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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
What age were you when you quit coffee Walt - and did you have a pacemaker ever for Atrial fibrillation? - I get a regular pacemaker check that tells me how my heart has been performing - and the first one told me that the Atrial fibrillation is only happening 3% of the time - and I don't think that it's naughty but fun to hit coffee at all really - nor do I snigger at what is most probably good advice from you - it's a regular daily thing for me - and has been since I was around 10 years old - so probably (more than likely) - an addiction -

Happy dawg.jpg
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning OFC. Major cool down here. Might not reach 70f here today. Gonna try and get a walk in before water start’s falling from the sky.

The seemingly never ending job of putting the house back together from the carpet install will continue for some time. To much other stuff goin on to really concentrate on it now.

Walk time…..BB

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Not that you asked ,but ,if I may ,you should consider telling that to your Dr. .
Not us ,or your Mom or the starbucks lady.
Think of how your Mom takes hearing your troubles with your stern .
Want to make your Momma happy?
Take care of yourself for her.
Can't imagine ( God forbid) the time comes when you need to take care of YOUR Mother and you are unable.
Only best intentions meant☝️
I talked to my physician they gave me a referral to colorectal surgery. That was more than 6 months ago. I explained the bleeding butt and everything

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What I read above is denial. Just simple denial that I must get past to reach your intellectual being.

"It can't happen to me."

"Only three out of one hundred beats of my heart are fucked up. I CAN TAKE IT."

"Doesn't hurt."

The "daily thing" with coffee has to STOP. The damage from EVERY sip of coffee is not in the slightest painful. But it is PERMANENT. You have had the pleasure of hudreds of gallons of coffee. OK. Now put that one to bed. That time is over.

I clearly did not get the mechanism across to you. Let me try an analogy using your words:

Your pacemaker covers your UNworking heart regulator. It gives your heart a shot at a steady rate. Shot-pump. Shot-pump. YAY. It works.

BUT! OK the fargin gadget set up gives the folks back at the horsepisstol your steady, nice heartbeat.

What it DOES NOT, AND CANNOT FUCKING DO IS STOP THE EXTRA SHOTS THAT CAFFEINE WILL TRIGGER. <-- The caffeine just adds shots. Until you no longer are you.

It will NOT SAVE YOU when your heart trigger is overridden by caffeine and it locks into 200 beats a minute until either you get a blood clot in that little corner of your upper left ventrical which comes loose and gives you your final brain explosion, or your nice pacemaker-that-cannot-save-your-heart becomes moot in its function.

Oh, rest assured @Gypsy Nirvana , the hospital people recording will most ricky-tick become aware of you either dying from a heart attack, or having a huge brain aneurysm leaving you with the great ability to imitate a large dill pickle.

Go ahead and drink your coffee if it is worth your brain and life. You have been educated. Go ahead and collect your coffee-stroke. You do not need that half of your face and body anyway w hen you get paralyzed instead of just plain fucking dead. No problem. They are recording it at the hospital.

Just do not tell me even by hints, or I will keep after you until your life becomes hell just from me trying to save your ass.

Goddamn' denial makes doctors crazy. <-- In Scooter's case, he convinced me. I used to start every day with one full quart of straight black out of the pot. I needed it. I wanted it, and deserved it. And I have not touched it since Scotty showed me some people...
Point taken Walt - and many thanks 😊 for taking the time and effort to convince me - it is so - I will have to spend some time now conversing and convincing the inner rebellious and wayward me - that's the way it's gonna be - no coffee for me - and it won't be easy - 😀 - but then the best path in life always seems to be strewn with rocks and boulders and mountains to climb - but climb them I will -


Well-known member
Not that you asked ,but ,if I may ,you should consider telling that to your Dr. .
Not us ,or your Mom or the starbucks lady.
Think of how your Mom takes hearing your troubles with your stern .
Want to make your Momma happy?
Take care of yourself for her.
Can't imagine ( God forbid) the time comes when you need to take care of YOUR Mother and you are unable.
Only best intentions meant☝️

I talked to my physician they gave me a referral to colorectal surgery. That was more than 6 months ago. I explained the bleeding butt and everything

Pardon me for saying so, but getting scheduled for surgery does not happen that way. Having been operated on several times, I have first hand awareness of this. They don't hand out referrals for surgery. You would meet with a specialist, in this case a surgeon, at a minimum of several times. And with unspecified internal bleeding, they would necessarily so, do a bank of tests regardless, to see what the suspected problem or problems are. Then what's next.

