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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I just tossed a bunch of those big ones away as they are bitter from my garden. Pulled out everything from the garden except a couple of pepper plants and an eggplant. Thinking about a fall garden now. Maybe I’ll take care of it better than my spring garden.
Thanks. This one has been hidden from sight but I found it when looking for cukes to dole out at Zig’s play date later this morning. I won’t bother tasting it if they get bitter like that. We have more cukes than you can shake a stick at.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
See my post above Walt - and you should be convinced that my next expedition in life - will be one of attempting to free myself from the sheer folly of my caffeine addiction - for I do treasure my life - and have a responsibility to stay alive - to watch and nurture and support those that depend on me - so am not wanting nor planning to check-out anytime soon -
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What a perfect little fluffy.

And I am hanging up my Doctor's Daddy hat for the time being. Great pic of you, BTW.

Now if only I could get the other (D.B.) to get straight, mebbe I will get an extra 15 minutes in Purgatory where I am not standing on my head in the shit.


Well-known member
The brood…

They are filling back in since defoliation and shaded branch removal a week or so ago.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good morning everybody ! 🌞 I really wish it would rain for about an entire week. Its drier than a witch’s tit around here. Hey @Gypsy Nirvana sounds like you are doing GREAT ! You have come a long way in a short couple of months. 😁 It is really amazing to hear from all you older breeders and growers. You guys were on the front lines of the “ War on drugs”. And WE WON ! 🥰 Sam told me that in the future breeding will be done by “plant scientists” in a laboratory. That makes me sad but he is correct. You old fellows were unique in “ Pot History”. I am very happy that I have had the opportunity to say hello to you fellows. 😁 Peace. 🌈
I don't know, future breeding by plant scientists shouldn't necessarily be seen as sad. It all depends on what traits they breed for. I mean if they can thru breeding create a new high yielding strain with a great long lasting high, delightful taste and aroma, drought resistent pest resistent and is ready for harvest after 8 weeks of flowering then wouldn't that be something to be happy about?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
A bit of (1960's) GI humor --

We useta joke that the guys who volunteered to be medics were all queer. So if you got shot, you were supposed to yell, "FAGGOT!" ;) :biggrin:

Well, I ain't bent thataway even though I've spent the whole fargin morning acting as a medic-by-wire.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Aw, shit... I'm beginning to think I am back in the grass, and guys are yelling medic** @D. B. Doober <-- You are being irresponsible. Think of if this way:

You are being given a warning. The train is coming down the tracks and you are sitting in your car parked on the rails. Now... the train might just be hit by a meteor just before it reaches you, but that ain't likely.

**As a doctor's Daddy, you might imaging I get a LOT of medical knowledge not readily available to other folks. Bloody stool is one knowledge point.

If it is bright red blood, and colors the water, it is possible/probable you have polyps. These are like little bags hanging from your intestine wall, filled with blood. As your shit goes by, or even if you just fart, the little (or not so little) bags tear and gush their contents.

NOTE TO D.B. -- This can be fixed, and painlessly. (Sign here that you read this ____ )

I have noted your reference to "bloody" <-- This tells me the blood is not black. If it was black, that would mean upper gastrointestinal trouble like a stomach ulcer. You ain't got that.

But the fact that to you it is just an "annoyance" and it does not hurt does not mean it is not something that could be life-threatening like cancer. Early cancer is just a PITA.
Late stage cancer is FINAL.

Go to the doctor. Take some worry off your mother. Your bloody asshole is NOT her responsibility to worry about, it is yours. Fix it and give her a goddamn' break, OK?
Heck, from what he was saying about what he has to do during his daily walks to deal with the effects of the bleeding, you would think he would take the intiative to get this fixed. If for no other reason then to not have to wipe his smelly, bloody butt so that he isn't embrassed about how it might end up looking to others when he's walking.
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I get the impression that handling responsibility isn't high on doobers to do list.
Not sure what would compel a man to tell other men about anal bleeding must be all the time I did in prison.......one just doesn't discuss such things there.
Someone would certainly offer to take a look for him though.


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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Time to call back and ask if they can move it up. They put us off when we don’t persist sometimes. You gotta stay on top of your own health. Don’t expect your doc to.
Speaking of staying on top of your health.....I am on the phone right now with 3 issues. Two prescriptions that I have called in to renew haven't been refilled......Don't know why. Working on it. Next I got a referral to my dermatologist for skin cancer on my nose and some how it hasn't been processed either. Damn insurance companies and Doctors need to get their act together.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I know you don't really mind that much even though you're kind of griping about it but wasn't the aquisition of this pup because your sone wanted one? If so then why not give him the chore of walking Loki in the morning? You know, the typical parental position of, "If you want to keep him then you have to take care of him." Plus it would give your son the chance to build a stronger bond with Loki so that he's (Loki) isn't always coming to you for his wants and needs.
Ahh - yes - the pup was initially for my son - but arrived the day before the boy returned from Army Cadets summer camp - and bonded with me as his - 'Alpha' within those 24 hours - and I bonded with him too - although I've never had such a small dog mutt breed before - and always said that I would never entertain an 'ankle biter' - but in a small and cramped 400sqft apartment - I had no real choice - if we were going to have a dog - it would have to be a small one - so when my sister offered him to us - we agreed to take him on -

