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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Waitaminnit! Whilst "introducing" myself to @Zivilpolizist (AKA: Ziv) I forgot to mention 4 huge
1. As I enter the Springtime of my senility, I do so while stoked because I have met a bunch of fun folks.
2. The dings, bungs, and shaters I've acquired since 1940 are bearable because of something called Indica. (I am pretty sure sativa is the Cheech & Chong tanglefoot stuff.)
3. I've found a paper from the University of Bonn that has the title:
Cannabis Reverses Aging Process In The Brain
Which is kool beans, ainnit? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Memory performance decreases with increasing age. Cannabis can reverse these ageing processes in the brain. This was shown in mice by scientists at the University of Bonn with their colleagues at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). Old animals were able to regress to the state of two-month-old mice with a prolonged low-dose treatment with a cannabis active ingredient. This opens up new options, for instance, when it comes to treating dementia. The results are now presented in the journal Nature Medicine."

4. Lastly, and most critically important: The generosity of the denizens of this motley** crew have made it possible for someone in my weird classification to be able to easily handle the owies (and possibly -- per the Krauts -- some of my brain fizzle):

FL is legal weed for residents, but not for dinged US vets (so therefore not allowed to buy legal weed).

**Motley: consisting of many different types that do not seem to go together. But they most ricky-tick do.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
On a train from Clapham Junction to Pulborough - to go to my sisters and her husbands joint birthday parties 🥳 - he's 80 years old yesterday and she's 63 years old on the 21st August - travelling with the dog 2 teenage kids and the Mrs - it's a big adventure for Loki the PomShitzPoo mutt pup - but he seems to like train travel - so far -
View attachment 19049664
Yeah, he looks like he's digging it. Wither that or he's just a ham for the camera? :biggrin:


Well-known member
No, I understand and your reluctance is perfectly normal for someone that has only known hand trimmed aka manicured buds. I've never tried one of those either (although often wished I could to speed up the harvest) I would be just as skeptical as you. That being said most people that I've seen post about using them all seem to really like them.
I think they do less damage when using with wet bud !!!!!!!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
I've had loads of flu jabs, had pneumonia during that flu pandemic in 2000ish and always had them yearly until I had a corvid jab and that nearly killed me. I blacked out on my way to bed about 3 hours after having it, then all night my Heart was at over 150bpm ... ALL night.
Anyway, it put me off getting jabbed for flu again and guess what I got last Xmas??? Flu. :biglaugh: I'd dodged it for the last 20odd years, then the 1 year I don't have my flu shot... Meh. anyway.

Each to their own.

I wore a mask, but it's more a hanky folded in half like a cowboy bank robber.
The good thing about covering your mouth and nose is you can mouth words at people. I liked calling folks "wankers" just gotta remember not to say it out loud and just pretend to say it out loud.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
There must be a lot of vaccinated people in my area because I see people still wearing masks all the time even though there is no current requirement to do so anywhere. I rarely ever wore a mask except when they were required.
I see masks all the time here…..afraid of there own shadow….when it was required I made them give me a mask… or I would wear a buff simply pull it up then right back down….


Well-known member
I see a couple guys have one of those jammed into a coil and it got the tard in me a little excited.
Yeah, I've seen them over on FC forum. Folks seem to really like them.

I was going to buy a coil to fit this one or one of my elev8r nubby heaters through the flowerpot I don't use. But I keep getting sidetracked. I may look into it more.

That Solo3 has become the daily driver BTW. It's great. I fancied a change tonight and now I;m a bit wonky. :good:

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