The prior gentleman from this forum that responded to you gave you sound adult advice. Again, pardon me for saying so, but you seem to have a lot on your plate. I would spend less time paralyzing myself at the crack of dawn, and instead begin pursuing the medical conditions, you in all good faith, should very likely be addressing. Bleeding internally is no joke. No matter where it is coming from. It's not quite like ignoring your teeth. Time to get serious.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
What I read above is denial. Just simple denial that I must get past to reach your intellectual being.

"It can't happen to me."

"Only three out of one hundred beats of my heart are fucked up. I CAN TAKE IT."

"Doesn't hurt."

The "daily thing" with coffee has to STOP. The damage from EVERY sip of coffee is not in the slightest painful. But it is PERMANENT. You have had the pleasure of hudreds of gallons of coffee. OK. Now put that one to bed. That time is over.

I clearly did not get the mechanism across to you. Let me try an analogy using your words:

Your pacemaker covers your UNworking heart regulator. It gives your heart a shot at a steady rate. Shot-pump. Shot-pump. YAY. It works.

BUT! OK the fargin gadget set up gives the folks back at the horsepisstol your steady, nice heartbeat.

What it DOES NOT, AND CANNOT FUCKING DO IS STOP THE EXTRA SHOTS THAT CAFFEINE WILL TRIGGER. <-- The caffeine just adds shots. Until you no longer are you.

It will NOT SAVE YOU when your heart trigger is overridden by caffeine and it locks into 200 beats a minute until either you get a blood clot in that little corner of your upper left ventrical which comes loose and gives you your final brain explosion, or your nice pacemaker-that-cannot-save-your-heart becomes moot in its function.

Oh, rest assured @Gypsy Nirvana , the hospital people recording will most ricky-tick become aware of you either dying from a heart attack, or having a huge brain aneurysm leaving you with the great ability to imitate a large dill pickle.

Go ahead and drink your coffee if it is worth your brain and life. You have been educated. Go ahead and collect your coffee-stroke. You do not need that half of your face and body anyway w hen you get paralyzed instead of just plain fucking dead. No problem. They are recording it at the hospital.

Just do not tell me even by hints, or I will keep after you until your life becomes hell just from me trying to save your ass.

Goddamn' denial makes doctors crazy. <-- In Scooter's case, he convinced me. I used to start every day with one full quart of straight black out of the pot. I needed it. I wanted it, and deserved it. And I have not touched it since Scotty showed me some people...
Forgot to answer Gypsy's question: I have not touched alcohol, or anything with caffeine (including "decaf" coffee and tea which has caffeine in it) for three years. And yes, I still have Afib. But it has not progressed because of my lifestyle change. Weed is wonderful. It is good for you. Get stoned. But stay sober. And caffeine-free. Or turn into a rutabaga. Or die.

The pacemaker, Gypsy, ADDS a squirt to make your heart beat.

It does NOT stop the additional squirts it will get from caffeine. So everything will go just fine for you, with your fun and known-to-be-wrong caffeine "high" or your alcohol "buzz" -- UNTIL the sudden onslaught of hundreds of beats per minute that suddenly hit and stay with you until you are well and truly buggered.

I am not ready to hang up my guns. My litany: I have been shot (worst hurt), stabbed (meh), blown up (a trip, believe me), and totally, completely run tumbled-over by a teenager driving with his dick.

