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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Yea.....you are back.

Apparently he can make sexist comments in reply to a post I made
that offended me and I stated so. Not only was that comment
allowed it was excused and even supported with 'boys will be boys'.
More recently he called me a worthless bitch. This is not only being
allowed, but excused and now his inappropriate behavior is welcomed here.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
took Peanut down to Littleleaf’s place in Oklahoma , had not seen my friend for about 10 years , was great to see his mug again , he and Mrs Littleleaf are two of the sweetest humans I have ever met…..and talk about living out in the country , you ain’t seen country until you see the Oklahoma countryside….

then I drove north to Kansass’ to take care of some bidness and then back home…left home Thursday morning about 5 am and got back home before midnight , 983.9 miles round trip

if a biker rides 1000 miles or more on one trip , they earn the right to wear the patch , Iron Butt..

i almost made it




Well-known member
Morning :smoky:

A cool front has blown through.... man it's nice out. Chance of rain over the next few days. Then back to the 100's. Need to get a few trees knocked down for firewood while it's cooler out. That is if my hand will allow it. Maybe with the help of an extra pain pill. NOT!

Woke up @1am to the hand throbbing. Took a shower and let the water lightly hit the hand to soften up the skin. Pulled another square inch of dead skin off a finger. Blead like a stuck pig. Got a few more spots to peel off. This is going to take more time to heal than I have.

I know ... suck it up buttercup.

Off to slap a new fuel pump on the side by side. Then go put a new heater hose on a ford eco boost for a neighbor lady. (think she's got the hots for me, keeps calling me over for piddly stuff she could do) She's not bad looking for a 70 year old....

Laterzzzz :wave:

PS peanut is fitting rite in. Only left one little puddle. I can deal with that.


Well-known member
he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty
Maybe that is what a little girl was talking to me about yesterday at my pups playgroup. I feel badly for her since she is a child shaped by the plandemic. Obese, slightly autistic, very odd and from a lousy-mothered single parent household with a gender-confused brother. She asked me why I was standing in ‘the shadow world’ with Zig. I told her we prefer the shadows to standing in the direct sun. She went in a diatribe about the shadow world and how it was ruled by dogs not humans then ran off and climbed a tree when I told her dogs are subservient to people. My son tells me the majority of the kids in the daycare at the Y he runs are very anti-social and on-the-spectrum.


Well-known member
Premium user
Morning :smoky:

A cool front has blown through.... man it's nice out. Chance of rain over the next few days. Then back to the 100's. Need to get a few trees knocked down for firewood while it's cooler out. That is if my hand will allow it. Maybe with the help of an extra pain pill. NOT!

Woke up @1am to the hand throbbing. Took a shower and let the water lightly hit the hand to soften up the skin. Pulled another square inch of dead skin off a finger. Blead like a stuck pig. Got a few more spots to peel off. This is going to take more time to heal than I have.

I know ... suck it up buttercup.

Off to slap a new fuel pump on the side by side. Then go put a new heater hose on a ford eco boost for a neighbor lady. (think she's got the hots for me, keeps calling me over for piddly stuff she could do) She's not bad looking for a 70 year old....

Laterzzzz :wave:

PS peanut is fitting rite in. Only left one little puddle. I can deal with that.
I know you are wearing clean gloves to -rote t that skin. So glad peanut is working out at your place 💕🥰


Well-known member
took Peanut down to Littleleaf’s place in Oklahoma , had not seen my friend for about 10 years , was great to see his mug again , he and Mrs Littleleaf are two of the sweetest humans I have ever met…..and talk about living out in the country , you ain’t seen country until you see the Oklahoma countryside….

then I drove north to Kansass’ to take care of some bidness and then back home…left home Thursday morning about 5 am and got back home before midnight , 983.9 miles round trip

if a biker rides 1000 miles or more on one trip , they earn the right to wear the patch , Iron Butt..

i almost made it

View attachment 19045526

View attachment 19045527
RESPECT Brother Big
Every day hero's carrying out acts of kindness
is what keeps the fabric of society from complete decay.

Respect also to Mrs. and Mr. Littleleaf for their love and
kindness taking in this little gal who had lost her way and
has now found it in a new loving home.

