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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Been on the phone for 30 minutes now.....customer service in any industry has gone to hell now days.

Damn it.....I have shit to do......
I can't prove it but I suspect it's deliberately planned that way, all in the hopes you'll get frustrated and hang up and just forget about whatever it is you wanted to talk to customer service about. I'm also fairly confident that if you were calling the number to the department that generates new sales, they would answer in no more then 3 rings and you would get a live salesperson on the line. :biggrin:
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Well-known member
Yes - it's a risk I shouldn't really take any more - although it's gonna be kinda like pushing away a loved one - that I've loved for over half a century - and regularly consume on a daily basis - a stalwart of my life and lifestyle - and I'm kinda worried how I might be without coffee ☕️ - or tea -
Walking down the street is a risk. In many areas, a big risk. If you have the proper testing apparatus, and are duly certain regarding monitoring, I would suggest that the risk may be less than others state is necessarily so. There is no necessarily true. And, as I have stated before, we all make very personal choices about our health. Not a one of us is living a risk free life. You balance what works for you. I let others suggest, including my doctors. But ultimately must make the important decisions myself. They, and we, only know a little. If I had to eliminate all known risks in my life, it would be boring indeed. I would be stagnant and paralyzed. Better to happily enjoy life, with one's eyes open. 😲


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes - it's a risk I shouldn't really take any more - although it's gonna be kinda like pushing away a loved one - that I've loved for over half a century - and regularly consume on a daily basis - a stalwart of my life and lifestyle - and I'm kinda worried how I might be without coffee ☕️ - or tea -
Yeah many struggle with such things, I'm reminded of my Father who in his late 60's developed COPD to the point of needing oxygen supplmentation. He had smoked heavily for years (at his worst 4 packs per day, since he was a chain smoker). When his doctor told him in no uncertain terms he needed to quit. He once confided to me during a phone call that he didn't think he would do it because he was sure he would be miserable and at the end of his life didn't want to sacrifice his habits in order to live a few years longer. To his credit he did quit not long afterwards although not so much due to the risk to his health from smoking but rather because of the risks of burning anything near the pure oxygen he was breathing in from his oxygen concentrator. He lived about another 10 years and then died peacefully in his sleep at age 78 when one night he just stopped breathing.
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Well-known member
One thing I allways found most ironic about the information in that book or at least the knowledge one can gain from reading his $100,000 challenge was/is that there is at least one piece of military equipment that in order to properly maintain it according to the handbook for it, is that it requires oil from cannabis to keep it properly lubricated. I always found it rather ironic that the federal government would have a piece of equipment in it's armory that requires oil from an outlawed substance to properly maintain it.
That reminds me of a politician of ours Victoria Atkins who was some kind of drugs minister and who couldn't talk about legalising cannabis because it was a conflict of interest with her husbands job - Managing director of british Sugar - who have the largest cannabis farm licensed in the UK.

She was hardline anti legalisation and hardline cannabis has NO health benefits. (unless her husband is selling it abroad to the health markets)

DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO!!!... or it may affect my husbands profits.

Oh, and then a few years later she was the health secretary... another conflict of interest but hey.

It does make me chuckle.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Walking down the street is a risk. In many areas, a big risk. If you have the proper testing apparatus, and are duly certain regarding monitoring, I would suggest that the risk may be less than others state is necessarily so. There is no necessarily true. And, as I have stated before, we all make very personal choices about our health. Not a one of us is living a risk free life. You balance what works for you. I let others suggest, including my doctors. But ultimately must make the important decisions myself. They, and we, only know a little. If I had to eliminate all known risks in my life, it would be boring indeed. I would be stagnant and paralyzed. Better to happily enjoy life, with one's eyes open. 😲
There is a view on life that sums things up like this, "Every day you live is another day that you die.". Which is just a way of saying none of us can stop the inevitable.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
It's been probably 5 or so yrs since having ANY injections.. they never worked. They tried ablations.. felt like I got hit in the back of the head with a 2x4. And after the whole COVID thing.. I don't trust Drs. I know I'm gonna end up under the knife again, but just have too much to do before then. Similar situation as you, homesteading, making repairs, setting up gardens, felling, bucking and splitting wood, etc.. So I'm pushing shit to the limit, getting things set up, so that when times go bad, many things will be done and ALL the heavy lifting, taken care of.

All praises to The Most High
@Steele Savage -- My best guess is your avatar is a bump stock. I would love to try one of those. I know that they are just a waste of ammo (and that would normally grind my gears) but they look like fun.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good day Sub, I can believe that in some ways considering the things that I have walked into. Damn near knock myself loopy from walking into a store window one time, was seeing stars.

Hope your eyes are on the mend today and not irritating in any way:)
Good day old man. Eyes are driving me crazy right now but I’m trying to get use to it. Sometimes have to close one or the other to make out things. I get the other one done next week, I hope this will help at least match what my two eyes are seeing.
‘Hope your day is good 🥰✌️

Unca Walt

Well-known member
There is a view on life that sums things up like this, "Every day you live is another day that you die.". Which is just a way of saying none of us can stop the inevitable.
If those with that view would lower their underpants and look out, they would see that every day you live is another brand-new day that nobody in the whole world will see -- no matter how important -- even one split-second before you do.

It is your brand-new day.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good day old man. Eyes are driving me crazy right now but I’m trying to get use to it. Sometimes have to close one or the other to make out things. I get the other one done next week, I hope this will help at least match what my two eyes are seeing.
‘Hope your day is good 🥰✌️
Jeez -- when I had mine done, they put an eye patch on it. So I wouldn't use it until it healed.


Cabana’s bitch
speaking of coffee I quit cold turkey about 6 months ago...it was rough on my stomach so I reluctantly gave it up...I drank it so dark it looked like mud...never really felt any physical problems but it sure did slow my roll in the morning hours...my BP went down as well...green tea for the win...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh, I like the twinnings English breakfast, but I haven't seen the "strong" version before. Have to keep a look out!

Yes - it is very good and very tasty to me - but I'm sad to say that it contains caffeine - which is kinda dangerous considering I have Atrial fibrillation - so I'm gonna haveta give it up - which makes me sad 😔 - so to cheer meself up - here's Harry and Paul -


Well-known member
I don't know, future breeding by plant scientists shouldn't necessarily be seen as sad. It all depends on what traits they breed for. I mean if they can thru breeding create a new high yielding strain with a great long lasting high, delightful taste and aroma, drought resistent pest resistent and is ready for harvest after 8 weeks of flowering then wouldn't that be something to be happy about?
They will probably try to put mrna in it somehow ..


Well-known member
Good day old man. Eyes are driving me crazy right now but I’m trying to get use to it. Sometimes have to close one or the other to make out things. I get the other one done next week, I hope this will help at least match what my two eyes are seeing.
‘Hope your day is good 🥰✌️
Things that are irritating, does not have to be something major but small persistent irritating things can drive a person around the bend. You will be all ready to repeat again next week. But, you will have one good eye, all the better to wink at Mr.Sub
Thank you so far my day is going fine. Hoping my sweetie comes home today.