I walk without a limp after spending TWO Christmases in an electric wheelchair because I didn't have enough usable parts for an unpowered wheelchair or crutches. I type this now at the grace of my oldest son, who kept me alive and saw that I recovered my health as completely as possible**

**Scuba, world travel, Instrument Rated Pilot's License, deer/hog/turkey/dove hunting... even killing rattlesnakes with only my bare hand and a Swiss Army Knife. <-- Video made of it.

Me with my leg bolted on... brace no longer needed. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

<-- Instrument Rating: Taken AFTER two Christmases in a wheelchair.

A still taken from the buzzer video:

I ain't done yet, @Gypsy Nirvana -- And you should have a lot more years to play if you will only stop being a total idiot about caffeine.

Do I look like I ain't having any fun in those pics? I am a decade or so older than you, so neato shit like that awaits you if you just stop with the caffeine poison. You've done a LOT, which is why I am spending so much time trying to shake you awake: You are the kinda guy that will do wonderful things. If you let yourself live as something other than a half-paralyzed vegetable who got that way because: Coffee.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Point taken Walt - and many thanks 😊 for taking the time and effort to convince me - it is so - I will have to spend some time now conversing and convincing the inner rebellious and wayward me - that's the way it's gonna be - no coffee for me - and it won't be easy - 😀 - but then the best path in life always seems to be strewn with rocks and boulders and mountains to climb - but climb them I will -
Well, brother... you just made me get down and pray for a minute. In thanks. TINS

What we have here is the famous 6 degrees of separation in force and action -- Scooter kept me from dying. Twice. Again: TINS. And now his medical advice has cleared the pond and landed in Mutha England. No guarantees, but one form of death has been avoided for you.

May you play as long as I have. I know you will do really fun things. Your previous record stands<-- I finally actually met sumbody who did things as wild (in many cases, far wilder!) than I have.

I know three people now on this forum who are on the list of people who I know have pushed the very fabric: @bigsur51 @Boo and @Gypsy Nirvana <-- And they know what I mean: They have been on the edge where it was a coin flip.

Steele Savage

Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
More power to you! Have you had a steroid epidural injection? It's really helped with the pain, 3 days later. Also suggested is a spinal stimulation. Look into that if you haven't already, and good luck!

With all the other crap like herniated discs, stenosis, etc. I have a rare disease called arachnoiditis, clumping of nerves. We can see it in the MRI images. I'm just hoping it's not progressive. Being on a farm, having a greenhouse, small vineyard, which requires a lot of maintenance I need to move.

Take care

It's been probably 5 or so yrs since having ANY injections.. they never worked. They tried ablations.. felt like I got hit in the back of the head with a 2x4. And after the whole COVID thing.. I don't trust Drs. I know I'm gonna end up under the knife again, but just have too much to do before then. Similar situation as you, homesteading, making repairs, setting up gardens, felling, bucking and splitting wood, etc.. So I'm pushing shit to the limit, getting things set up, so that when times go bad, many things will be done and ALL the heavy lifting, taken care of.

All praises to The Most High

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well, brother... you just made me get down and pray for a minute. In thanks.

What we have here is the famous 6 degrees of separation in force and action -- Scooter kept me from dying. Twice. TINS. And now his medical advice has cleared the pond and landed in Mutha England. No guarantees, but one form of death has been avoided for you.

May you play as long as I have. I know you will do really fun things. Your previous record stands <-- I finally actually met sumbody who did things as wild (in many cases, far wilder!) than I have.

I know three people now on this forum who are on the list of people who I know have pushed the very fabric: @bigsur51 @Boo and @Gypsy Nirvana <-- And they know what I mean: They have been on the edge where it was a coin flip.
See my post above Walt - and you should be convinced that my next expedition in life - will be one of attempting to free myself from the sheer folly of my caffeine addiction - for I do treasure my life - and have a responsibility to stay alive - to watch and nurture and support those that depend on me - so am not wanting nor planning to check-out anytime soon -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Loki definitely has vegetarian tendencies - and loves to munch on carrots 🥕
View attachment 19045120

Hee, hee, hee, our Boxers would eat vegetables, but you can hide a vegetable in a pile of meat for our German Shepherds and you will get back a clean bowl and clean vegetable.