Made me tear up :)


Well-known member
Premium user
took Peanut down to Littleleaf’s place in Oklahoma , had not seen my friend for about 10 years , was great to see his mug again , he and Mrs Littleleaf are two of the sweetest humans I have ever met…..and talk about living out in the country , you ain’t seen country until you see the Oklahoma countryside….

then I drove north to Kansass’ to take care of some bidness and then back home…left home Thursday morning about 5 am and got back home before midnight , 983.9 miles round trip

if a biker rides 1000 miles or more on one trip , they earn the right to wear the patch , Iron Butt..

i almost made it

View attachment 19045526

View attachment 19045527
Love a happy ending big. Thanks so much for making the trip 🥰


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ah, yes... but what does that mean? Since we have determined the elements that makes up all the stars, dust, and living things in the universe... We know we are made of star-stuff.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. Oh, no. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.


The above fits all religions (about 4000 per Wikipedia). It is the only concept that does.
What it means is from the moment we are born or the moment our fetus has a heartbeat (depending on what you call life) we slowly, inevitably proceed towards death. How quick or delayed that death is depends on the choices we make along the way. Sure if you do everything right and never take any risks you can extend that time until death to the latest possible date but death will still happen and the quality of life won't be measured in how long you lived but rather in how fully you lived until you died.

My mother during the course of her life survived a number of illnesses, diabetes and two heart vavle replacements. That got her to age 93 when she was diagnosed with cancer related to her gall bladder. Now she probably could have beat that cancer with chemo, radiation or a combination of both. However being fully aware of the toll that would take on her quality of life weighed against the fact that she had out lived 2 husbands, her entire immediate family (parents and siblings) as well as a number of good lifetime friends. She decided she had lived long enough and lived fully enough that it didn't make sense to her to fight the cancer just to live a handful of years longer. So she opted for pallitative care until she needed hospice care and ultimately died a few months after her diagnosis with no regret. I didn't like it of course and would have wished to have her around a bit longer but I had to respect her choice because it was her life to live or not live.


Well-known member
Good morn folks.

Have a day of fun planned. Chicanery and even perhaps a bit of debauchery tossed in for the heck of it :)
Gotta get my slow moving behind into the shower and ready for the adventure.
"Train" arriving at 10 a.m. sharp and I need to be on the platform and ready to board.

Hope everyone has a super groovy Friday.

Steele Savage

Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

True... Thanks for that.

Hey Big, years and years ago, did you grow herijuana? Am I remembering that correctly. I picked up a bag and smelled like herijuana and couldn't remember if you and I had spoken about that before or if it was another member.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Apparently he can make sexist comments in reply to a post I made
that offended me and I stated so. Not only was that comment
allowed it was excused and even supported with 'boys will be boys'.
More recently he called me a worthless bitch. This is not only being
allowed, but excused and now his inappropriate behavior is welcomed here.
Well they do say what is good for the goose is good for the gander and vice versa.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
What it means is from the moment we are born or the moment our fetus has a heartbeat (depending on what you call life) we slowly, inevitably proceed towards death. How quick or delayed that death is depends on the choices we make along the way. Sure if you do everything right and never take any risks you can extend that time until death to the latest possible date but death will still happen and the quality of life won't be measured in how long you lived but rather in how fully you lived until you died.

My mother during the course of her life survived a number of illnesses, diabetes and two heart vavle replacements. That got her to age 93 when she was diagnosed with cancer related to her gall bladder. Now she probably could have beat that cancer with chemo, radiation or a combination of both. However being fully aware of the toll that would take on her quality of life weighed against the fact that she had out lived 2 husbands, her entire immediate family (parents and siblings) as well as a number of good lifetime friends. She decided she had lived long enough and lived fully enough that it didn't make sense to her to fight the cancer just to live a handful of years longer. So she opted for pallitative care until she needed hospice care and ultimately died a few months after her diagnosis with no regret. I didn't like it of course and would have wished to have her around a bit longer but I had to respect her choice because it was her life to live or not live.

I just wanna know who does the measuring and what are the Standards of Measurement?

isn’t that kind of subjective?

this is a Deep Subject


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
True... Thanks for that.

Hey Big, years and years ago, did you grow herijuana? Am I remembering that correctly. I picked up a bag and smelled like herijuana and couldn't remember if you and I had spoken about that before or if it was another member.


first time I grew Herijuana was 2008…..I bought the seeds because the description said , “ Not for the inexperienced “

then I became experienced

i think I bought the seeds from Woodhorse Seeds out of Canada…maybe Steve Tucks work…

Steele Savage

Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Yep.. yeah so the wife picked a bag of something up several days ago.. Smelled just like Heri.. I've always described it as "coastal breeze" tasting. Anyhow, toking on it, I remembered our brief conversations on it. If I remember correctly, I believe you said Woodhorse was where you sourced your seed but well aware of S.T. and his work with Heri, as well. Way cool, brahda.


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