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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Well - as @Unca Walt told me a while back - Atrial fibrillation and coffee ☕️ are not supposed to go together 😑 - but I'm a Rebel at heart 😉
- but hopefully not a dead Rebel - anytime soon -
The caffeine in coffee, as I am sure you already know, is a diuretic. So it tends to pull water out of our systems. The fluid intake, with the ground coffee bean, balances the effect. I personally need to drink a full large glass of water, both before, and after, I drink my two large coffees, or it will quickly prompt a headache. I need to be alert, which coffee facilitates, but I cannot work or function well with a headache. And, frankly, I detest them. I also cannot handle Robusta, and stick with strictly 100% Arabica instead. Robusta will almost instantly give me an intense headache too.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning everybody ! 🌞 I really wish it would rain for about an entire week. Its drier than a witch’s tit around here. Hey @Gypsy Nirvana sounds like you are doing GREAT ! You have come a long way in a short couple of months. 😁 It is really amazing to hear from all you older breeders and growers. You guys were on the front lines of the “ War on drugs”. And WE WON ! 🥰 Sam told me that in the future breeding will be done by “plant scientists” in a laboratory. That makes me sad but he is correct. You old fellows were unique in “ Pot History”. I am very happy that I have had the opportunity to say hello to you fellows. 😁 Peace. 🌈
It looks like we won in some parts of the world - but legalisation/decriminalisation is still to come - in most parts of the planet - even where I am it's illegal to cultivate - but that don't stop the determined grower - due to it being a victimless crime - and it's just a plant for gawd's sake! - no one tells me what I can grow - and I don't care if it's illegal or not either - should be a basic human right to grow whatever medicinal plant you want or need - fuck big pharma!


Well-known member
It looks like we won in some parts of the world - but legalisation/decriminalisation is still to come - in most parts of the planet - even where I am it's illegal to cultivate - but that don't stop the determined grower - due to it being a victimless crime - and it's just a plant for gawd's sake! - no one tells me what I can grow - and I don't care if it's illegal or not either - should be a basic human right to grow whatever medicinal plant you want or need - fuck big pharma!
Early on, much, if not most, of what big pharma derived their formulas from, were from native medicinal plants. :) People should be able to regulate their own health, and should be allowed to tend to their own personal garden. :whistle:
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Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Thursday and one day closer to the weekend on Friday. Will be glad for the break. TGIT!!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The caffeine in coffee, as I am sure you already know, is a diuretic. So it tends to pull water out of our systems. The fluid intake, with the ground coffee bean, balances the effect. I personally need to drink a full large glass of water, both before, and after, I drink my two large coffees, or it will quickly prompt a headache. I need to be alert, which coffee facilitates, but I cannot work or function well with a headache. And, frankly, I detest them. I also cannot handle Robusta, and stick with strictly 100% Arabica instead. Robusta will almost instantly give me an intense headache too.
Luckily - I rarely if ever get headaches 😩 - coffee or not - I seem to function just fine - as long as I have strong tea - lol


Well-known member
Luckily - I rarely if ever get headaches 😩 - coffee or not - I seem to function just fine - as long as I have strong tea - lol
View attachment 19045035
That is amazing. I have trouble with even green tea, though do try to drink it very weak once in a while. Fully cooked tea, like the brown tea shown here you favor, is a big no-no for me. We are all very unique. The point I was getting at with drinking coffee is perhaps to drink some extra water, since it may not be entirely medically indicated for you. Our health is very personal though. I never presume, or indicate to anyone, what they should do. Kindly suggest only.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That is amazing. I have trouble with even green tea, though do try to drink it very weak once in a while. Fully cooked tea, like the brown tea shown here you favor, is a big no-no for me. We are all very unique. The point I was getting at with drinking coffee is perhaps to drink some extra water, since it may not be entirely medically indicated for you. Our health is very personal though. I never presume, or indicate to anyone, what they should do. Kindly suggest only.
Every day I chug-a-lug about 2 pints of water (1 litre) - and another litre whilst training - and always pure filtered H2O - not the limescale full crap water from the tap - on top of about 2 liters of coffee and a litre of strong tea - usually upping my water intake during the warmer/sweatier months - jeez - that totals about a gallon per day of hydration - at least! -


