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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Well-known member
Great story🥰
I started to cry happy tears again as I was typing that out.
I am such a softie lol.

She is definitely the family 'rock star'.
First girl child born into our family since
my arrival nearly 40 years previous.
I then being only 1 of 2 girl babies born
in my generation.

We have a good many males in my family
and is perhaps why I am kind of a 'tom'
girl and learned to keep my marshmallow
insides tucked away as well as how to
throw a mean right hook ;) :D

She just proves that if you want it bad enough...
you can and will achieve it.


Well-known member
Morning :yoinks:

Doc's gave me a compression glove to wear. Said it would help with the swelling and it did. I guess. The only problem is pealing it off the dried ooze. :cuss: More pain than the initial burn. Now to add insult to injury. Cleaning/cutting more of the dead skin off. Once the pain pills kick in.

Won't be going outside much today as we're under and excessive heat warning again. Don't need to be sweating with bandages on. It hurts enough as it is.

Thanks for all the well wishes. It does help. :thank you:

Now on with the pics of the gore.:whistling:

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That looks incredibly painful :(
It does however, look a lot better than I imagined it would.
They did a great job of cleaning it up.

The swelling will recede and then soon the ever maddening
constant companion called... itching will take over!

Sorry brother, not trying to make light of your plight...
I know it must hurt like a mofo right now.
I was only trying to lift the mood a lil bit :)

Let the healing commence 🤞


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here in Canada lonely seniors have a high rate of death equivalent to heavy smoking, alcoholism and obesity. This is according to Statistics Canada. It takes more than food to keep us going/thriving.

I've wondered about those situations myself when something terrible could have happened, but, it didn't happen. Die another day.

I'm not sure what I believe, maybe I don't even want to believe, just live until I can't. Then what happens is what I want to happen.

My close friend of many decades got some unusual kind of cancer in his jaw, he was on deaths door but pulled through, not being able to eat solid food for 4 years. When he was given permission to eat solid food, he was very excited. The next day on the highway he was involved in a head on collision by a reckless driver and died, his wife beside him was OK.

I toast you with moderation HempKat
Now that's just cruel, if the fates are indeed in charge then they have a cruel sense of humor. I mean if anyone has ever gone on a liquid diet for a couple of weeks for one reason or another then you know how towards the end the compulsion to eat something solid becomes very strong. So imagine fghting that compulsion for 4 years and then the next day after being able to eat solids again, you die. I at least hope your close friend got a chance to once again enjoy at least one solid meal before his untimely demise?

To balance things out I toast you back oldmaninbc.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ok, I need a plan, my wife just phoned and got mad at me for not eating. She is in the hospital and yet is getting upset with me. Oh my, I think I'll have a bite, watch a movie.

I feel very stressed out today, I need to find inner peace... ommm
Well you really should keep up with your normal eating so that you have your strength and energy on a moments notice if you have to find a way to get to the hospital. That being said, the next time you're in this situation and your wife asks if you haven't eaten, lie. Not that I'm advocating lying to your spouse but she's in the hospital, with lots of more immediate concerns to be worrying about. She'll never know, the last thing she needs to be worrying about is if her husband is having to do without because she's not there to take care of him. Even if in normal times she takes care of everything as if you were a king, in times of distress a wife appreciates the peace of mind she gets from knowing her husband can and will take care of himself.

So the plan in short is, what she does not know, can't upset her. Now if you want to send the message that you're suffering along with her in her absense, Say something like, "Well gee honey I'm so worried about you I don't have much of an appetite but I know I have to keep my strength up so I forced myself to make me a sammich". :biggrin:
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Well-known member
Only problem with that diet is it will f'up your kidneys
Would you please post a link/ links to support this statement?
I would be very interested in reading them.

I do know that high BP which about 72 million Americans have
may result in Renal Hypertension. Meaning... it can and does
effect the kidneys in appox. 2% of people with High BP.
I'll provide one link:

I have been eating "that diet" for close to 1 1/2 years. I had labs done
just as I began in Mar. '23 then again in Apr. 24 that shows zero decline
in kidney function. I also no longer have high BP.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Morning :yoinks:

Doc's gave me a compression glove to wear. Said it would help with the swelling and it did. I guess. The only problem is pealing it off the dried ooze. :cuss: More pain than the initial burn. Now to add insult to injury. Cleaning/cutting more of the dead skin off. Once the pain pills kick in.

Won't be going outside much today as we're under and excessive heat warning again. Don't need to be sweating with bandages on. It hurts enough as it is.