It you hand them a filet mignon, they will first smell it to make sure you aren't trying to sneak something in on them and then as soon as they take it, they will immediately put it down and sniff it some more, before licking it and then taking a bite.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I talked to my physician they gave me a referral to colorectal surgery. That was more than 6 months ago. I explained the bleeding butt and everything
Aw, shit... I'm beginning to think I am back in the grass, and guys are yelling medic** @D. B. Doober <-- You are being irresponsible. Think of if this way:

You are being given a warning. The train is coming down the tracks and you are sitting in your car parked on the rails. Now... the train might just be hit by a meteor just before it reaches you, but that ain't likely.

**As a doctor's Daddy, you might imagine I get a LOT of medical knowledge not readily available to other folks. Bloody stool is one knowledge point.

If it is bright red blood, and colors the water, it is possible/probable you have polyps. These are like little bags hanging from your intestine wall, filled with blood. As your shit goes by, or even if you just fart, the little (or not so little) bags tear and gush their contents.

NOTE TO D.B. -- This can be fixed, and painlessly. (Sign here that you read this ____ )

I have noted your reference to "bloody" <-- This tells me the blood is not black. If it was black, that would mean upper gastrointestinal trouble like a stomach ulcer. You ain't got that.

But the fact that to you it is just an "annoyance" and it does not hurt does not mean it is not something that could be life-threatening like cancer. Early cancer is just a PITA.
Late stage cancer is FINAL.

Go to the doctor. Take some worry off your mother. Your bloody asshole is NOT her responsibility to worry about, it is yours. Fix it and give her a goddamn' break, OK?
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
4.49am here in Old Blighty - and I have to be out the door - down 4 flights of stairs and 'WALKIES' - with Loki the mutt pup every day at 4am now and into the future - kinda a rude awakening - but fueled by the fact that I dont want the little rascal to do his business (poo) in the apartment - so did that already and gota result - and nows the time to make 2 litres (about 4 pints) of coffee - that'll see me thru the day - and its Sainsbury's Intense blend today -

Good morning to all -
View attachment 19044982
I know you don't really mind that much even though you're kind of griping about it but wasn't the aquisition of this pup because your son wanted one? If so then why not give him the chore of walking Loki in the morning? You know, the typical parental position of, "If you want to keep him then you have to take care of him." Plus it would give your son the chance to build a stronger bond with Loki so that he (Loki) isn't always coming to you for his wants and needs.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Aw, shit... I'm beginning to think I am back in the grass, and guys are yelling medic** @D. B. Doober <-- You are being irresponsible. Think of if this way:

You are being given a warning. The train is coming down the tracks and you are sitting in your car parked on the rails. Now... the train might just be hit by a meteor just before it reaches you, but that ain't likely.

**As a doctor's Daddy, you might imaging I get a LOT of medical knowledge not readily available to other folks. Bloody stool is one knowledge point.

If it is bright red blood, and colors the water, it is possible/probable you have polyps. These are like little bags hanging from your intestine wall, filled with blood. As your shit goes by, or even if you just fart, the little (or not so little) bags tear and gush their contents.

NOTE TO D.B. -- This can be fixed, and painlessly. (Sign here that you read this ____ )

I have noted your reference to "bloody" <-- This tells me the blood is not black. If it was black, that would mean upper gastrointestinal trouble like a stomach ulcer. You ain't got that.

But the fact that to you it is just an "annoyance" and it does not hurt does not mean it is not something that could be life-threatening like cancer. Early cancer is just a PITA.
Late stage cancer is FINAL.

Go to the doctor. Take some worry off your mother. Your bloody asshole is NOT her responsibility to worry about, it is yours. Fix it and give her a goddamn' break, OK?
I hear ya Walt. I'll get in there to get it started again 👍 yes bright red, it's a hemorrhoid way up there. Not having polyps would be fantastic. Thanks everyone ❤️