Well-known member
Every day I chug-a-lug about 2 pints of water (1 litre) - and another litre whilst training - and always pure filtered H2O - not the limescale full crap water from the tap - on top of about 2 liters of coffee and a litre of strong tea - usually upping my water intake during the warmer/sweatier months - jeez - that totals about a gallon per day of hydration - at least! -
That's almost exactly the level I am at, Gypsy. I drink it distilled (a unit from home). There is no underestimating the importance of drinking enough water. Hopefully if there were issues with coffee, the extra water will help mitigate it!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
4.49am here in Old Blighty - and I have to be out the door - down 4 flights of stairs and 'WALKIES' - with Loki the mutt pup every day at 4am now and into the future - kinda a rude awakening - but fueled by the fact that I dont want the little rascal to do his business (poo) in the apartment - so did that already and gota result - and nows the time to make 2 litres (about 4 pints) of coffee - that'll see me thru the day - and its Sainsbury's Intense blend today -

Good morning to all -
View attachment 19044982
Hee, hee, hee, the eyes suggest expectation. Is he waiting to go out or to eat?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Yet another gorgeous day starting at 62F and predicted to reach 94F.

Looking forward to trying out a new place for breakfast this morning at Jarvis Breakfast Cafe with Nutrition Magician, who found the place and recommended it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hee, hee, hee, the eyes suggest expectation. Is he waiting to go out or to eat?
I didn't let him eat till he dropped a load - since he had quite a lot of grub last night - after his last walk - I don't want to tempt fate - and end up with a steaming pile'o doggy-doo on the carpet - he probably knew that he was going out - since I had his lead/harness around my arm -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I didn't let him eat till he dropped a load - since he had quite a lot of grub last night - after his last walk - I don't want to tempt fate - and end up with a steaming pile'o doggy-doo on the carpet - he probably knew that he was going out - since I had his lead/harness around my arm -
Hee, hee, hee, dogs are masters at nonverbal communication!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ya - fersure - it would be easier for most people if dogs could talk 👄 🤔 - but I've had dogs for most of my life - and after a while a dog owner should be sensitive and understanding enough to realise what the dog is trying to communicate -
I grew up with Cocker Spaniels and Boxers, but Heidi Ho was the dog that I learned the most from and who trained me as I trained her. Easy to forget that as we are training them, they are likewise doing their best to train us.

After reading a plethora of books on dog training, the dog trainers that I found most engaging and germane to how dogs fit into Grayfox and my lives, were the Monks of New Skete, who are a religious order that raise and train German Shepherds for special applications, as well as provide general dog training classes to the public.

I found them unique in that they've deeply studied all the Canines and why they do the things they do, before developing their training around those innate drives.

They have written a number of good training books, but the one I discovered them from and recommend, was, "How to be your dog's best friend."

Heidi Ho, Wonder Pup:

Heidi Ho.jpg

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I grew up with Cocker Spaniels and Boxers, but Heidi Ho was the dog that I learned the most from and who trained me as I trained her. Easy to forget that as we are training them, they are likewise doing their best to train us.

After reading a plethora of books on dog training, the dog trainers that I found most engaging and germane to how dogs fit into Grayfox and my lives, were the Monks of New Skete, who are a religious order that raise and train German Shepherds for special applications, as well as provide general dog training classes to the public.

I found them unique in that they've deeply studied all the Canines and why they do the things they do, before developing their training around those innate drives.

They have written a number of good training books, but the one I discovered them from and recommend, was, "How to be your dog's best friend."

Heidi Ho, Wonder Pup:

View attachment 19045072
Before retirement, my engineering program management job was sometimes highly stressful, so Grayfox had Heidi Ho's picture professionally taken and gave me a framed enlargement of the above photo, to hang over my desk at work as a stress relieving aid.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well - as @Unca Walt told me a while back - Atrial fibrillation and coffee ☕️ are not supposed to go together 😑 - but I'm a Rebel at heart 😉
- but hopefully not a dead Rebel - anytime soon -
It ain't a game, @Gypsy Nirvana, so lemme tell you what arena you are putting yourself in by taking on caffeine in any form.

