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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Call the fire department and tell them the story. Maybe they can help you get the saw out and the tree moved from the street.

Developments: Here comes my lawn guy. He hooked up a big strap to his longmotor and the tree. I reached in through the tangle and the saw came right out.

At that time, I shook hands with the guy with effusive thanks while Witchie-Poo dragged me back inside to lay down. With me carrying the saw, smiling like I had a fresh lobotomy. LATE EDIT ADD: I left the saw in the garage...

I will have to wait a coupla days (Witch-orders!) before I go back out and cut up the tree in pieces that the town will remove.

HOT SOOPER NEWS: My Afib is still there (will be until it ain't and I ain't) but it is down pretty much in the range it useta be. YAY.

A note for those here who may have -- or may someday have -- an Afib attack.

Do the Dr.Scooter thingy repeatedly:

Tongue pushed as hard as possible to roof of mouth while straining as if to take a dump... and hold that for 10-15 seconds. Repeat at intervals.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good, no need for hurry, you have time to figure something out that does not involve you playing race horse with your heart beat. Feel the joy of life, listen to the birds singing, just be careful fancy pants does not drop a bomb on you from the roof top.:)
And there we have a problem. A fifteen-year old peacock is a BIG birdie.

I have a comfy folding chair in the garage that I sit in to watch the creatchy-poos while zooming in @Boo 's Best. This posture must encourage Lumpy and Beau both... whichever happens by first -- They will come in for a handout of peanuts or other goodies I bring out.

The downside is that as the Waltie/Birdie combo sits there together, one of them takes an enormous Annapolis right on the concrete floor. It ain't me.

Some of you may have seen goose shit. That is ookie and really bad. Peacock shit is worse. (*sigh*)
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning revered brothers and sisters of repoot!

Another gorgeous day starting at 57F and predicted to reach 79F.

Alas, I tried to pick my first ripe tomato and the whole bunch broke off, so I guess we are going to have some fried green tomatoes too..........

I also removed the 10' tall center tomato plant that is just starting to bloom and has about five small tomatoes on it, to give the other two more light, because the small tomatoes won't have time to ripen before frost this year

One of our friends rubbed it in by gifting us four ripe tomatoes, complaining that they had so many ripe tomatoes that they didn't know what to do with them.

We ate our first ripe tomato for the year sliced with a little salt and the largess from our friend in BLT's on sourdough.

First ripe.JPG

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I stop my afib every time by doing the grunt thing. It usually stops immediately when I do it. I’m sure one day I will have to tend to that too but it only happens on occasion. Very weird and scary feeling tho. I’m glad you’re ok. Get some help with that tree and saw 🥰
Thanks for you kind words, @SubGirl Regarding the weird and scary feeling... that is a great description.

There is no pain, but you feel somehow removed from your body, with ghostly thrills running left and right through you. And a strange weakness coupled with a slight dizziness or disorientation.

I think I could use half my lexicon describing it, but I can net it out a tad for this old Alpha:



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Premium user

Developments: Here comes my lawn guy. He hooked up a big strap to his longmotor and the tree. I reached in through the tangle and the saw came right out.

At that time, I shook hands with the guy with effusive thanks while Witchie-Poo dragged me back inside to lay down. With me carrying the saw, smiling like I had a fresh lobotomy. LATE EDIT ADD: I left the saw in the garage...

I will have to wait a coupla days (Witch-orders!) before I go back out and cut up the tree in pieces that the town will remove.

HOT SOOPER NEWS: My Afib is still there (will be until it ain't and I ain't) but it is down pretty much in the range it useta be. YAY.

A note for those here who may have -- or may someday have -- an Afib attack.

Do the Dr.Scooter thingy repeatedly:

Tongue pushed as hard as possible to roof of mouth while straining as if to take a dump... and hold that for 10-15 seconds. Repeat at intervals.
And if you can’t get it to stop within 15 minutes, head to the er Or call 911. This can damage your heart ❤️


Well-known member
Good morning everyone...
Dishes are done, garbage is out and it's PE day along with some electro therapy for the Lumbars.

Have a realtor coming to sign papers Thursday at putting this cabin up for sale.
Looking to move into the Park Rapids area, found 1 we liked after 3 years have only found 3 that would work put in an offer and it was declined.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning revered brothers and sisters of repoot! View attachment 19051047 View attachment 19051048

Another gorgeous day starting at 57F and predicted to reach 79F.

Alas, I tried to pick my first ripe tomato and the whole bunch broke off, so I guess we are going to have some fried green tomatoes too..........

I also removed the 10' tall center tomato plant that is just starting to bloom and has about five small tomatoes on it, to give the other two more light, because the small tomatoes won't have time to ripen before frost this year

One of our friends rubbed it in by gifting us four ripe tomatoes, complaining that they had so many ripe tomatoes that they didn't know what to do with them.

We ate our first ripe tomato for the year sliced with a little salt and the largess from our friend in BLT's on sourdough.

View attachment 19051045
I have been grazing on BLTs with a fresh tomatos which i wind up wearing so I get to enjoy it twice.
Good Morning GW
Nice lookin tomato you got there😊


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Premium user
If I was around Subie ,that fuk would need a doctor
He was one of those internet docs. Just type the age sex and symptoms in the computer and order what come out of AI. The argumentative part was about my cannabis usage. I decided since I was retired now and cannabis was legal that I would let my doc know that I used it. Turns out that was against ant cannabis usage and told me that you don’t know what “they” put in it. I told him that I know exactly what went in it as I grow it myself. When I got home and checked the doc remarks and my test results out from the visit, I saw the argumentative comment. I was pretty pissed and still am about it


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
He was one of those internet docs. Just type the age sex and symptoms in the computer and order what come out of AI. The argumentative part was about my cannabis usage. I decided since I was retired now and cannabis was legal that I would let my doc know that I used it. Turns out that was against ant cannabis usage and told me that you don’t know what “they” put in it. I told him that I know exactly what went in it as I grow it myself. When I got home and checked the doc remarks and my test results out from the visit, I saw the argumentative comment. I was pretty pissed and still am about it
Time for a new doc. I tell all my docs and look for the expression on their face….I almost asked my ENT Specialist if he wanted a sample….

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