Thanks for all the well wishes. It does help. :thank you:

Now on with the pics of the gore.:whistling:

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Sorry you have to deal with that brother, glad you went to the burn clinic, and have the wherewithal to properly take care of a burn that bad! That's how life-threatening stuff gets started............

Your second-degree burns remind me of the period where buildings were being blown up regularly by indoor BHO extraction, where some did die.

burned hand.JPG


Well-known member
Aww shucks, am I just out there on my own as having my own unique opinion? Can I get a consensus? Anyone? Bueller? :biggrin:

IME If we are being true/ genuine unto ourselves...
that is what really counts. Being confident in our
thoughts/ ideas/ opinions etc., and not being afraid to
perhaps stand alone in our truth and be comfortable
in doing so; is a super power IMO.
Trusting in ourselves and not being concerned w/ appeasing
others by changing to meet their expectations was the most
beneficial change, I've ever made for myself.

I've so often heard it said: "no man is an island".
Untrue. We are indeed pack animals yet... in the
end, we all are our own island.


Well-known member
Finally, this corporate behemoth ultra uber snoop is going to have their reins drawn in. They should be illegal .. :devilish:

I hope they do get reined in but I am doubtful the US DOJ or even the legislature will do anything about it(revising or revoking section 230 immunity for example). I don’t know a lot about the UK govt but over the last year, news stories I have read indicate your slavers seem in lock step with our slavers. Free speech is challenging here but it sounds like it is worthy of prison in the UK. I would like to hear from all you folks across the pond about the current unrest as I don’t believe any of the MSM to provide an unbiased reporting on, well, pretty much anything.


Well-known member
Good morning OF's :)

Received a text from my niece last night with a link to the house
she and her now husband are purchasing. Lovely 3 bd 2 bath
home in the Ann Arbor area. It is a beautiful first home.
I looked at the asking price and nearly fell off my chair.
$419,000. Holy eff!

She came from very little and worked like a mad dog
to achieve National Honor Society accolades in her
Jr. & Senior years, went on to put herself through
4 years of College to earn a business degree
graduating Cum Laud. Landed herself a job
at Hersey Corp. and worked her way up the ladder.
Married her love of 10 years just this year.
and now they are buying their first home.

From meager beginnings in a little cow dunk village.
Raised by her father who was and still is a working
alcoholic ( :( ) and a mother who is a toxic narcissist
who (thankfully) relinquished all custody of her daughter
when she was 2yo. My niece learned early on just what
her mom was and has had zero to do with her and IMO
is all the better for it... obviously.

Hard work and determination, knowing that she wanted
to live a better life... drove her to become the accomplished
Woman she is today. Her mother in law is not the typical evil
ML so often portrayed. She is a kind loving woman who
adores my niece and has taken her in as her own from
the very start. So... she now has a mother :)

At 28 yoa. she is living the American dream through
having a dream and working diligently to achieve it.
No one handed her anything... she's earned it all.

I am so happy for her, I cried.

Perhaps there is hope for the younger generation after all?
My oldest son just purchased a home built in 1766. Not a typo. I looked at it with him but withheld my views because I knew he was going to buy it regardless as it is on 6 acres backing up to a clean river. The property was $400k. The house to me looks like it should be burnt to the ground so he could build a house without a basement dripping with condensation, floors without 6” dips and slants and doors that don’t close. He can’t bulldoze it because it is historic. I suggested he contact This Old House to get them to rehab it. I hope he does. I don’t want to feel roped into the many projects it needs completed.😂


Well-known member
Well you really should keep up with your normal eating so that you have your strength and energy on a moments notice if you have to find a way to get to the hospital. That being said, the next time you're in this situation and your wife asks if you haven't eaten, lie. Not that I'm advocating lying to your spouse but she's in the hospital, with lots of more immediate concerns to be worrying about. She'll never know, the last thing she needs to be worrying about is if her husband is having to do without because she's not there to take care of him. Even if in normal times she takes care of everything as if you were a king, in times of distress a wife appreciates the peace of mind she gets from knowing her husband can and will take care of himself.

So the plan in short is, what she does not know, can't upset her. Now if you want to send the message that you're suffering along with her in her absense, Say something like, "Well gee honey I'm so worried about you I don't have much of an appetite but I know I have to keep my strength up so I forced myself to make me a sammich". :biggrin:
Hello HempKat, I know your right on this, I just get wrapped up in my head with emotions and eating is the last thing on my mind. But again, it's the proper thing to do and not create more unneeded stress for my wife.
Today I will do a better job of looking after myself.
I will actually eat something, at least a couple of times. Thanks for your sound advice:)

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