Your heart -- at this time as you read this -- has a permanently fucked up regulator. This regulator started months before you were pushed out as a squalling kid. This regulator functioned perfectly all those years on the Pacific Rim.

But that regulator, like a radio with a bad tube, turned bad. It was no longer able to give your heart the beat, beat, beat, beat it has done for decades.

You have been told to avoid caffeine. Specifically. The reason? Ever get a caffeine high? You know, you feel the coffee hit?

That is the caffeine OVERRIDING that weak radio tube that keeps you alive.

So what, you say. I can take it, you say. The statistics say fuck no, you cannot take it.

Why is that, Unca Walt? Well, because as you snigger and think you are naughty by sucking down your lovely coffee/tea, these chemicals create a direct pathway to that heart trigger -- and overcome it. Coffee will (not may -- WILL) create an override to your heart trigger that becomes permanent.

Can you get that through your head? A cup of coffee will UN-fucking-DO all that pain and gain you got by having heart surgery.

Next cup of tea/coffe/soda. THINK: Why the fuck did I bother with heart surgery if I am going to crash my heart into ribbons for a lousy fucking cup of coffee??

Have I made my point? I think not. Let me be more granular... the way My-Son-The-Board-Certified-Doctor explained it to me:

Caffeine = Death (Arguing the matter with God, Death Himself, or known medical facts does not alter the caffeine danger/result.)

I hope there is no humor or exaggeration seen in this post. I do not want to lose** one of the most interesting people I've ever met just because he did a totally avoidable stupid asshole unthinking life-style choice.

lose**<-- Learn of his death because he thought it was "naughty but fun" to hit coffee.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
It looks like we won in some parts of the world - but legalisation/decriminalisation is still to come - in most parts of the planet - even where I am it's illegal to cultivate - but that don't stop the determined grower - due to it being a victimless crime - and it's just a plant for gawd's sake! - no one tells me what I can grow - and I don't care if it's illegal or not either - should be a basic human right to grow whatever medicinal plant you want or need - fuck big pharma!
Actually, it was DuPont and other major synthetics companies along with paid, crooked senators. Hemp makes great rope. Has for centuries.

Nylon could not compete with cost and viability, so in true 'Merkin political fashion, out came the documentary, "Reefer Madness" and other stuff. The end result of this collossal drumbeat was the draconian anti-cannabis laws found worldwide. Who controls the press and controls senators makes the laws for us all.

Right out of "The Godfather", it was "just business". And so it has remained in some fashion/degree to this day.

By the mid-1930s cannabis was regulated as a drug in every state, including 35 states that adopted the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The first national regulation was the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
It occurred to me to back up my DuPont accusation with proof.

Lookit and weep snot:

"...at that time, families of wealthy and powerful businessmen and newspapermen were threatened by the growing use of cannabis, especially the Du Pont family, who originally made their fortune from gunpowder.

"It was further reported by Project CBD that the Du Pont company was developing synthetic fabrics, and had to compete against hemp.

“Du Pont feared competition from hemp as a fiber,” said David Bearman of Huffington Post.

Bearman described how the tension was solely based on oil.

"The Du Pont company had invented cellophane — a type of plastic — made with petroleum, which was about to become the standard packaging for most American goods, Bearman explained.

"They also had just invented nylon — a “revolutionary carbon-based product [that] came from chemicals found in petroleum,” according to the American Oil and Gas Historical Society.

"Hemp fiber, however, was the first plastic to be made with plant oils, which could become a competition for Du Pont’s products, Bearman continued.

"According to Forbes, every part of the hemp plant could be used for materialistic products such as textiles, canvas, rope paper and animal bedding. Hemp is also edible — the seeds are high in protein and essential fatty acids, while the oil can be used for cooking, paints and most importantly… plastics.

"Because of the potential for competition, experts claimed that the family wanted to kill the cannabis industry with The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 to protect their industrial interests..."


I post this so there is at least one dirty sin we really cannot blame on Big Pharma. We gotta expand our horizons to see how minuscule The Godfather was in his bidness. A piker. A beggar in the street compared to the real gangsters.
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