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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I think you mentioned previously, that there is a community service that can pick you up and take
you to the hospital, correct?
I don't recall the details but I wonder...
would it be an option to do so now that she has been there for so many days just waiting?
I just wonder if it would help the both of you to spend some time together even if it's at
the hospital. A visit might help to reiieve some of the anxieties and stress perhaps?

Big hugs oldman.

And... eat something :)
I almost lost my wife due to respiratory issues a few years ago, the emotional distress of that still lingers. It does nobody any good by not paying attention to my own well being. I have the information for the community services people and will call them. Thanks imiubu


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
IME If we are being true/ genuine unto ourselves...
that is what really counts. Being confident in our
thoughts/ ideas/ opinions etc., and not being afraid to
perhaps stand alone in our truth and be comfortable
in doing so; is a super power IMO.
Trusting in ourselves and not being concerned w/ appeasing
others by changing to meet their expectations was the most
beneficial change, I've ever made for myself.

I've so often heard it said: "no man is an island".
Untrue. We are indeed pack animals yet... in the
end, we all are our own island.
I agree with what you're saying but I wasn't looking for anyone to give me confidence in my beliefs, I just was surprised that nobody appeared to have similar views or were at least willing to say their views were similar. I mean if you look at what all of us are/were saying none of us are really that far different from one another. Just a few minor differences here and there which ultimately might have more to do with how we interpret each other rather then how we might be different from one another.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I got COVID 19 last year anyone else get it? I even had the vaccines. I got really sick and one day I had a tremendous fever and the thermometer read 106. I went back to bed. Was fine few days later. Never had such a high fever. I guess I would have died without the vaccines? Damn I had like 5 vaccine shots.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hello HempKat, I know your right on this, I just get wrapped up in my head with emotions and eating is the last thing on my mind. But again, it's the proper thing to do and not create more unneeded stress for my wife.
Today I will do a better job of looking after myself.
I will actually eat something, at least a couple of times. Thanks for your sound advice:)
No problem and don't be too hard on yourself this is all new enough and without full feedback from the doctors, that being more worried about your spouse then about your stomach, is completely understandable and in a way almost respectable. Also even though I kind of advised against it you score points in my book by being honest with your wife even though you know it might upset her. Telling that white lie or little lie to keep peace can be too easy a habit to form when after all there is truth in the saying, "honesty is the best policy".

I like what Imiubu was suggesting about finding a way to get to visit with you wife for a bit. Right now you are left to just wonder and imagine what is going on and that can be tough to deal with. If you found a way to go there, spend some time with your wife and hopefully talk with the doctor and just overall see with your own eyes what's going on. That can do a lot to calm the nerves. In the mean time I'm sure all of us will be praying for the best and least invasive resolution to this problem for both you and your wife's sake.


Well-known member
You should eat something like she said so she does not have you to worry about too. Is she feeling any relief?
Hello Sub, I am going to have a better attitude today and take care of things. Today I will do some chores as well. I hope she knows more today, she still has the blockage and the doctors won't be keen on leaving it much longer. I have to remember how stressed she is and not pile on anymore. She must be hungry, she hasn't eaten since last friday and on the ambulance drive, she through up her last meal. Ice-chips can't be doing much of anything for eating.
She got a new room mate last night, it will help her to have someone to talk with.
I will make sure I don't upset her on my account.
Hope you day is going well.


Well-known member
Premium user
I got COVID 19 last year anyone else get it? I even had the vaccines. I got really sick and one day I had a tremendous fever and the thermometer read 106. I went back to bed. Was fine few days later. Never had such a high fever. I guess I would have died without the vaccines? Damn I had like 5 vaccine shots.
notice growing a third nipple?


Well-known member
Premium user
Would you please post a link/ links to support this statement?
I would be very interested in reading them.

I do know that high BP which about 72 million Americans have
may result in Renal Hypertension. Meaning... it can and does
effect the kidneys in appox. 2% of people with High BP.
I'll provide one link:

I have been eating "that diet" for close to 1 1/2 years. I had labs done
just as I began in Mar. '23 then again in Apr. 24 that shows zero decline
in kidney function. I also no longer have high BP.
Some folks with kidney issues already need to stay away from high protein as it increases the workload on them. I have kidney issues and maintain them with test results. People with normal kidney function shouldn’t have a problem but who knows?


Well-known member
Looking at his eyes, he still appears to have some anxiety. Considering what Loki has been through, it is not surprising that he is holding on tight to you as his known island of safety.

I can only imagine how we would feel under similar circumstances..............................

He no doubt also recognizes you as the alpha. Miss Layla deeply loves both Grayfox and me, but she comes to me when she is scared of fireworks.
Hello GW, Like Miss Layla I would welcome your soothing words, besides, you have all the good stuff, the concentrate and should I feel really scared and need liquid courage you have that as well. I'd be close by too.
Hope all is well on your city homestead.


Well-known member
The ‘oak apples’ are ripe…


Well-known member
Good day OF, life goes on another day no matter what happens to any of us. My morning coffee is tasting good, I have some chores laid out. Every couple of months I give the kitchen a thorough cleaning and wipe down. I mean I clean it other times in between but not to the same extent.
The sun is coming up over the mountain, it won't take long for the heat to work itself up.
I should hear from my partner this day with some news about what's going to happen next.

Hope all is well for you.

I wonder if LittleLeaf got any rest last night, poor guy, burns hurt terribly.


Well-known member
I got COVID 19 last year anyone else get it? I even had the vaccines. I got really sick and one day I had a tremendous fever and the thermometer read 106. I went back to bed. Was fine few days later. Never had such a high fever. I guess I would have died without the vaccines? Damn I had like 5 vaccine shots.
I miss the days where getting a vaccine meant you wouldn’t get what the vaccine purported to protect against. My pup was vaccinated against kennel cough at 3 months old but he had it when we rescued him at 9 months old. My previous pup was vaccinated against Lyme. He got it. My son got the flu vaccine in 2019. He got the flu twice that year(the doc had never seen that happen😁).

I didn’t get the jab. I got COVID once. Was sick for about a day and a half. Mild fever. Some muscle soreness. Slept next to my wife the entire time. Breathed the same air. She refused the jab(and lost her job for it) and she didn’t catch it. My mother got the first jab and was sick with the bug 3 days later. Despite having immunity from having the bug, they gave her the 2nd jab after she recovered. She then suffered at least 5 strokes and succumbed due to heart failure(myocarditis wasn’t in the news at the time and no autopsy was done). My mother-in-law(a nurse) got the jab and started getting heart arythmias shortly after the 2nd dose. Her doctor told her it was from the jab and not to get any boosters. She is now on heart meds for life. I guess you might call me a vaccine skeptic or, God forbid, denier.

Good times…

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