- Loki is a Pooshitzpom - 😆 - (🐩 poodle - shitzu - pomeranian) - and mainly I've had Boxers - Dobermans and Rottweilers - with a Collie dog once too - but then I had oodles of space - acres of land and a big house ta boot - now this little canine rapscallion fits well into my much smaller space - where a bigger dog would not be comfortable - and he's such a little dar'lin - I can't deny - that my life has improved because of his arrival - and I am happy to contribute my time and effort into raising him -
- anyways I'm usually up at 4am - so taking him out for a walk when the rest of the family is sleeping - isn't such a problem for me - and I have got my son and daughter to agree to sharing any workload there might be - in taking him for walkies every 4 hours after 4am - throughout the day - and they are happy to do that - in fact now they want to do it willingly - happily and with gusto, since they have become enamoured with Loki too - makes them laugh more - and brings the nuturing/caring instinct out - in the pair of them - which is nice to see 👀
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What age were you when you quit coffee Walt - and did you have a pacemaker ever for Atrial fibrillation? - I get a regular pacemaker check that tells me how my heart has been performing - and the first one told me that the Atrial fibrillation is only happening 3% of the time - and I don't think that it's naughty but fun to hit coffee at all really - nor do I snigger at what is most probably good advice from you - it's a regular daily thing for me - and has been since I was around 10 years old - so probably (more than likely) - an addiction -
Not trying to give you a hard time since it's your right to choose whatever risks you think are worth risking in order to enjoy life as you see fit. That being said, I would almost certainly say it's an addiction because you went from shortly after your surgery, talking about rationing yourself so that you only occasionally drank coffee to now drinking 2 litre's of the strong stuff on a near daily basis. Again though, that's well within your right to do so and in the bigger scheme of things I think you'll be able to tell if it's a problem well before it kills you and make the necessary adjustments. You have demonstrated enough awareness of your body and how it is affected by what you put into it, that I have no concerns about whether you faithfully follow your doctor's orders or if you allow yourself certain indulgences to remain happy with your daily routine.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yup - I'm fully aware of all of that Walt - having known Jack Herer - and read his book 'The Emporer Wears No Clothes' - cover to cover - several times - its very interesting - and I wish that more people would take the time to learn about it -
One thing I allways found most ironic about the information in that book or at least the knowledge one can gain from reading his $100,000 challenge was/is that there is at least one piece of military equipment that in order to properly maintain it according to the handbook for it, is that it requires oil from cannabis to keep it properly lubricated. I always found it rather ironic that the federal government would have a piece of equipment in it's armory that requires oil from an outlawed substance to properly maintain it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Not trying to give you a hard time since it's your right to choosee whatever risks you think are worth risking in order to unjooy life as you see fit. That being said, I would almost certainly say it's an addiction because you went from shortly after your surgery, talking about rationing yourself so that you only occasionally drank cooffee to now drinking 2 litre's of the strong stuff on a near daily basis. Again though, that's well within your right to do so and in the bigger scheme of things I think you'll be able to tell if it's a problem well before it kills you and make the necessary adjustments. You have demonstrated enough awareness of your body and how it is affected by what you put into it, that I have no concerns about whether you faithfully follow your doctor's orders or if you allow yourself certain indulgences to remain happy with your daily routine.
Yes - it's a risk I shouldn't really take any more - although it's gonna be kinda like pushing away a loved one - that I've loved for over half a century - and regularly consume on a daily basis - a stalwart of my life and lifestyle - and I'm kinda worried how I might be without coffee ☕️ - or tea -
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Yes - it's a risk I shouldn't really take any more - although it's gonna be kinda like pushing away a loved one - that I've loved for over half a century - and regularly consume on a daily basis - a stalwart of my life and lifestyle - and I'm kinda worried how I might be without coffee ☕️ -
I quit for about a year and after a month or so it was a non issue.
That first month was a little rough but not too bad.
I will say the first cup of coffee after healing up was nearly a hallucinogenic experience and was quite unique.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ahh - yes - the pup was initially for my son - but arrived the day before the boy returned from Army Cadets summer camp - and bonded with me as his - 'Alpha' within those 24 hours - and I bonded with him too - although I've never had such a small dog mutt breed before - and always said that I would never entertain an 'ankle biter' - but in a small and cramped 400sqft apartment - I had no real choice - if we were going to have a dog - it would have to be a small one - so when my sister offered him to us - we agreed to take him on -

- Loki is a Pooshitzpom - 😆 - (🐩 poodle - shitzu - pomeranian) - and mainly I've had Boxers - Dobermans and Rottweilers - with a Collie dog once too - but then I had oodles of space - acres of land and a big house ta boot - now this little canine rapscallion fits well into my much smaller space - where a bigger dog would not be comfortable - and he's such a little dar'lin - I can't deny - that my life has improved because of his arrival - and I am happy to contribute my time and effort into raising him -
- anyways I'm usually up at 4am - so taking him out for a walk when the rest of the family is sleeping - isn't such a problem for me - and I have got my son and daughter to agree to sharing any workload there might be - in taking him for walkies every 4 hours after 4am - throughout the day - and they are happy to do that - in fact now they want to do it willingly - happily and with gusto, since they have become enamoured with Loki too - makes them laugh more - and brings the nuturing/caring instinct out - in the pair of them - which is nice to see 👀
Ah okay, I get it now, all that stuff about having to walk him at 4:00am was just you looking for a reason to talk about your newest family member. :biggrin:
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