was in Sedona, Arizona and old Indian guy grabbed my wrist and asked me to take the bracelet off so he could look at it. He held it close to his heart and told me he can give me $1000 and I really wasn’t interested in selling it so I still have it. I had a ring made for my mother with a piece lander blue in it and when she passed on, it came back to me. It seems we’re both very close in our thoughts and how much was mine. I was told the contents would fit in a 5 gallon bucket with non-spilling out and that would probably be about 100 pounds.


Well-known member

The Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel | Curator’s Corner S9 Ep5​

The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete. However, Irving Finkel and a particularly gifted student of his - Edith Horsley - managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark. And yes we mean that ark, as in Noah's ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra.

CONTENT WARNING: Contains a baby Irving. His beard is not white.

00:00 Intro
00:52 Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets
01:48 The oldest map of the world, in the world
02:07 What is the Babylonian Map of the World?
02:34 The Babylonian Map of the World explained
04:13 What are the triangles on the Babylonian Map of the World?
06:17 Missing triangle on the Babylonian Map of the World
06:52 Edith Horsley - Cuneiform LEGEND
07:20 Channel 4 News report on Babylonian Map of the World September 1995
09:48 What the missing piece revealed
11:39 The ark and parsiktu-vessel
13:22 Mount Ararat and Mount Urartu
14:18 What does it all mean?
15:07 Author of Babylonian Map of the World



I see it has been a busy day in here today.
Good to see you all kept the riffraff at bay and played nicely with others less..........fortunate.
Beautiful here today wife had a call last night asking her if she minded doing her colonoscopy tomorrow instead of next week so she did the surprise cleanout today........poor dear is regretting her decision this evening.
So many poop jokes today.........lolz.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- and in the news today - we have the riveting story of an illegal Albanian migrant in his 60's - who came to the UK 🇬🇧 to get his teeth fixed for free by the NHS - while growing cannabis - in a disused Scottish swimming pool -


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hell and good day Sub, I always end up crowding my tent as well, question is; do I get more production from a crowded tent or not. My tent is 1m x1m , I see people grow anywhere from 1plant too...I usually grow 5-6 so I am wondering if I should keep it to 4 a plant for each corner.
Have you ever made a comparison in your tent?
I know you asked Subgirl but if it were me with a tent that size I'd keep it to just 2-3 plants unless I was growing SOG style (Sea of Greenaka cola on a stick). More then 3 and you end up with a rather crowded tent which makes for more work and/or possible air circulation issues. Plus most of your lower growth wouldn't be worth messing with and at that point you'd be better off going with SOG style because instead of having just 4-5 colas you could have 6-12 colas.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good day GW, I spent some time in the hospital back aways, my roommate was a man in his mid-seventies or so. He fell of his roof and broke is pelvis. Everyone who came into visit him asked, what is a man your age doing up on a roof?
My guess is that he doesn't have any nearby kids or grandkids he can recruit to help with risky tasks that require getting on the roof and his money is too tight to hire someone to do it for him. Either that or he's just too cheap to hire someone. Although with all the stories you hear about old people doing without medicine to afford food or cutting back on food to afford medicine I'm going to guess the odds favor his money being too tight.


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View attachment 19051514
I see it has been a busy day in here today.
Good to see you all kept the riffraff at bay and played nicely with others less..........fortunate.
Beautiful here today wife had a call last night asking her if she minded doing her colonoscopy tomorrow instead of next week so she did the surprise cleanout today........poor dear is regretting her decision this evening.
So many poop jokes today.........lolz.
Had a colonoscopy three months ago
good news and bad news
no health issues
did not find my remote

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